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An Act Appropriating the fins and forfeitrues, accruing in Madison County, to the benefit of Green Academy. 1823 108 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0038 and id is 1 raw text is: 1893.                             1O
atithorized and required to issue his wnrrant on the Tren.
sulry (or the saint ; which shall be pain o'' o4 f0l atjoileys
in the Treasury not otherwise apI ropriated.
Appropri.  Sec. 2. And be it further encted bg th outhority afore-
ation to  -aid. That the lehal reprosentatives of I larry ''on!mii. u-
1    l-or.cased, be allow, I the sum of one hundred dollars, for fir.
min.    rishing a table of contents to the Digest of the laws of this
state', and for other services.
Sec. 3. .And be it further enacted, That the aforesaid sum
liall he considerd a full atid complete satisfaction lor all
lithors and iervices which the said I larry Touiinit his per-
formed, towards digestikg the laws of the state of Alabama,
and furnishing the table of contenk for the same.
[Approved, lIer. 30, 1823.]
Appropriating the fines and forfeti-e, accruing in Madifon County, to
the heioteit of Green Academy.
Section). Be it enarvird b11 the Senate and lHouse of Rep.
resentative of the State of Albama, in Ge veral .4s'nemb/y
Finesvest- conncued, That all Fines and forfeitures acrning to the co i.
ed thr fie aI of iadison. ill the circiit or coutiy courts ti'rsuid county,
years.   for fiv years from and altr the firit day 0of Jaiualy next,
shall by virtue of this act he vested iin tle president and
tr-tees of G reen Academy, in the said couity of Madison,
and tleir succes$ors.
Shrff,&r  Sce, 2. De it ir!her en~cted, That it shall he the duty of
to pMy to tihe hetriff br Maladison conity, or the clerk of cither of ;aid
treasurer. 'outs. as tle case maly be, to pay over to the trIar ut  ' ap-
pointed by the trustees of said Academy, for the time heing,
aid his sineccsors in oflice, all such sums of motey as he
may receive on acconit of fines and forfeitures hereidfw
Thm. Philn- :ecruingasafore'i: Providedncrerlith lers. That the ltiff
lips now- of said count)' is hereby atithorized to Iaiy to Thanu, Phil-
ed py El r lip  f s 0'id county, the Lurn of four hundred dol1uri. in full
wine.  satisfotion for a certain negro mail slave who wis killed by
the fall of a tree in cutting out a public road in said county,
out of the first momt'  ht him collected.
(A proved, Dec. 3ll, 1W.)
To regulate the Commissionr of Assssois aid Tax Collectors in this Stnte.
Section I. 1It it enarcd by the Senate and House of liep-
resintativrs of the State of' dlablama, in Guer al .ldssnddy?/
soneed. That the asatssor amid tax colltclor ill each and
cvcr count) in this state, exce-ptitg the conticies herein
aftmr ined, shall receive the followiig cowpenisation for
asscsFiug. collctinlt! and accoutini g for the tax(s by thein
colectetd, to wit: 'wenit) per cemit. on the first fouri hun-
dred 'dolars; hit per (ct. on tit txt six hutndied dollnis;
six pet ceil. oni the text tlouisaind dollars ; te pet ccit.
on the next thousand dollars; aid three per ccit. oil all
sums over and above three thousand dollars; and five per

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