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6 State of New York. In Convention. Record 2517 (1894)

handle is hein.newyork/nyincvrec0006 and id is 1 raw text is: 




                          No. 133.


    Thursday Evening, 'Set. 20, 1894.
  The  'Cons~ttuonl   'Convention of
the .State of New York met pursuant
,to recess, dn IThe Capitol, Albany, 'N. Y.,
Thursday, Sept. 20, at 8 p. n.
  Second Vlce-Prestdent Steele called
The Convention to order.
  (Mir. CookdnhWmn-Mr. lreidet, I ask
consent to offer two resolutions.
  The Presdent pro 'te-The secretary
will read the resoitdons.
  The secretary read the resolutions
as follomw:
  Resolved, That a committee con-
sWing of ten delegaites be appointed
by the President Ito draft an address
to thel people of the 'State, explanatory
of the proposed constitutional aauenh$-
ments o (be submitted to the popular
'Vote, and that the President be ex
offiio Chairman of sub    conm  ittee;

  Resolved, That the Conventont Mid-
  journ siue die on Saturday, Septehnber
  22, at 12 a'lock nolon, or as soon
  thereafter on that day as the Coni-
  stitttonal 'amendnents then adopted
  can be read and the revised Co-lstdtu-
  tion read, adopted as a whole, amid
  signed) b7 the delegltem
  'Wr. Cookinham-I   ask 'that these
  resolutions lie on the table.
  Mr. aMooe-Mr. Preide[t, I desire to
  debate both of thos0e resolutions.
  Mr. Spbrlngiwefifer-Mr. President, I
  offer the following resolution':
  The President pro   emn-The secre-
  tary Will read Mr. Springweller's reo-
  The secretary read the resolution of
  Mr. Spr 'ngwe eer as follnows:

  Whereas, The wage-workers of this
State have petitioned this Convention,
tha-ough mmy thousand citizens, to
pass ithe co-ernploye fiability, ani-
consplscy and anti-itrust amendments;
therefore be It
  Resolved, That 'htia Convention Will
not adjourn without considering these
requests and passing of said amend-
  (Mr. I. Sam Jdhnson--Mr. President,
a point of order. These resolutions
refer ito the business of this dty and
every other day, as 'the President of
thibs (Convebtioti has ofteni ruled, amd
I think we ought Ito consider them the
ffnment they are put an here.
  (Mr. 'McMillan-Mr. President, I ask
'for a, roll-call to  ascertain whether
there is a quorum or not.
  The secretary -called the roll, and it
was announced that ninety-six mem-
bers were present.
  Mr. Tel ulsky--Mr. President, LI would
  li1ke to offer 'the folloiwing resolution.
  Mr. 'Spenaer--lI rise 'to a Point of
  order. We are 1by a vote of Ihe Con-
  vention in the order of third reading of
  bills, aud as I understand it 'we cannot
  depart from that ordAer 64 rejding
  .while, there Is any work before the
  Coinvention, without a vote of the Con-
  The President ,pro tem-TIe Chaitr
  will state 'that it has (been 'the cust a
  to allorw a few moments for 'the ordi-
  nary business 'of the 'Convention at
  each session.
  ,Mr.  Spencer-But, Mr. President,
  sonve of these resolutions may call
  out debate and may consume the whole

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