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An Act to emancipate certain Persons therein named. 1827 107 (1827)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0098 and id is 1 raw text is: 1Q2
AN ACT, toEnaicipate certain Porsons thermhntned.
VIIEREAS it is represented to.the General Asem*bly by  r
the memorial of a large number of respectable inhabitants of
the City of Mobile that sundry persons of colour descendants of
the ancient creoln population of that place whose owners have
petitioned the Legislature that they be emancipated and froo
fiom Slavery are honest. industrious and well disposed peopl,
and that their being emancipated would not tend to the injury
of society, but would essentially contribute to the welfare of the
individuals concerned and be 4dvantageous to the community
at large: And whereas it also appears to the General Assent-
ly tlat this discript ion of persons are memureably protected
by the third article of the treaty, between the United States
and the French 4epublic, commonly called the touisianA
treaty, The, !ore,
S   n.c'rmo  1. Be it enacted by the Senate and flouse of Rcpre.
sentatires of the Stale of .Alabayma, in General Assembly con-
ed, That the mulatto boy named Joseph Ylaris son of a colourd JosePh Yia.
. I il emlanci.
woman and Slave of John Soto of NMobile be, and he is hereby patd. Notte
emancipated and free from Slavery; saving however the right cifec crd'a.
of creditors and oi the express condition that the said John
Soto enter into bond with security in the penal sum of one
thountwrd dollars to be approve4 by the Judge of the County nond to Ic
Court of M1obile County made payable to the Governor and his cecuted.
:;ucccssors in office to be, filed in the office of the Secretary of
State: conditionmed that the said boy Joseph Ylaris shall not
become a public charge; and that the said John Soto shall ediu-
zate and maintain the said boy until he arrives at the age of
twenty-onb years.
Suc. 2. &id be itfurther enacted, That Ursan Hlonore, aged   n
about eighteen years and the Slave of Leon Nicholas of Mobile are cmanci-
he. and he is hereby emancipated and freed from Slavery; say. pated r4nt t
ing however the rights of creditors, and on the express con- effect cre4da
dition that the said Leon Nicholas enter into bond with secu-
rity'in the lienal suni of one thousand dollars to be approved nonadtkE
hy the Judge of the County Court of Mobile County made pay. exceshy
able to the Governor and his successors in ofnce, to be filed in
the olice of the Secretary of State: conditioned, that the said
boy Ursan lHonore shall not become a public charge and that
the said Leon Nicholas shall educate and maintain the said
boy until he arrives at the age of twenty-one years.
Approved, January 3d, 182M.
AN ACT, making appropriations for ti-year eighteen-handrcd and twcutv'.
SzcrioN I. Be it enacted by the Senate and HTouse of Repre.
sentatives ofthe State uf.lhana, in Gencril A? m'mbly conven-
ad, Timat the following sums of money be, and they are hereby Forns
appropriated to defray the expences of the civil list. and other bero  n
necessary charges of the Govel nment, namely for the payment Assembly.
of the members of the General Assembly at the present
session, fifteen thousand eight-httndred and eleven dollars,
tOgether with the unexpendedbalanceof rmer approprintions

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