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An Act to regulate Patrols, and for other purposes. 1819 35 (1819)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0011 and id is 1 raw text is: 'rotlin dfi1l extend to and enbrace all to4 tract tflm.frnliW
try belongiuig tiu the CUhickasaw riltat  of utalatil lyisg
within the limits of this State. so fat as it maity be iecitk
sary to give effect te the lawe punislihig citizens, who havO
pfreohided against the crimiial laws of this State, or of the
United Siates, within the nations aibremaid
See 4. .0 nd be itfurther evacted, Thit ijudg*, who has pgC ot toit
decided on a case, in] ai cicuit Ourt of any Coltily of thI a  ini tme
Stlate, shall not decide upon the fatme case, i the Sulpr mte & spreate
(Sigited)            JAMES DELLET,
Speaker of the House of Representativee
President of the Sena.
Approved-Dec 17, 1819.
(Signed)              WM. W. BIBB.
.n a t tr       e    aturols      and for otlllte
-SECTION 1. BFE it enacted by the Senwel,and Hfouse of
Represculaiives of the  tlte ojslabunta, in General Isseubly Who lishIP
convened, That every uale owner of Mavs, anld all ther doi dPtrol dutyc
pw s.os below the rank of cusign. liable to pe*Fornemilitia-
t-y duty, are hereby declared.lialde to perilr  patrol duty,
as hereinfter directed : but shall lie at liberty to send a sub.
stitute to pel-rori said duty in their stead
See. 2  It shall be the dity of every Captain of lfantry Captins reqAT.
in this State, to Calis(, to he miade a complete list of all the red tw Mai pau
male persons withinn the houbds of his coulpanly. liable totdctacun'tr.
phrlrmn patrol duty, inicludiig in the said list everN per-
son liable as atfoesaid, whit her belongiig to the Imilitia
conipan  iider his command. ir to aiy other Co'Tanty;
and in th!,e said list the said captain shill ciuse to be iiiclud.
ed every pIsotIn litib* as aforesaid. who shall come to re.
side within said bounds, within ten ai as after.eich pu rsoln
shall reside thereiii and it shall be their duty to regulate
patrol within their own compiles, by muking, at ewery
company muster of' their respeclive Companies, by rotation,
a list of patrol detachme*ts. und appoint to every such de.
taihineit a propet' icer or leader which detachment shall
severally consist of' not less thian three not. more than five
men beside theji leader, whn' shall perform the duties of pa.
tr'ols, once in each wveek, fh the term of two inonths, or
until the next company muster. except at the last muster in
each year 'at which time it slill be the duty of the captairt
be appoint two pitle  detachments, as aloe deslguate t

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