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An Act to prohibit the importation of slaves into this state for sale or hire. 1826 44 (1826)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0082 and id is 1 raw text is: liond, with good and cufficient .secarity, for the delivery of
said property co retained in posi essioni, or value thereof
in rnsh, to any creditor or creditors who may have said pro
pertY levied on by virtue of an execution, on or before the
first .ay of August aforesaid.
ctastohave Soc. '. and bc it f rther enacted, That allhonds taken pur-
file ea arI  ait to the provisions o' this act shhatve lhe force and ef.
nt. pect of a judgment again.st principal and sceurity, provided
the propety~ retained by viritue of the same sanll not be deli-
verted on or before the'- day pointed out in said band orbonds:
PruvbU.    Provided, that this act shall niot bev so construed as to affect
the collection of any dcbt contracted previous to the passage
thln'i' of
Security not  Sc. 3. .'nd hw it f'Ite cnacd, That any jion or pet*
lte taken  son twho may take the benefit of this act shall not he compel*
tAae  o   l   t give seurity in a greater sum than the value of the
the proprty. property so retnmed, to be setlled according to the judgment
of two r'u.pectable citizens of the neidghborlood.
Repeal.       Sec. 4. And be it f-rer Ienced, That all laws and paris of
Whwfi to taka laws contraivedr:g the provisions of this alt, he, nd the same
.gec.t.    are hercb, repealed; and this act shall Inke offect anmd be
in force from aid after t1w passage thereof.
lpuroed, Joan. 131h, 1827.
AN ACT to nonthiorizo the judge of the, connty court aind connikiioners; of
roll& aend revenue of the coity of Shlrby to nher it certaiii riod thereiu
Sm. 1. I   it it wid b/ the Senat awl H  o qf' Rtpresop.Ci-
fihes of th  Si4 If oflana. in Ginraul 'Jembly cormned,
That the jiidge (oIf the county courl and COnllieitsionlers of
rodi aiid revenue for the coUlity of SfheliIy be, ;ld they ale
berheby authoriz''d to appoint conrmissionew. wiIhose dut  it
shall be so to alter the state road leading from Kiaimul 'ghn ill
said county to Tuiscalonoa, as thai it whall rat pai through
thc.plantation of Wiml. Hlughs.  Arvitovie Jun. 12, 1827.
AN ACT to prohibit the ilprortationl If slves into t1i. 5ttite fur all oor hirc,
SE~C. 1 . Be jl'n, 'd l1 lte Rpf' n and ffubiic o) A'prI'idn o-
tives of the Si to' of ./alanza, ill Geneeral A'issenbly convenemd,
in     to That from and aft  th.e first day of Aiiiuut ne'Xt, it shall not
be bhioir;lt ill                                             hal1
to (tisl sit he lawful for- any pe'rson) or pcrtons to bringwilhin the limits
for Eale or bire of (his state any Alavc or slaves for tie( puirpose of ,1le or
a~t-' lit of hihee-And if a y person or persons fhiall brig into this state
any' slave or slaves, for the purpose of sale or hire, or shall
sell or hire, or offeti to sell or hire, any slave or slaves brought
into this state after the first day of August next, sucl pe'rsOll
renalty    or persons shall. forfeiLard pay the suni of one throusand dol.
brs for each negro so brought in, one half thercof to the per.
;on suing for the saie, and the other half to the use of the
sate-And moreover, aly penson thuiis offending shall Ile s.
jct to indictment, and oil conviction shall be liable to' be
Cthrd in a sum  iot exceedinG live hundrcd dollars f1,oreach of,

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