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62 Advoc. Peace [i] (1900)

handle is hein.journals/wrldaf62 and id is 1 raw text is: Index for Vol. LXII.

An Absent Minded Nation, P.,em, 141
After the Battle, Poem, Chits. Byers Coutes, 9;;
Airship as Peacemaker, 33
Allen, Mr. Grant, 54
American Peace Society, Annual Meeting of, 1:32; Annual
Report of Directors of, 133; Contributions to, 111, 137
Anti-Peace Riots in England, Editorial, 100
Appeal to President McKinley, 44
A Sad and Terrible Slaughter; E'liforil -, 27
Assassination of King IIlmbert, E'lithrial, 14;5
Associacion Americana de la Paz. 58
Atkinson, Edward, 3S, 58. 176, 207
Attitude of the Country on Imperialism, Elitorial, 22s
Australia, Peace Work in, 12'
Austria, Peace Work in, 1!13
Bad iesults in al; Directions, Tecr. C. 11. Steplon.sin, 61i
Bailey, Mrs. II. J., 11, 34, i10, 171
Baldwin. Hon. Simcon E., 17:3, 190
Barry. Dr. Wm4., 54
Battle of Blenheim, The, Poem, Ro/bert Somhey. 1-2
Bloch, John de, :39, 110, 173
Boers, Character of. :36; Mission of Boer Envoys, Editorial,
127; Peace Deputation of, 110
Book Reviews, 21, 44, 93. 109. 117. 141, 155, 181, 245
Boy Butchers, 103
IBracq, Prof. Jean C., 172
Brewster. Sir David. 192
Browne, Rev. Sidi H., Death of, 207
Bushneil's Prophecy, S3
Call for Peace, The, Pormi, Apme Jl. Wlitney. 180
Carrying Weapons, 57
Century of Peace, A, 56
Chamberlain, Joseph, On Alliance with America, 7: His War
in Africa. S
China, A pproaching Settlement in, 2016; Cause of Uprising in,
165; Open Door in, 32: Side of, 168: Situation in, 171
China as a 3ilitary Nation, Dr. 31. L. lfolrook- 240
Chinese Disasters and Perils, The, EdIitorial, 1G::
Christ's M[ethod.I68; Christian Un ity,84; Christ. lIeroisin,142
Civilized Warfare, i;s
Clayton-Bulwer 1'reaty, The, 66
Close of the Century, The, Elitorial, 228:
Cockran, Hlon. Bourke, 56
Coming Reaction, The, Frlitbril. 188
Coming Reform. The. ]Lar/ E. Bllake, 15
Commerce and Industry, 206
Commercial 'Tlraveler, 'The. Johawws lisby, 411
Conscription Approaching. :31
Conway, Moncure D., 1901
Cook, Joseph. 104, 174
Coombs, HIon. Wil. J.. 2)
Creimer, 3r. W. iandal, 207
Crosby, Mlr. E. If.. 237:
Cuba, Frauds in, 1:30; ;overnor of. 1; Indeliiideiie of, 171
Cuba Since the War, litiril Corrxspoon.lt.. 12
Dariy. Dr. W. Evans, S:, 114
Delagoa Bay Arbitration, S1: Delays in, 12S: lext of .Award, 88
De Martens. Mr. F., 2-10
Dishonoring .Sohn liright. S11
Doukhobors in Canada. 23:4
Dream of the Flag. A. Prn , Richar. II. Thoua., 118i
Ducommun. Mr. Elie. 8, 30
Duty of the Church. The, 55: G;oing lack to Christ. 121
Dying Out of War, 5;
Eaton, Dorman It., Death of. 1-
Ecumenical 31issionary Conference, 6S
Egoism of Europe, 'T'he, 167
Enforcement of the Decisions of an International Court. 140
England and France, 104
England and the Boers. Po.,n, John Collns, :.
English Elections. 'T'he. 2:3:1
Entironed Self-Sacrifice, Po'4i, Wi//tor F. Crafrs. :31
Ethical Opposition to War. F. 11. F'rester, 34

