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48 Common Market L. Rev. [i] (2011)

handle is hein.kluwer/cmlr0048 and id is 1 raw text is: COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW

CONTENTS Vol. 48 No. 1 February 2011
Editorial comments: The Union, the Member States and international
agreements                                                  1-7
M. Payandeh, Constitutional review of EU law after Honeywell:
Contextualizing the relationship between the German
Constitutional Court and the EU Court of Justice           9-38
E. Muir, Of ages in - and edges of- EU law                      39-62
A. Dimopoulos, The validity and applicability of international
investment agreements between EU Member States under EU
and international law                                     63-93
V. Trstenjak and E. Beysen, European consumer protection law:
Curia semper dabit remedium?                             95-124
J. Armour and W.-G. Ringe, European company law 1999-2010:
Renaissance and crisis                                  125-174
Case law
A. Court of Justice
Joined Cases C-501, 513, 515 & 519/06 P, GlaxoSmithKline Services
Unlimited v. Commission, with annotation by S. V6lcker  175-188
Case C-45/08, Spector Photo Group NV Chris Van Raemdonck v.
Commissie voor het Bank-, Financie- en Assurantiewezen
(CBFA), with annotation by M. BOse                      189-201
Case C-310/08, London Borough of Harrow v. Nimco Hassan Ibrahim
and Secretary of State for the Home Department;
Case C-480/08, Maria Teixeira v. London Borough of Lambeth
and Secretary of State for the Home Department, with annota-
tion by C. O'Brien                                      203-225
Case C- 154/08, Commission v. Spain, with annotation by M. L6pez
Escudero                                                227-242
Case C- 117/06, Proceedings brought by Gerda M6llendorf and
Christiane M6llendorf-Niehuus; Case C-340/08, M & Others
v. Her Majesty's Treasury; Case C-550/09, Criminal
Proceedings Against E & F, with annotation by C. Murphy  243-264
Book reviews                                                  265-290
Publications received                                         291-298
Survey of Literature                                          299-316

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