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12 Young Law. 1 (1956)

handle is hein.journals/ynglwr12 and id is 1 raw text is: 74 YOUNG LAWYER
Published for Young Lawyers by the

Junior Bar Conference

American Bar Association

VOL. X1l                                       MARCH, 1956                                            No. 1

ABA Slates NW
Reg. Meeting-
Apr. 15, Hartford
The ABA Northeastern Regional Meeting
will he held at lartford, Connectirut frot
April 16th through the 18th, 1956. While this
Meeting is unider the general guidance of the
ABA Regional Meetings Coomittee, the local
Chain. is Cyril Co.man of Hartford, with
Chas. W. Pettngill of (,reenwich as Co-
Chinc. end is assisted hy Richard If. Bower-
man of New flaven, Allyn L. Brown Jr., and
Chas. M,. Lyman of New flaves.
The Meeting will be ,if to a fast start with
o eay geacteaiiinted receptio  on Stn. eve-
ning, Apr. 15 at she new Statler lotel Head-
quarters. On the host widt neiitg c'ommittee
for JlB-itea will be Bill Moiler. Chsn., Art
Lewis, Mike Schatz, Frank lrNrzzo, Samiael
Freed. and Mary Fitzgerald (Chimn. of 1adi's
The piroceedings git under way farasll OtI
Moilday torsing, Aptil 16, 1956, at 9:30 ott.,
wit iO aisseroly of fth lawyers a ttendiitg fhI
Ioweildty a utitiicon, with pronine t guest
stacak.'rs. The real work of tfit:t 'ling gts
utider way in londay afteritoon when. at
2:00  p.i., tilre  si if  igii  sit.laseouly  tIIte
ests of sairiou s tetio
Ifuring this iniial st'sion, the Judicial Al-
tini ratieo il   S: tit l, toigetlir  wilh  tie  11C.,
is sossotlitn 0 Ire-trial IDetlistrttion, sih.
far tI those Ie  .   at trio r ABlA eetitgs.
11 will I  oniucted Iby Cliel jud ,  iolitia I.
I    of  it, U.S. Dirt. Curt for liet Dirt. of
iol., r. natinslt   i 'iognizod  atilla itv  in  Such
proti.l ire'.
Assisling .udl laws will fhe five afhh law-
sets  frost  Xalhil'tot,  if. ) ..  J-t'  1). BI l-
man, Freacis  N.  liill, Jr h. I I. It  .onnolly,
Gai G. Bress, and fl'fat iW. CRaiifhir.
J'tigr Los atai.ats It.ial ' I haiiy need
For Northwest Regional IMeeting
Apr. 15-18, Ilartfortt
lriie Cyril Coleman, Clnin.
750 Main St., llartfl'oril, ConaIo.
til IhaL on,   tcetciri  with tili tle of fIe-
Inial in  the ]Iis t Iof Colattbia a, an eff tlit,
Itinetis of riitplifying civi] jury trals enour-
ages ite i1 aerritging these Irooratns in the
hopl that otlier juaitlictions will heiefit.
Also scliedulcd for Mfltnday afterlotsl are
Wrorks]ips by th.  - ioins rt Ad initriatire
Law, La lir fclations and Real F'roprty, Pro-
bahe and Trust Law. The first grup will felt
tore a liscssion 'f Trial Tactics iI Admils-
trative Proceedings by uflos Pool, of Wash-
ingtn, t). C., ad a dranatied version of
tfie 'riaf of a ld. of Contract Appeals case,
under tIIe dI etion of Btit. S. Moss of Waih-
ingto,  . C. Conflict of laws on the Has-
rise of  iowers of Appoinient will ie
roidereil ty flarrisosn T. Durand of New
York, while Estate 'lating prilets will
also ho diocusseid. A cocktail party tops off
tie afternoon.
