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1 John Johnson, A Collection of all the Ecclesiastical Laws, Canons, Answers, or Rescripts, with other Memorials concerning the Government, Discipline and Worship of the Church of England [i] (1720)

handle is hein.religion/clecclws0001 and id is 1 raw text is: A
Of All the
Ecclefiaflicil Laws, Canons,
Anfwers, or Refcripts,
With other ME M O RIALs concerning the
Government, Difcipline and Worthlip of the
Church of England,
From its firft Foundation to the C O N QU E s T,
that have hitherto been publifi'd in the
Latin and Saxonic Tongues.
And of  il the
Canons and Conflitutions Ecciefiaftilcal,
made fince the CONQUEST and before
the REFOI&MATION, in any National
Council,. or in the Provinial Synods of
Cante'bw4      and Tork,
That have hitherto been publifh'd in the
Latin Tongue.
Now firfc Tranflated into Englih with Explanatoiy
N o T E s  and fuch Glofl~s from L);2dwcod and
Athone, as were thought moft ufeful.
P A & -T the Firft,
By J 0 H IN 1 0 H N S 0 N, M. A. Vicar of Craizbrook
in the Diocefe of Canterbury.
Printed for ROBERT KNAPLOCK in st.twaul's Church-Yard,
and SAMUEL  ALLARD in Little-Britain. MDCCXX.

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