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An Act to incorporate the Cahawba Guards, and for other Purposes. 1831 48 (1831)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0152 and id is 1 raw text is: 1882                                 48
councillors in oflice anterior to every such cirction, 0shal1 not he
dissolved until such election shall be held and the comicillors
elected dily qunalified.
Clerk to 1w ap.  See. 6. A(l be it further enacted, That the said intendallt and
Ilk      coInlcil shall aippoilit a clerk, whoe diuty it shall he to keep a tlir
record of their proceedings, and to publish the stone, aInd all hN-
laws and ordinances, ill Some public newspaper, or :A thre sever:l
public places inl said town.
oou tnle taken.  Sec. 7. And be it further enactd, Tlt the intendaIt and
councillors first appointed or elected under this act, and their
suiccessors ill oflice, Shall severally, belotre they enter on the dn-
ties thereol, take all oath beifore Some Justice of tle i-ence, Illt
tlhey' will fhithfiily discharge tihe dtlies to theimi coni tted, witl-
wheiren ihi. out; thvor; a evrtificate of iwhich oath shall we filed with iI t clerk
ofthe board of couicillors.
Qualnfleanions or  Sec. B. Awl be it urther enau ed, That all white miale p'r-
sols above tihe age of twelnty-ole Years, who shall have resided
withinl tile lhiits of, said towi, sik moIths illiliediately pirecediig
an election for couIcillors, and all landholders and a ireholers
therein, shall be deemed quailified electors at sich electionI.
Conneince.  Sce. 9. Anlbeit furether e'naed/, Tllt ench ald every per-
'ji rlorre. SOn who may  1' 1'lected a councillor  l r Szcid town, shall be rr-
offirio a justice of the peace during the timet hie nmy continueli ill
oflice wvithiln tile iilits of said town, for tile pill-pose of executing
and CearIying into olfiec tihe fy-laws and ordinances of Snid corpo-
ewmeion from  Sec. 10. And be itfurther en/rted, Thfat all persons residing
rod dy.    withill tile limits of, the said corporation, Shall be wholly exellpt
from working on roads or performing road duty of any kind with-
out said limits.
lIvponsl.  Sec. 11. And be it further enat/ed, That all acts or, parts of
acts not embraced by this act, or contrary thereto, be, and the
Same are hereby repealed.         Approved, Januiay 21, 1832.
Tro inco'porate tihe Cauawha Guarid, and for otier Purposes.
Section 1. Ie it enacted by the Seaue ancd lhnise of Rep)re-
sntiatie's of the State oj Alabunm in General Assen/iy convcued,
a!Itowiul Gua rdA That tile Cahiawba Gu iards ill the county of D allas he, and they
tire herhey constituted an independent compan , slibject to the
control of tile colilaider-in-chief only: Proielvd, they shall
muister at least twelve thies dinig each year.
May adlopt hy.  See. 2. And be it furcther e'need, That the said Caliawha
la.       Guards are hereby althorized to adlopt any by-laws or constitl-
tion for their own governmnt, nt repugnant to the laws of this
State or the United States, which shall le obligatory o the Ilell-
hers of said coipianiy ililtil repealed.
Fines tnd sub-  Sec. 3. And be it jitrther enacted, '[fhat all monies collected
'uriptio.  by any olicer for filues assessed aga'nst aly member of said com-
paniy, or subscription as hlinorary ilembers of said company,
shall be paid over to the person authorized by Said company to

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