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An Act to reduce into one the several acts concerning Roads, Bridges, Ferries, and Highways. 1826 62 (1826)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0080 and id is 1 raw text is: AN ACT to reduce into one the several aots concerning Rtoads, Bridges,
Fcrries, and Highways.
SEc. I. H e it enacted by tie Scnate and House of Representa.
tes of thlie State of .labama, in General .1sscmb!y convened,
1Roadsnowm- That all public roads ahd highways in the Eeverdl counties
tablished, de- of this state, that have been laid out or established by viritie
Olared public. of any act of the General Assembly heretofore made, or by
virtue of any order of court, except- such as have becn dis.
continued, are hereby declared to be public roads; and that
at all times hereafter, the county courts of the several coun-
ties of this state shall have fill] powCr to order the laying out
Ronuls maybepublic roads where necessary, and to discontinue such county
discontinued. roads as now are, or shall hereafter bel made, as shall be
found useless, and to alter roads so as to make them more use-
proviso.   ful, as oftentas occasion may require: Provided, That the
courts of the several counties of this state shall in no instance
grant an order on any petition for any new public road, or to
discontinue anl original one, uniless the person or lersos pc.
Notice for ap- titioning for the same shall have given at least thirty days nto-
nwnitrod  tice, by advertisement, of his or their intended application,
be given.  stuck up at tile court house, and three other public pla)ltes i
the county, in which the road is intended to be made, or dis.
Sec. 2. Dc itfurther rnacted, That all roads hereafter or-
lnadt to be dered to be made, shall *he laid out by a jury of householders,'
laid wit by
1ury f houe- to be appomnted by the county court of roads and revenue,
'holders.  and said jury shall consist of seven persons, a inajori * Y of
whom shall he instructed by the court to lay out the road so
ordered to the greatest a(lvantage of the inhabitants, and as
little as may be to thie prijudice of enclosures; and the raid
Oath ofjury. jury shall thke the following onith, to wit:  I,  - , (1o so.
lemnly swvmr, that I Will lay out tihe road now directed to lie
laid out, by the order to us directed front the county court of
roads and revenue, to the greatest advantage to the public,
and with as little preudice to enclosures as r-y he, w! ithlout
fhvor or atfhetion, mnalice or hatred, and to the best of my
skill and kntowledge: so help me God.
Countycourti  Sec. 3. Be it furlhr rnacted, Tlit it shall be the (Ity of
toltyoftrroads the county court of roads aind revenue of each county in this
into gradc. sthte, to divide all the roads paEing thrlough their respclive
counties into different grades; and said roads shall be kept
1st gradehow open and repai red in tile following ianner: Those of tIe first
wide, &c.  grade shall be cleared of all trees, at least thirty feet widei
with'll stumps cut within six inches of the surhIce, all cause.
2d grade.  ways at least fifteen feet wide. Second grade, to be not less
than twenty feet wide, with all Ftuimps cut withii six inches
3d grade.  of the surface, all causeways at least twelve feet wide. Third
grade, to be not less thant lifteen feet wide, With all stunps
cut within six inches of the surfacc, all causeways at least ten
Injury to pri- feet wide. A!d ini all cases where a new road is established,
vate property, the owner or owners of the land over which such road pass.
how  aseml-
4 --T   es, may at the next term of the county court apply to said

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