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8 Bus. L. Rev. 1 (1987)

handle is hein.kluwer/blr0008 and id is 1 raw text is: Editor
Susan Nicholas LLB
Editorial Advisory Board

Roy M Goode OBE LLD
Crowther Professor of Credit and Commercial
Law, and Director of the Centre for
Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary
College, University of London; Solicitor
L C B Gower
Former Vice-Chancellor and Professor of
Law, University of Southampton; Special
Research Adviser to the Department of Trade;
Frances Graupner MA(Oxon)
Solicitor, Baker & McKenzie
E R Hardy Ivamy LLB PhD LLD
Professor of Law in the University of
London; Barrister
Richard Mallows
Solicitor, McKenna & Co

January 1987
Vol 8 No I

Hubert Picarda BCL MA
Norman Selwyn JP LLM Dip Econ(Oxon)
Labour Law Consultant
Kenneth R Simmonds
Professor of International Law in the
University of London
Keith Walmsley LLB FCIS
Solicitor, Manager Legal Service, The Stock
Nicholas Dee BA, Barrister, FCA
Deloitte, Haskins & Sells
Ex Officio
Ruth Eldon BA

Book Reviews Editor
Peter Groves, LLB, MA, Solicitor, 4 Church End, Thurleigh, Bedford
MK44 2DA

Cold Feet in The Cabinet
As was widely predicted (even in Private
Eye!) the Government has decided that
reform of the law of copyright is too hot
to handle. This after thirteen years of
debate, during which time the law has
become more and more shambolic.
Political convenience has triumphed
over the interests of rights owners,
despite the stress laid by the Nicholson
Report on the importance of intellectual
property for innovative industry. The
present shambles will remain intact until
the electorate has spoken and the next
Government has fulfilled as many of its
manifesto promises as it sees fit.
Non-reform can be in very few
people's interests. Freehold tenure of
copyrights has been eroded since 1956 by
advances in the technology of trespassing
on those rights, and by legal restrictions
on the actions which could be taken

against squatters. At least the White
Paper (Intellectual Property and
Innovation, Cmnd 9712) proposed that
they should be obliged to pay a fair rent.
Of course there were hard choices to
be made, especially on industrial designs
and the tape levy. But Government's job
is to take hard decisions, not duck them.
One can sympathise with a Government
facing a House of Commons whose
members are united in their ignorance of
intellectual property law, whipped up by
the propaganda of the vested interests.
But that cannot be allowed to cause the
postponement of very necessary law
To all our readers may we wish every
success in 1987 and hope you will
continue to support us. Please let us
know your views and criticisms during
the year.

Business Law Review  January 1987
Need for Business and Reputation
in UK                             3
US Jurisdiction
The Clouds You So Much Dread    4
Express Covenant or Implied Term
of Confidentiality                8
Company Law
Purchase Orders Under S 459      21
Point of View
UK Competition Law:
Case for Radical Review          24
Trading Law
Part III of Fair Trading Act:
Consumer Protection or Bureaucratic
Red Tape?                        26
City Newsletter                   2
Infobank                          9
Book Reviews                     28
© 1987, Graham & Trotman Limited
(A member of the Kluwer Academic
Publishing Group)
Editorial Office
Graham & Trotman Limited
Sterling House
66 Wilton Road
Telephone 01-821 1123
Contributions and letters for publication,
which should be typed, are welcomed,
and should be sent to the Editor at the
above address.
Subscription Office
Graham & Trotman Limited
Sterling House
66 Wilton Road
London SW1V IDE
Telephone 01-821 1123
Subscription January-December 1987
£130 post inclusive, inland
£145 air assisted mail
Advertisement Sales Steve Willcox
Advertisement Production Brenda Doore

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