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4 State of New York. In Convention. Record 1511 (1894)

handle is hein.newyork/nyincvrec0004 and id is 1 raw text is: 




                         No. 86.


   Tuesday Evening, August 28, 1894.
   The fConstitutional Convention met
 in the Capitol at Albany, August 28,
 1894, at 8 P. M.
   Second Vice-President Steele called
 the Convention to order.
 Mr. Lincoln-Mr. President, Mr.
 Crosby has informed me by telegram
 that he will be obliged to be absent
 Wednesday and Thursday this week,
 and ask to be excused from attend-
 ance on those days.
 The President put the question on
 the request of Mr. Crosby to be ex-
 cused from attendance, and he was
 so excused.
 Mr. M. E. Lewis-Mr. President, I
 ask leave of absence on Saturday of
 this week.
 The President put the question on
 the request of Mr. Lewis to be excus-
 ed from attendance, and he was so
 Mr. Jenks-Mr. President, I ask
 leave of absence for Saturday of this
 The President put the question on
 the request of Mr. Jenks to be ex-
 cused from attendance, and he was
 so excused.

 Mr. Coleman-Mr. President, I ask
 to be excused on Saturday of this
 week, and Monday and Tuesday of
 next week.
 The President put the question on
 the request of Mr. Coleman to be ex-
cused from attendance, and he was so

   Mr. Gigerich-Mr. President I de-
 sire leave of absence for Saturday and
   The President put the question on
 the request of Mr. Giegerich from at-
 tendance, and he was so excused.
   Mr. Mulqueen-Mr. President, I ask
 leave of absence for Saturday and
 The President put the question on
 the request of Mr. Mulqueen to be
 excused, and he was so excused.
 Mr. Jacobs-Mr. President, I ask
 leave of absence for Monday and part
 of Tuesday. I would not ask for it,
 but I am called by telegram on busi-
 ness that has got to be attended to
 upon those two days.
 The President put the question on
 the request of Mr. Jacobs to be ex-
 cused from attendance and he was so
 Mr. Storm-I ask to be excused Fri-
 day and Saturday of this week.
 The President put the question on
 the request of Mr. Storm to be ex-
 cused from atendance, and he was so
 Mr. Cochran-Mr..,President, as it'
 may be thato *1 shall have to be ab-
 sent Saturday, and if I postpone it
 until a larger number of delegates are
 present it may be refused, I will ask
 now to be excused Saturday in case I
 need it.
 The President put the question on
 the request of Mr. Cochran to be ex-
cused from attendance, and it was
determined in the negative.
Mr. Woodward-Mr. President

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