Eve, Maria rLouise, Death of, 17:;
Everett, D~r. Win.. 150. 151
Fairbairn's \iew of the War, 61
False Ideas About WCar and Peace, /ohn lir. 112
Fang, Wi Ting, 2:1.
Fawcett, Edgar, A Few Words About War, 171
Fourteenth of April, 1900, at Paris, _o,,,, I IassCeu. 1:
Frederick the Great and Arbitration. 45
Freedom A bsent, Th..s. I1. II;,iiison. 105
French Farmers' Hatred of War, 284
Friends, English 173: Peace Association in America, 111
From Peace to ]Car, Po-,n, Kaitri a Trauol. 2:1;
General 3iles' l'eport, 2:12
Give Peace, P.',m, J1firi,,,,  Farn,,;g!,,w, 44
Godkin, Mr. E. L., 4:;, 2314
Gold 3ines and War, 30
Good 3an or a Soldier, A, 142
Gospel of Krupp Guns, ItW)
Gray, Maria Freeman, 58, 131
Great Gain for Peace, 1I6
I1ague Convention, Ratification of. 1GG; ieport on the, n
IIay. Secretary, 6, 32. 65. 87, 141, 2:,;6
Higher Levels of Arbitration, The, Joseph Cook. 174
Hill, Daniel, Death of. 10
Hillis, Newell Dwight, :;7, 63. 14
Hispano American Congress, 2:3;
Historic Development of the Peace Idea, Tile. lu jminii  l'.
Triiblooil. 2111, 242
History of the Peace Congresses, Ed/itorial, 188
Hoar, Senator. Speech of, EdRitoril. 1112
Holbrook, Dr. 3. L., 0, 240
Iollingsworth. Mrs. 31. L.. 106
Holls, Frederick W., 11
IIope Unrealized, A. 1:10
Iorrors of 11 ar-Fighting Instincts Hlereditarv. L. L. Go.k0n 43
iloss, Dr. Geo. W*., S!1, 1:89
How the Clinese 4 nestion Slhul le Solved, F.  r Martrs. 240
IIghes. H1ugh Price. 28. 29
Imperialism, Christian. .n.siph  !'....1, 1414
Imperialism, War and Christ ianity. Dean Farrar's. Elitorial-214
nmiious and Unnatural, ',,.. . 14
Increase of the Navy, 9
Industrial Arbitration in England, 1:;0
Inevitable Evils and Iesilts of War. 51
Influence of 3echanical Science on the Social Condition of
Humanity. Ed..- i  .Itimsa,, 176
Imflence of Commerce in liromlutitg Pece. 110   .   .1.
C.oiums. 20
Inhuman and    i  inhuman, 150
International Court of .lrbitrat ion. IS;/oirinl. 24:1
International Law Association. 110. 1O;. ISo: C(onfer- e of. 1:10
International Tribunals. S.,
lterparliamientary Peace Irnion. 134. 167: Tenili tonfernce
(if. l4G7
Irvine, 1cr .Alexander F.. 121
Is It a Faing Iliopc ? 75
.1lflcrson. Dr. Chas. E.. 1l14
Kit hit, Dean of urhtami. S::
Last iefuge of the I nimploved, ns
Leeds, .osiah W.. 7, 114. 41, t:S, 1:311
Lesseniti of the Terrors of Wal, Th.s.        r. .
Lesson from the Latin !;arcs. A. Ed;/.r;., 76
Let Both Cry Halt, lIom. .1in     Iot , -,
Lincolns Criticim of thi Mexican War. 42
Loyge. Seinator, 71, 124
Lonzg, Secretariy, 0
I~uxLoodiis Shine, 2:1
L.o4pez. Sixtio. 2:85
Loirimuer, Dr. Geo,. fC., 151
Lovson, P'aul hlva,-iiitle, :.

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