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11 Eur. Bus. L. Rev. 1 (2000)

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Volume 11                       Issue 1                    2000
How is Liberalisation of Telecommunications Panning
Out in Germany?                                                2
Wolfgang von Meibom Axel and Freiherr von dem Bussche,
Wesing & Be'renberg-Gossler
Towards a Pan-European Securities Market for SMEs:
the EASDAQ and Euro.NM Models                                  8
Yannis V Avgerinos
From the Companies Act of 1965 to the KonTraG 1998
- 33 Years of Legislation on Company Law in Germany           27
Ihno Gebhardt
Legal Developments in Debt Securitisation                     39
Andrew Haynes
Proposal for a Fourteenth European and Council Directive
on the Transfer of the Registered Office or de facto
Head Office of a Company from One Member State to
Another with a Change in Applicable Law                       43
Harry Rajak
True Proportionality and Free Movement of Goods and Services  50
Jukka Snell
Book Review
E-Commerce Law and Practice                                   58
Michael Chissick and Alistair Kelman

Copyright © 2007 by Kluwer Law International. All rights reserved.
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