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An Act to emancipate certain slaves therein named. 1826 105 (1826)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0079 and id is 1 raw text is: Cervices an(, expenditures, respectively, as commissioners for
travelling to the-seat--of government irrMispsipptste, to-
close the unsettle.d accounts bctween the states of Alabama
atd Mississippi, under a joint resolution of the General As-
sombly of this state, passed at the last session: Provided, That Prbvksi
any amount which may have heon received by said commis-
sioners out of the contingent fund shall be deducted from the
sum allowad them by this act.
Sec. 2. And bc it further enocted, That the law under which Repca
taid compnissionors were appointed, be and the same is here-
by repealed.                  ArPr.ovED Jam 12, 1827#
AN ACT to compemiate the consisioert appointed by the Governor for
ncurtahain aud msarking the permanent boundury line between this state
and Georgia.
SEc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreyenla-
tives of the State of Alabama, in Gencral Assembly contened,
That the comptroller of public accounts he nd he is hereby
required to issue his warranton the treasurcr, in favor ofAr-
thur P. Bagby, for the sum of six hundred dollars, and of
Charles Lewis for the sum of six hundred dollars, in full com- ToAPflagby
pensation for their services and expenditures respectively,as and C Lewi.
commissioners for ascertaining and marking the boundary line
between this state and Georgia, under a joint resolution of
the general assembly, passed at the last session thereof.
Sec. 2. And be it fbrth/ur enacted, That the further sum of one
hundredandfifty eightdollars and fifty cents, be,and the same
is hercby, appropriated for the payment of Charles Lewis, To C Lewi?.
for the survey of the Chatihoochic river, made by order of
the Governor.
Sec. 3. And be itfurther enacted, That the sum of eighty dol-
lars he and the sani is hereby appropriated for the payment
of William Kelly, for his attendance at Nickajack, by order To WKel)y.
of the Governor, to aid in running the line between this state
and the state of Georgia, in the event eithe r of the commis-
eioners of this state was absent or incapable of at.ending.
ArPROVED, Dec. 26, 1826.
.AN ACT for the relief ofJanes W. Armstrong.
Src. 1. Be it enacted by the Senae and House of Represenia-
tives of the State of Alabama, in General Assenbly convened,
That the comptroller of public accounts be authorized and  Comptroller
to ascertain
instructed to ascertain whether the sheriff of Montgomery whether wore
county did collect for the state on a judgment obtained by the was collected
*state against James W. Armstrong, a defaulting tax collect- from J WArm
or, a larger sum than he was legally bound to pay, and to is- stonbo
sue his warrant on the treasury in favor of said James W. pay;andifso,
Armstrong, for such excess, if any there be due him.   to uave ccls
APrROVED, JAN..12, 1021..                          refunded.
AN ACT to emancipate certain slaes.therein naned.
Whereas it is represented to the General Asscmblv hiy the PreamblA

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