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7 Bus. L. Rev. 1 (1986)

handle is hein.kluwer/blr0007 and id is 1 raw text is: Business Law Review  January 1986     1

Susan Nicholas LLB

January 1986
Vol 7 No I

Editorial Advisory Board

Roy M Goode OBE LLD
Crowther Professor of Credit and Commercial
Law, and Director of the Centre for
Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary
College, University of London; Solicitor
L C B Gower
Former Vice-Chancellor and Professor of
Law, University of Southampton; Special
Research Adviser to the Department of Trade;
Frances Graupner MA(Oxon)
Solicitor, Clifford-Turner
E R Hardy Ivamy LLB PhD LLD
Professor of Law in the University of
London; Barrister
Ex Officio
Ruth Eldon BA

Richard Mallows
Solicitor, McKenna & Co
Hubert Picarda BCL MA
Norman Selwyn JV LLM Dip Econ(Oxon)
Labour Law Consultant
Kenneth R Simmonds
Professor of International Law in the
University of London
Keith Walmsley LLB FCIS
Solicitor in Commerce and Industry
Deloitte, Haskins & Sells


We are please to announce that agreement
has been reached with the Bar Association
for Commerce, Finance and Industry
(BACFI) to publish their newsletter as
part of the Business Law Review.
The quarterly newsletter, to be known
as BACFI Bulletin, will appear as four
extra pages at the end of the Review,
commencing in February. This will be
available to all subscribers as we know
that it will be of general interest.
Members of the association are to
receive favourable subscription rates to
the Review which we hope will boost
membership of BACFI. We trust that our
relationship with BACFI will be a long
and happy one.
.Registering Interests in
The House of Commons' Register of
Members' Interests, dating back to 1975,
has always been a woefully unsatisfactory
document. It is regarded by many MPs
themselves as a ludicrous waste of time,
which barely shows even the tip of the
vast iceberg of MPs' extra-parliamentary
financial interests.

There has been mounting concern in
recent years about the growth of
parliamentary lobbying by public
relations firms (on which a significant
number of MPs serve as directors). Even
according to the selective evidence of the
Register itself, a growing number of MPs
have been engaged in paid consultancy
work. The recent spate of scandals in the
City has inevitably aroused public
concern about the role of MPs with City
connections. Anxiety has surfaced from
time to time about the capacity of MPs
holding directorships and paid
commercial consultancies - even
accepting that they abide by the rules
requiring relevant interests to be publicly
declared in debate - to give wholly
unbiased consideration to such matters as
the introduction of cable television, the
privatisation of major public
undertakings or the construction of the
Channel tunnel.
A report by the Commons Select
Committee on Members' Interest last
May expressed concern about the
growing extent of commercial lobbying
but rejected proposals for a register of
professional lobyists. But it did
recommend registration of the
extra-parliamentary interests of, inter
alia, MPs' research assistants and
Continued on p 7


In Perspective
Insolvency Act and Corporate
User Pt 2                        4
Competition, Copyright and
Public Interst                    6
Trade Unions
Miners' Strike and Trade Union
Law                               8
Foreign Economic Law             10
Vicarious liability and Course of
Employment                      23
Employment Law Up-date           24
Training for Contract Negotiation
and Management                   26
Commercial Law
Retail Price Laws Under Review   28
City Newsletter                   2
Infobank                         11
Irish Newsletter                 29
Book Reviews                     31
Books Received                   32
© 1986, Graham & Trotman Limited
Editorial Office
Graham & Trotman Limited
Sterling House
66 Wilton Road
London SW1V IDE
Telephone 01-821 1123
Contributions and letters for publication,
which should be typed, are welcomed,
and should be sent to the Editor at the
above address.
Subscription Office
Graham & Trotman Limited
Sterling House
66 Wilton Road
London SW1V IDE
Telephone 01-821 1123
ubscription January-December 1986
£110 post inclusive, inland
£120 air assisted mail
Advertisment Manager
Tessa Marshall
on 01-821 1123

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