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9 EC Tax Rev. 1 (2000)

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Tax law and the Court of First Instance of the
European Communities
Koen Lenaerts
Limitation of the national power of taxation by the
fundamental freedoms and non-discrimination clauses
of the EC Treaty
Moris Lehner
The proposed EC Interest and Royalty Directive
Dennis Weber
The practice of renting tables in Dutch 'coffeeshops'
falls under the scope of the Sixth VAT Directive
L. De Broe
R.M.D.M. van der Vlies
Europe on its way to a multilateral tax treaty
Michael Lang
Josef Schuch
European Commission introduces beneficial owner-
ship in latest tax directives proposals adding to the
confusion with regard to its meaning
Luc Hinnekens
The relationship between the national systems of
legal protection of the taxpayer and the European
Convention on Human Rights
Nico Kleemans
Ilse De Troyer and Luk Vandenberghe
Ana Paula Dourado
Peter Elliott
Janne Juusela
Bettina Winnen
Francesco Nanetti
Laura Spinoso
Sergio Vasques
Amparo Grau Ruiz

EC TAX 1WEW 2o6) I

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