On Trsdty ntoning, Ire will be section
teetings on Insurance, Municial and Cria,-
inal Law. The Monictipal Law section will
deal with rining pofhhets wIil the fnsrane,-
workshop will eoniter In setigation, Prepare.
tion of Meiicl Etidetc aid Trial el f  case
involving trautiatic injury to ile heart. In
the afterniots till' Corporation Section will
ieal with irobletts of Closely     arll irsra-
'Tie iadilional Regional Taaut-at will lie
held Tuelaiay evening, preec.ei  iy a colktail
party. the J13C is sptsrg a falee (dre,
(Continued oat Page .1. Co!. 1)
JBC Annual Meeting Plans
WJIEN-.4ag. 24-26 i oalias
WlIFRE-aker totel, Con.teree & Akard
Single Rooms: $5 to $10
Double Rooms : $7 to $11.50
$8150 to $14 (twin belds)
Parlor, Bedrootit & Bath:
$23 to $37.50
rrite ABA R'servation Dept.
1155 60th St., Chicago
Fee    $10
Details . . . see p. 78. Jan. 1956
ABA Journal

OKLAHOMA CITY ENTERTAINS NATL. CHAIRMAN. On a reet trip, J8C Chin. Robert 0. Storey, Jr.
of Datlls visitod with the Oklahoma City Junior B9r Assn. Pirtured above are (I-) Henry H. Mont-
gomery of Parseti, membr af Ih1 Stat1e Leisiatsre; Bob Storey; A.ne Pickefaielo of Oklhowa City,
Post Pe. of Olulhoma Cy. JIA aed Ast. County Any.; Jins P. Whyl. Jr. of MAlnitsr, County
Anarsey; .d Roberft  M. Murphy, Retn0 China of JSC of Okla. sod County Any,
JBC Results in ABA Membership
Drive Top All Prior Efforts
As The Yountg law yer goes to lPre-s, IIIt- folho ing mlussagi, 'utnc  ft .... \Vs. C.
Farrer ill v-s Angeles J1C Membt trship Irii l)ir. and Stsy.)-
The siti1-s Oi fle fJ1C Slpecial Mcnt rhili (Catf att ign, its Part of the ABA
MNtilrtiI    l   u)i te for 50,000 new iemto-
b    sa ...icl in ottne w.eek prttduc.l fase  ABA  Membership      Chairman
lilnnes as I]1111), IneV, 1/1-1berIS firt~lhe
junior lar C,.nfe.renc.e i•s ile retor.l year  Cecil E. Burney  of Texas
of 1955, tmphasize the teed for con-
tinued anil nilitait rUplaull by all ylunger
lawye t. of .ciborsfii,  ....t.          Gives Reas            os forJoinng
To  sungli.'-Otll  ttI'lidliai  Isltalllln   tcoin-.  Most lawyers  ¢,a)t Inaot  lon,  Ilila'+  an  turdl'r-
li tshlneuit ts   all intlossi  e  tsk, s i le t a  sist-  fi rt d o, ire   Ilit  t  I i  eI ill  h  wi  a   in  II,
atice rendeted at all liv'ls tras taillg short  htw. WXhii you and I talk of ol tloei'. in.
