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1 A Review of the Reasons Given for Establishing a Registry of Slaves in the British Colonies in a Report of a Committee of the African Institution, Entitled Reasons, &c. &c. 1 (1815)

handle is hein.slavery/rvergslbc0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 


                          OF THi


              REGISTRY OF SLAVES


                            IN A
                           E NTIfl c.
                   °REASONS, &c. &c.*

IT is much to be wished that some
persons competent to- the task
would write a full and impartial
history of the Abolition of the Slave
Trade. No single event is more
curious or important. The same
generation of men heard the first
promulgation, and have witnessed
the final triumph, of the great prin-
ciples of mercy and justice which
form the charter of freedom to the
unnumbered nations of Africa.
Sentiments which, in the recollec-
tion of every man of mature age,
were derided, even in the sanctuary
of liberty and science, as the visions
of finatics, have now been solemn-
iy adopted into the great code of
National Law by all the states of
the civilized world. Never was a
contest more arduous, nor a vic-
tory more complete. Yet when the
historian of this great revolution
had, in the course of his narrative,
arrived at the present period, he

would close his volsme with a
strange union of exultatien and
alarm. After recording successes
surpassing the. hes of the most
sanguine, he would perceive that
the final deliverance of Arica had
not yet been accomplished.-Two
nations in te centre of the Chris,-
tian world still sanction a system
which they have concured to re-
probate as merciless and inhuma.
-In the Western Hembphere every
maritime state of Europe yet holds
in bondage the natives of Afrca or
their descendants. The colonies.
which have so long been the dis-
grace of one continent, and the
bane of the other, remain without a
reformation or even a visible chamge
in their domestic system. Whatever
motives once prompted the pro-
prietors of land in those settle-
ments to encourage the desolation
of Africa, still operate with undi-
minished force. Prohibitory laws

             0 Published by Hatchard, 190, Piecadilly.

Elleront and Henderson. Printers,

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