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8 Eur. Rev. Private L. i (2000)

handle is hein.kluwer/erpl0008 and id is 1 raw text is: European Review of Private Law
Volume 8 No. 1, 2000
Special Issue on Interactive Private Law Adjudication in the European Multi-
level System - Analytical Explorations and Normative Challenges
Marie-Jeanne CAMPANA! Avant-Propos                                   v
Christian JOERGES/ Editorial and Acknowledgements                 vii-x
Section I: Framework Conditions
Christian JOERGES/ Interactive Adjudication in the                1-16
Europeanisation Process? A Demanding Perspective and a
Modest Example
Sonja FEIDEN/ Europeanisation of European Law Adjudication       17-24
- A Comment
David GEARY / Notes on Family Guarantees in English and          25-31
Scottish Law - A Comment
Marie-Jeanne CAMPANA] Vers un langage juridique commun en        33-50
Europe ?
Nikolaus URBAN/ One Legal Language and the Maintenance of        51-57
Cultural and Linguistic Diversity? - A Comment
Section II. Non-Legislative Europeanisation: Perspectives and
Ole LANDO/ Optional or Mandatory Europeanisation of              59-69
Contract Law
Kristina RIEDI- The Work of the Lando-Commission from an         71-83
Alternative Viewpoint - A Comment
Mauro BuSSAM/ 'Integrative' Comparative Law Enterprises          85-99
and the Inner Stratification of Legal Systems
Pierre LAROUCHE/ lus Commune Casebooks for the Common          101-109
Law of Europe: Presentation, Progress, Rationale
Copyright ' 2007 by Kluwer Law International. All rights reserved.
No claim asserted to original government works.

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