if  phi'nii t l.                            te .1t- actually  talking  .f  the  fut,ir(  ill  oUt
[)li   ''4[r  jI,  ;Ist  ina(''edid  Nt-vada  Chair.  ..... .  We  tl  hilnkillm nf Ila  b - +t ion  uf  il
tilit    illn  J. ffaggio   I.   'illi, as  his  wIt  law   ill h at -  can,  prI   s'' it lil  t 'thit
itte it      Iatto reach hs quota, wit a ei-
tiahhti  t litlti' if   ifire thlan  8() i, of   all   slier-   iu1 fr law I r ks  are  ill.]  ith  Ihtl  i 1s'  ln' i
tly     ili 'anpirig  fot th   Arteaien  Ill Acot-  fi  li l  rl,'  llilti  lid l'ilt y  rolali]s hli
te'atioll.                                 l l ad  I , 'e. gni  di 'r
iTh  Unlirin tfforts II' --Cfal yug w'yll's  _ilhi _ il _ Iiinaio__. _ \', -cl___ ll_ _ i__nl
I  he   AIl pail-n   ano lut hr. Init greally  st'- -e ,  III  I   t ......it)  fill  ilh l, ',  Call
t'r Ia (' ah a lh- ianl o f 4a111 l a is e s the  hVo-  I~  be  1,  igilnt in  inilllSll'o i atin  In  ou1
tioln  the-y  }lila   tl  lill,  tiphb ilding  of  their  il ju nifli tlll'.?  \\c4  t  bnt inare  tlolu,e
profession. T      ough their efforts lilt in*eed  T horitugc, a t'pilag   that .n 2ut in.1i
,lrength  of the  national organization  will can-  f,,  .  Ilbleih, ld  tllql 1'--11 lU i  n  soilsi
Ili allt  ~ he  Bi.-,  I  if1 all lawy,'rs, as well as to  A,  oI'lect'   Vv  III-  lnd 'naly  plan  fiar  tll,
I1tI Nali*                                     J s tic   &  -11-1,
Ao Iu        sI *..ar's lBmi                               ea, , p.I
I51 l.a   Alt  hi-lli ,   illi  - ;aIII  ha, (O ln  iE.
..... .. ..... .... ....... ..... ...............   In   T h  is  Is s u e
qll,,   ,i<,:  l, l 1sl ,  isko l,  P-4111..,n ,  W' .. .:, ,
r lll1. I  wit  (I's.) ,  R{,,-1 llg- +l~, n  N -1 hl
+4.va+;d,  Tl',,. Knsxil , , l' u..t,,  sti,,_  0:.  Tax  N otes, p.  2
S]+H i Sn i- v3il rhli-I,l  H)4tn,   (TkI L , F,:  e  Justice  &  Ex-Gl's, P. 2
w,,..K,..,  , m,+                            Bar's Big Menace, p. 3
JBC History, iII, p. 4
Balbach      Reports on       ABA            :  Pro-Con Natural Gas, p. 3
House of Delegates                             fioyti.art .h faster  ftat I...  it ltis,
Stanley i. Ilelbari  if  efiana, Ill. rat in  go further, Ihey have more Wluitisc-.  9
ABA flous if Deligates Mleetlng, Fib. 20, 21,  plan notl trely ftr outirselv.
as the Jil Ielegate. lie reports that:        ThI fort vehticle for the a- atl' t teit of thl
AREA   i'tnhtreraip Chnass. Blrney gave  Itt fe-ioaL, for  iii we art IIIe itiae- i
JBC special reeaoilio i.e i rite efforts and  ttr lar arcufaioi. Oar ao alitc ttl 1,i
reacthing its natl. quota. Thp asition l ilte  t.:a-  fliat piraks oaut, as cine tu, afanl
young  law yer  in  relation   to  tIe  ff''   le1Dept,  inj nist i',   age i nst i noi pi tettct,  sir in t d
was  rt ttd  y i I'! J  IC  hft'le''tt  and  oihi   agaitat  political pa ticipatit  in  the  aditini
Ii.  re-jtons'  it  gris iroots  retnli n-Anl I Z  ttalian  of  jusit..  It , 'heathd to  lfiak
of state liat grotfps pulled), the ltous gave  lt fur bettt'r poblic cifat lln' for ilntirile
Bar apnroial In Social Sec'urity far awyers     i i ntiods of -uh lion il the judi
a  iaretciIrea  thousand ifareSttt th inra.
