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An Act to authorize Haynes Crabtree to emancipate certain slaves therein named. 1829 77 (1829)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0134 and id is 1 raw text is: 77                               1889.
AN   %CT                              -
For tl0- a';rf of Jmes A. 'tioIpson, taxcollector of Tallascminty,
S(-,     .    Ia to.arr(d i ite Se a If, a? r/ nd ?'e (f  rpri sen-
Latives of the State of Alabama in General Assentdy covt, ned,
TL  i. Comptroller of 'ntulic accounts, he, and he is lherebhy comptroller
athIllor/Izd and roquired to allow to Jimfes A. Thompson, tax- tok 11)w .'. A.
I hi''. lmon1
colletot of I)allas county for the year citvhtceieeii huidied n 1a 3   1.2
twenty line, Ihe sum of one hundiired and sixy-i)thrce dolla,
-tirty-seven and a half cents, heing aln amount overcharged in
tie assessment of that County.  Aproved, December 18, 189.
To alter the name of Lazarus Maddox to that of Leigh Maddux
Suition I . 13c it cicta ,  i the Seiiate and House of lepresen.
ataio's of the State qf Alabama in Geeral .issenbli conv(ncd,
That the iname of Lazarns Maddux. he. and the eamn(! is hereby
chaIiged to that of Lvigh Mrilud  : Provided, that all respon.
sihilities of tw said Lazarus Maiddx shall rennin in as full and
pewrtec ct .ffect fiisr  Leh M  au1x, as now exist agzaiinst Lanl-
rus Mnriddux. %ihose ch istiao name is herehy chalged from that
of Lazarus, to that of Leigh.   Approved, December 23, 1829.
To change the unme William Tanki-skiy to that of William Parmer.
Section I . 13e it enarled hby1 the Scnate and Ho(use( ffl   Ripriesen,
latves o/ the State of Alahama in Grn i raldJsvtnhb Coivend, 4,
TIhat the niame of Vil:namli Tanker l  of MoitgomieriY coim ty
be chatnged to that ot William l'arneir. wod that it he  h eraf-
ter kiown and called by the said imow of WtiTia P::rmewr.
Approuted, Januari 9, 18.0.
To authorie laYnes Crabtree to emancipate certain cinves therein nnmerd.
Se   it I . H, It nCarctd by, the Senate and H ol ' {/;pr.
Latrves of) ti State o/' Alabama ?n General A.sal:/y convene,
Thi (il hynes Crahi rte l' th couinty of Monigon.b-[, .e, a lid
lie i herchy auithorized to cmlancipat e anid free frorm lavery
ani hondage his negro sive iiliied Naivy, and her two chil-
dren William and Thinas, saviig however the rights of lcred-
itors; and upon tle exore-s conditini that the said la iies
Crabtree shall enter into bond with s curit'. in th,  O,  of
seven Iindired dollars. payale to the judge of the County
Coirt of Mongonerl (nmnty '01 d 1to e 1approved by said jugile.
conditione. that the raid Olives 'hall nevevr hverolnv a  chge to
am) county, city, or town in this StAte: Prord4, the ri,,ht' or
(red tors 4hall not hi interferet wi Ii.  Approved, Jaln. 15, 1810
30IN I- nISiLU loN requiring the tilices of the Comptrollcr and Trea..
sure t, be eNminm d innual.ly
flesolved bU th SeNmate and  House of Representativeis of
the State of .1/abanta in,. General .1veinlY convene'd, That
the Comptroller's and Treasul's others shall he examined an-
nually, by a j 'nt comlnittee of thriec members from each
branch of the legislature, a d the said cormmilte shall rePort
to their respective Houses the condition (f said offices, and
whether the said Comptroller andi I( ore: have discharged
their duties strictly according to law. Approved, Jan. 13, 183t

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