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8 Eur. Foreign Aff. Rev. [i] (2003)

handle is hein.kluwer/eurofa0008 and id is 1 raw text is: EUROPEAN FOREIGN
VOLUME 8       ISSUE 1    SPRING 2003
Guest Editorial
Democratic Deficit: A European Scapegoat for Domestic Trouble                 1
Piotr Nowina-Konopka
Ploughshares into Swords? Euros for European Defence                          5
Antonio Missiroli
European Foreign Policy: A Collective Policy or a Policy of 'Converging Parallels'?  35
Costanza Musu
The Qualified Zones in Transition:                                           51
Navigating the Dynamics of the Euro-Israeli Customs Dispute
Lior Zemer and Sharon Pardo
Stabilisation and Association Agreements: Europe Agreements for the Western Balkans?  77
David Phinnemore
The Adoption of the Schengen and the Justice and Home Affairs Acquis:       105
The Case of Bulgaria and Romania
Lora Borissova
Recent Developments in the Adaptation of Ukrainian Legislation to EU Law    125
Roman Petrov
Common Actions and Positions Adopted During 2002 by the                     143
Council of the European Union in the Framework of the
Common Foreign and Security Policy (as at 31 December 2002)
Storm Clouds over Cyprus: A Briefing                                        149
Clement Dodd
New Asylum Countries?: Migration Control and Refugee                        150
Participation in an Enlarged European Union
Rosemary Byrne, Gregor Noll and Jens Vedsted-Hansen (eds)
Copyright' 2007 by Kluwer Law International. All rights reserved.
No claim asserted to original government works.

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