elnpul.ry ta-ic, ahuIigh oltntary o-crage  Oy n for it tho   ii t tluttr:'t w
was tieeral '..                   (fily tile food t af li,, ratilitis law lii
wtan preferable,                             have accepted their trolfrsiotal r-patibility
IThrtse- atrl's oil i'Ii..isge in J1BC ty Laoa f I'litug to their national association. Tit
(Art. IV, Su 411) to read-             voice that you hear spaking out fir the irII
'o','i~i .ion  wI  ,.li,.n .......  .,.r.,it  t bl,,',n thll  fi'sttt tUt  the  national  seine  is  veakesn d  by
lru L   r.   ', d tr  their  absrice,  it  is  Itertlc   hi  lice-t tne
-etit.l-              -   --.i, of    s   w'hieti so few niu slpeak for sI slln'. ilau
they are tii really sieaking flit t, thIty art
fitpln of SI. C oinilttt'e on legal Ser-  speaking for that hiiy salirdiittall  iy antl
ices  ad  Procedure  was  ppraed, i ni g  No.e- of as   . do  the  job  alone , it  slate
proposedl Fel. Adii-teetise Procedure Code,  association cranit do it oane,  i ,c
an  idepenet Ofe. of Administratise 'r.-  association cannot do it alone. If we are te
edare ad Laga Sersies', sectali'd courts  presere thir triage it ii at  lit natio
re trade regulation and laierertiec-, anI re-  wrie. Justice 1oetes  to all or it eaorns It
negeniatioti tuf Defense fhflt fegef seestees.  none. The Aserican lar Asriciation rpre
Cretiao of It Seiss  on neghigec  and    'tr  you o the talinatil stene   ft alsr
Compenaton ofaw' a  ecomendneglednee and  '-pret'ls that -tn tif yours. It is inventory
Compensation law was recommended by the     Itte and all ar,- iting etuseil.  As a
Corma. on Serti. tr. and will he aried on by  trcstee. i- you repart ready?  IS YOUIH
(Continued  on   Poge .3, Col. 4)        f.EAD!

Dallas Host to
Bar Apr. 14-21
Dallas Texas %ill play bait on April 14-21
I II,  ter-AnA tn Bar As soeiatios Con-
furirce, an assn. founded in 19.10 and cam-
tI     , If  titiotal  nitiblelr iar  as-n,  frot
ih, iiteen nations pls forty regional bar groups
ill ogcittllt spt'iial legal orgalicaltins.
At tile first tierting of the Junior liar Con-
fetinee of the Itter-Aterica Bar Assn., helt
No ......ber 21 thrtugh Deceihr 2, lIVt in
Xfontsidea. Mre. Ella Cooper Thoas was
lllitn otlly  chceled  c'hl ina.
lighilight of its actiities is th, biennial
',tinfr'ein'l  at ol tlil.hsiglatcid r'1riesenta
tiles of tl,: vliuts Itrs niet't with four pur-
i-is iii tinind : To  provide  a  frutn of
c  liati i's of uicwo ill the v'ititit t'tountries of
thet Anitiricas btoween aociatiins ttill organi-
atins of lawyers; To furtltr th.  ilenee if
itr iit d'll'.'  is  all  it.  pilis.;   To  iphii
ti    I oo  f tihe prolesion of ha-  and to
tienturage cordiality aint   'XX .t nihi- Html
phere lavyl, I.; .aud To no-lt il c'onifle-nee
for ilis-ison.
l,tr gatlriogs art' in If,, rloilight, wilh
calb cenllil   . g  .. tite 'lay and starlil
at  IhI, f ...... I~ lh elr  l.egal  Ce , l .  o
..... Nouhc t  '.i't  I'niv.  ealunpi .
(I) A c        llfmlt'nt o ttl hp-atiking lh.l offl.
,-ial, of  ll nalilons  if IeI-  X'evtcrn  ll'aii-tlh re
I Xit Stll's,  (;i'tl'rnl  fiiH tt'riltIn 'll. ir. will
he prrr-cIt from III,' tnihI Sta ic,). (2) A
I i        I' l' r  ill 1....   ed aiti-n, opelt   o deans
t   riutil gnil   \t'lt  a''  t' I t-i  he  law
.     ill..iii    ll 4 t  ill' a  -l tcl  of  r,.itr
'r-,litali... fuir all law ga-hoo|- 'innihon• 1. the
I,111'  I   I   h d 1 11 4. na'tll' ,  il ,  1i '. f  I I
Il    fiu- lia  tr  -h.t.. . iail.t ' ()   ' o lifcrrel
l It  l- '  I lt'li t lilt  h ll.h  a   h',.  a IIa  liead r
ill Ihll  ahl  h  ini h n I '. Si l . 2ff  ouilts-
t li liL  of  Iu ti,' d in   tlii,  ba-t  fifl  Year.
