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42 J. World Trade [i] (2008)

handle is hein.kluwer/jwt0042 and id is 1 raw text is: Journal of

Volume 42                             February 2008                             Number 1

Towards Sounder and Fairer WTO Retaliation: Suggestions
for Possible Additional Procedural Rules Governing
Members' Preparation and Adoption of Retaliatory

Reto Malacrida

The Biofuels Landscape: Is There a Role for the WTO?       Doaa Abdel Motaal

The Use and Misuse of Trade Negotiation Simulations

What Scope for an EU-ASEAN Free
Trade Agreement?

James Scott    87

Bernadette A ndreosso- O'Callaghan
and Franoise Nicolas

Forecasting the Trade Outcomes of Liberalization in a
Quota Context-What Do We Learn From Changes
in Textiles Trade After the ATC?
Fear and Loading in West Bank/Gaza: The State of
Palestinian Trade
Developing Countries and Enforcement of Trade
Agreements: Why Dispute Settlement is Not Enough
The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity and
WTO Law: A Case Study in Fragmentation of
International Law
Book Review: Markus Gehring, et al. World Trade
Law in Practice

Louise Curran  129
Gys Berends  151
Chad P. Bown and
Bernard M. Hoekman   177
Jan Wouters and
Bart De Meester  205

Juhi Sud 241

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