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43 Yale J. Int'l L. Online 1 (2017)

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Section 7 of the United Kingdom Bribery Act
2010: A Fair Warning Perlustration
Jonathan J. Rusch*
Within the past year, the tides of global corruption have begun a perceptible
shift. In a growing number of countries around the world, public reactions to
corruption have moved from apathy and resignation to fear, anger, and even
defiance,2 and government agencies are pursuing corruption allegations to the
*      Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University Law Center; Senior Vice President and Head of Anti-
Bribery & Corruption Governance, Wells Fargo. The views in this paper are solely those of the author,
and do not necessarily represent the views of Wells Fargo or any officer or employee thereof. Any errors
of fact are solely attributable to the author.
1.    See, e.g., Costin Ionescu, Apathy-Hit Romanians Vote in Local Polls Marked by Fight
Against Corruption and Seen as Test for Upcoming Parliamentary Elections, HOTNEWS.RO (June 5,
2016), http://mobile.hotnews.ro/stire/21052965; Apathy and Mistrust: The Disenfranchising Effect of
Corruption on Institutional Trust, AFROBAROMETER (Sept. 25, 2015), http://afrobarometer.org/media-
briefings/apathy-and-mistrust-disenfranchising-effect-corruption-institutional-trust_(survey of Ugandan
attitudes toward corruption); Andrew Marshall, How Corruption Is Holding Asia Back, TIME (Nov. 4,
2010), http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2029167,00.html.
2.    The 2016 Chapman University Survey of American Fears reported that on a list of the ten
fears for which the highest percentage of Americans reported being Afraid or Very Afraid, Corrupt
government officials ranked highest at 60.6 percent. Terrorist Attack was a distant second, at 41
percent.   America's    Top     Fears    2016,    CHAPMAN      U.    (Oct.    11,    2016),
http://blogs.chapman.edu/wilkinson/2016/10/11/aniericas-top-fears-2016. In addition, during 2016 and
2017, popular protests against corruption in numerous countries routinely involved thousands of people.
See, e.g., Tatiana Jancarikova, Thousands of Slovaks Protest Corruption, Demand Ouster of PMFico's
Ally, REUTERS    (Apr. 18, 2017), http://www.reuters.com/article/us-slovakia-politics-corruption-
idUSKBN17K27Z; Next Up in Curbing Corruption: South Africa, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR (Apr.
13, 2017), http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/the-monitors-view/2017/0413/Next-up-in-curbing-
corruption-South-Africa; Alan Taylor, Anti-Corruption Protests Across Russia, ATLANTIC (Mar. 27,
2017),       http://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2017/03/anti-corruption-protests-across-russia/520902/;
Argentina: Thousands Protest Against Crime and Corruption, EURONEWS (Oct. 12, 2016),
Agence France-Presse, Thousands March Against Government in Macedonia, YAHOO! NEWS (Oct. 11,
2016), http://www.yahoo.com/news/thousands-march-against-government-macedonia-190432625.html;
Mihai Popescu, Romanians Are Protesting Government Corruption, VICE NEWS (Sept. 23, 2016),

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