,I  'lilt. f  i I .  fi1S]ll  A' ti .   i l l I tfiftg
'Mt'.'h  I  i  i.   I   1  X d.lt li.   t  fitt y
fraltb  ao.iltt l  l t, i'   ll'i+   titi    dif tl ila' ,to
Iliasitt  lll   fl , c I-tlllg  illi'-   (4)  A
i't l ert f'<t iateh, Sr..ll Ire' ii liena IA,  p
oii g  w - irs  .. at    it . i nlnl
i    , uon   owei eefte \l  Caaite
I ,     t ,h   in  IhEt  eun-
rM   ., l-Je~ 2t '.pobash. 'Iltri, hrd Niin
i         . tIi.d etaig: E. Sylhi
A       H. \l- N Iu-.: l nlcI't. Il tt  ...lhasd
Niss.  1 -  t il Ilal r i '.f.lift  I  i'inal  fais;
'I' x - (,n  \lauShi~v- : Nlunli,e+ It. Blnlocek,
alt,   f d  f.i in'r n R .sf  [ ease; tfhposi G.
sgar  ltatosa a  ln Is. lntr- isrI'll B
Ifn.  lh    '.nr g. I, .....r  .r  . of  Ihi, Dallas
,'i'titig.ar huttl tmrfor'ar Pre . of
fhlner. la ihonits) and Fti. A oe Cster,
id.       Vinni
(tnnit[,-,-  Chironl.).  Topics  t+  li-. i .. e   inl-
chtoh.  '+tloolunillo-  fa~r  lEIh'n'ld  Studies
1 hrol illilll the  /\lnri,,a.  a ad  , a-cll ial  if
(Coauae.rcia]  f~aw  fin  IlalA+ , nlI   , ,- in' linlg
Suba.. Ag--,'y. and N.1.1_ % Thin . .. Icliadl
iparty for Ihc, J. nir liri,d il b givenl by
liIr,  Did]-a  .R, IIn,. T<+a  1'.   and  lira,  J3C
at file Bar lb.,
111  IhI,  int-crms  of  Iho1   ai~hili  to  rittcad
.alld ho inight find the v,l  trohihlii+e. EdI.
Wiinu rlpiorls that a sul-o'ininilhee Ih'ad-I by
F-',.uk Norton if IDalla, Il+l.r hcn rg-anld I.
help  tIft      1--l]p  lw ,r. Ihlahl li-,  -trXnnive
ihousing by la-utldinlg Dal.lahwyeir. tnd
ol t oi ttl4+i¢,r  Their  hioun-s
Ilahvrt G. Ston'(, 1t.. Po-'  of Ihb. IARA.
in urginlg lawyc, to altl.nad, elounell.ns:
 I  ,  th   .lilI'll  I,-l   crul rie A  I,., I ~  - -tw  ~ r
i, J~i  ~ ,iL  TIaw;  I 1,  .., th   i, - -  1,r  '1,,  h   Ciil
is,,.  I  ltl  1,, L Ir l lt  i~  rrlit  .)h,,i  pIII,~ Co.--
-Eliziaeth Efwrd
ABA-JBC Coming Events
lIayr 31-Junea 2:  Spokane. Wnsh. Regional
Aug. 24-26: JRC Anlnual Iklein~g in, Dallas
Aug. 27.31 : ARA Annual Mteeting in Dallas
Nov. 1-.3: I1a1linlor-. Mdt. Regional Meeting
July 1957:    Annual Met'ing in New York
and T-anduhi, England elicaus if possible
space Iiinitations, all interested in London
Meel'lillg  are- re'lucsled  1.  -I'nc4,  mi..
Clare 1. Bislh at the American Bar Center,


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