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An Act to exempt Invalids from paying Poll Tax. 1825 47 (1825)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0076 and id is 1 raw text is: 41                                  1825.
Sec. S. Be it further enacted, That the expenses conse-            /
quent on the removal of the aforesaid offices and c-ther Expenses of
public 'property, shall be paid out of any motiney in the 'seval, 'low
treasury not otherwise appropriated.                    .
Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That all notices, proclama- Notices, pro.
tions, &c. which are now by law required to be published cllmation. &o
in the Cahawba Press and Alabama State Intelligencer, and toi I    lsh.
all motions, plaints and actions in behalf of the state, re- newspaper in
quired to be instituted and prosecuted in either the coun- Tlslkaloosa.
ty or circuit courts of Dallas county, shall, after the remo-
val of the aforesaid oflices, as to notices, proclamations, ke. .
be published in some newspaper printed in the town of Tus-
caloosa; and as to motions, plaints and actions in behalfof
the state, the same shall be instituted and prosecuted in
either the county or circuit court of Tuscaloosa county, in
the same manner, and subject to the same rules, restric-
tions, regulations and provisions, as are now prescribed by
Scc. 7. Be it further enacted, That this act shall coi- when to take
rnence and be in force from and after the first day of Feb-   cflect.
ruary next.        Approved, January 7, 1826.
AN ACT to exempt Invalids from paying Poll Tax.
Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ,f Iiepresen- Certain per-
trtives of the statr of Alabamfa, in general assembly convcned, Solis exCmpt
'1hat hereafter all free persons who by any bodily infirini- from poll tax.
ty, may be exempt from    working on public roads in this
state, shall also be exempt from paying poll tax; and that
all free persons of colour who shall have attained the age
of sixty years, shall not be liable to pay poll tax.
Sec. 2. And be it jrither enactd, That all slaves who slaves not fit
may be lunatic, blind, or insane, or from other cause may for tabour,not
be entirely unprofitable to their owners, shall not be sub- ibj  t to
ject to taxauon i this state, any law to the contrary not- taxatin.
withstanding: Provided, nothing in this act shall be so      Proviso,
construed as to exempt from taxation, any slave under ten
years of age.'               (Approved Jan. 13, 1826.)
For the relief of the tax collector of Moblie county.
Whereas the tax rollector of Mobile counity ho h een unable, from
the prevalence of nialignant fever in tihe city of Mobile, to comttplete
the collection of the taxes of said county, uld to i count fir the same
to the treasury within the titoe required hv la; for re inily heirleof
Sec 1. Ie it enacted by the Senate and House of' Representatives
of the state of hlahanu:,in gencral assemab/ qronvened. l'h*t John
Atcher, tax collector of Mobile county be, an he is hreby allowed
until the first day of April next, to complete the collectinft of the
taxes of Mllabile counity, aInd to pty the satme into the' treasury of the
state; upon conditioni, that the isecurities of the sniti JohI Ardlr shall
consent to the provisions of this act, and shall file the'ir conselit iu
%% riting in the oflice of the secreti v of state, on or before the first'
day of April next, otlit wise the fit flitures heretofore incut red shall
be and enuin in full force. [Approved January 12, 1826.]

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