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1 The Real Issue: Facts for Northern Laboring Men: The New Democratic Doctrine [1] (1856)

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                    THE REAL ISSUE.



  Slavery    not to   be confined      to  the Negro race, but to        be made the
          universal condition      of the Laboring       Classes of Society,


  Working men I the plot thickens-the crisis is upon us. We are to be made slaves ourselves if
    Southern men shall get the power. They have boldly 4nnounced their determination to sub-
    due us, and they mean to do it. They have made us coinpromise everything-then taken away
    their side of the bargain, and afterwards robbed us of ours. We have been so tender and yield-
    ing to them, that, like spoiled children, they think we r ust yield everything to their arroganee
    -that nothing is too sacred for-them to violate.
  W.e have hoped and prayed for peace. We have yielded to demands that well-nigh robbed us of
    our manhood. We have promptly performed every duty we owe to the South. We have peti-
    tioned in the largest numbers, and in every formn, and in the most earnest terms , that our
    brothers in iKansas might be spared from butchery, and their humble cabins be saved from mid-
    night burning. The President and the Oligarchy have puvrned us with contempt, and we have
    been told in the bitterest mockery, to go to the Courts for redress-to courts where judges make
    systematic warfare upon Free State men-courts thrt have'indicted and destroyed, as nuis-
    ances, the most valuable hotels and bridges-that hav,3 silenced the press, and thrown the editors
    and Free State men into prison, on pretexts more un.founded and infamous than ever were put
    trth by the worst, Government in the worst ti  s e-that look with complacency on one mur-
    derer holding a high office under the General G overnnient, and thit have brought tojustice not
  We can never bear that the Union, which we have always cherished and do still cherish as the
    very apple of our eye, shall be made a mockery and delusion.  We can never bear that murder
    and the foulest crimes on the fairest portion of our public territory, sball stnlk not on!y ui-
    avenged, but smiled upon Iwy a venal President and a Lordly Oligarchyl.

    TuE people of the Free States have so long forms of Slaeery to be wrong. The line of defense
 yielded to the arro-ant demands of the Slave however is now changed. 7te South nw ma2V-
 Oligarchy in the South, that the latter has come tins   MatSlavery is right, natural and neces-
 to think it can.carry any measuie it sees fit, no sary, anddpesnot dependupon difference of COXL-
 matter how degrading it may be to the ehracter PLEX.tON.  The LAWS of the Slave States
 of the free white men of the *North.        JUSTIFY the he 1OLDING OF    WHITE 3[EN
   Not many years ago theSouthern slaveholders IA' B0NYDA GE.
 were contented to have their human chattels Another Buchanan paper, the leading one in
 protected in the States where they held them.  South Carolina, says:
   .Yext, they demanded and secured five Slave
   tates from acquired territory, (La., Fla, Ark       is the natural and ormal condition
 Mo., and Texas,) whilethe ree,-tate, have onY  o/ the LABORING  MANI, wihether WHITF
 secured two,-Iowa and California.           or BLA C1.: The great evil of Northern FREb'
   Next, the Slave power demanded all thc ter- society is, that it is burdened uith a ser ile class
 ritories, and broke down the Missouri Compro- of -M11ECHANICS and LABOREVRS, UNFIT
 fr wc secured a part of those territorio to  'OR.SE.]I.:O VERNJIEL  7 andyet clothed
 ma   bor.                                   ',ak the attributes and powers of Citizens. Mas-
   -    they demanded the right to com into ter and Slave is a relation in society as necessary
 therfree States with their slaves whenever they as t ai o  arent and child; and the Northern
 choose, and stay as long as they please, and tie  tat8 w1i yet have to introduce it.  Their theory
 United Stat es Courts seem about to yield t them.  f  rce !ovcrnment is a delusion.
 and grant this outrageous demand.            There is Democratic  doctrine for you with
   But the last, the- crownina, the diabolical  a vengeance  ,our theory of free government is
 sumption is, that Slavery is not to be confined to 'a dlusion,-laboring men, whether white o r'
 the NEGRO RACE, but mustbemade to include black, to be slaves.' Verily, matters are coming
 laboring WHITE MEN    also.  This doctrine, to a pretty iine pass with us.
 which is so monstrous and shocking as almost to  The Richnond (IVa.) Enquirer, Mr. Buchanan's
 seem incredible, is now openly avowed and dc- confiden ial organ and considered by the  De-
 fended by very many of the newspapers and of mocratie  party as its ablest paper in the South,
 the public in,.n of the South that support James speaks as follows in a recent number:-
 Buchanan.  The doctrine is also proclaimed by 1? ep.eedly have we asked the North, ' Has not
 some Northern newspapers of the so-called De- the experiment of Universal LIB-ERTY FAIL-
 inocratic party, but not enerally with such -ED? Arenot the evils of IRE, SOCITETY
 boldness as in the South. To show the exact ex-I. UFj.AB.E?      td do not
 tent and nature of Iliis doctrine of enslaving I  UF'ERAB LE? y ony youpropose to subert and recon.
 WHITE   ME', the following extracts from       u?    Still  aswr. Thisloomy silence
 Buchanan papers, and from the spee,.Ies of sr   i ? Stll no   ',.     etom l  oo se
 Buchanan men are given.                     o n 2l1u8U eiidenc c . .f a i . . . .ter
                           conclusiveevices we ba1-Pf;,rrnits-hcd. that _ 'Rg.E
  That they despise, and flout and mean to sub-  '() -I inl the lone r7M ';s an impraciabl
duetl  -We eanno h-nger doubt. ;Re d- .i..e y; ;t               r, ' •
their J!)ding new spapers and their loading m en ' li ,d ¢ ,  -  ' t
now say of us all, fellow-workmen.                    ,
         The~ ~ ~ Rihmn   on;fte111i1         We r~peat, then, that policy a),d humanitalk
               ' pr   ,     , e           forbid A? extension o/' the evils of free society to
Democratic papers in Virginia, ard ,e v support-',  --Ol (d coming (enerations.
ing Mr. Buchanan, bols Iho following, tam .   I       ..   nd    -o           fs o e
,CinRt.                                            liong ciriized VW', C'e i s and endure.
   Unti recently, the de?6',.e f sb'v1ry has labor' d The ou1e must give wvy anl' rse to exist. T7ne othe'
u a dr ,treat difeulties, 6eca 'mse its apologists, (foi become universal.
they were mere apolbqgst.?,) took halfway ground,h..  Iffree society be unnatural, inmoral, unchris-
l7heu confined th,- ltonsq of Slavery to VFREbRL tian, it must fall, 'nd give way to a slave society,
V 1C( R 0   Slavrrq ; thered, giving up the ..o& ar, S    .ru stw  obl, as the inorld, universal a,
'I T'ERY  PRIA'CIPLEK (a btlimng other' - nt

Reproduced with permission from the University of Illinois at Chicago

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