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61 Advoc. Peace [i] (1899)

handle is hein.journals/wrldaf61 and id is 1 raw text is: Index for Vol. LXI.

Abbott, Rev. Lyman, III, 105, 209, 22s
Alaskan Boundary, ISO, 242. 255, 26S
America, Duty of, 117.
American Peace Society, li-mlon tlly Meetin _. :32: Annual
Meeting, 129: Annual lieport of i)irectors, 1:30: Need of
Funds, 73; New Members, 10:1
American Eagle Turning Roman. t r
American Flag, Cclia Dra 1eri, 212
Ames, Chas. G., D. D.. 57. 129
Angels as leformers, Edit.,rial. 251
Angel  f )'euc,', I:10
Anglo-Venezuelan Arbitration Tribunal, Decision of, 243
Anti-Imperialist Conference. 2:.5
Anti-Imperialist League, 62, 1,S1
Arbitration. 14, 20, 164: Court of, 10; Aiglo-Venezuelan Tri-
bunal. 242: Compulsory. 222: Court of. 101. 192, 25;; Geneva,
188; History of, 155: With ILussia, 255
Arbitration Plan: American, Ii:; : British, 16:;: liRussian, 164
Arbitration, Progress of, Ilon. II ½. L. erruys, 2:;!)
Arbitration. Treaty Between Italy and Argentine iRepublic, 45
Are Ye Truly Free: .ima os Rlussell Loi-ell. 47
Argentine iepublic, 45
Armed Men iii Obstacle, 257
Arrival of the Doukhobors, Ediloriol. 1
Atkinson. Edward. 107. 150, 269
Australian Federation, ill
Baleh, Thomas Willing, 10. 128
Basis of Civilization. Ire, EdiforiAl, 22S
Best of All Banners, The, F. I. IIilliamiis. 1 8
Bishop Sower's Peace Principles, 36
Bloch, John de, 154, 2:;5. 259'
Bislon Ierald, 235
Boston Labor I nion, 11
Boutwell, Ex-Governor, 62, 106, 235
British Arbitration Proposals, 163
British Editors to Continental Press, 10s
Broadening Patriotism, 67
Butterworth, IIezekiah, 21. 110
California, Work in, 182
Capen, Samuel B., 150, 167
Careless Speech, 47
Carnegie, Andrew, 181
Carpet-baggers, 71
Cartland, Joseph, :3s
Chadwick, Johin W., 258
Christian Attitile Towards War, R1er. A. lrkennol D. D1., 212
Christian Civilization, 23
Christian Endeavor and Peace, 11: Crusade. 77: War Against
War. 89
Christianity and fle Social State. 21
Christmas. 1818, Sir Lewis Jiforr,,  12
Clark, Francis E  7., !, s
Colonial Military Comnission, 16
Colorado, Work in, 237
Commerce Will Suppress War, 269
Coming Day of Peace, The, Rir. C/ios. G. Amt,-s, s7
Conference. At The lague Eliloriol, 76: A Message for the.
19; Immediate and Future IResults. Ediiforia7, f76: Outcome
of, Elitorial. 17; lesults of. Editoriil, 149: Spirit and Work
of, Editorial, 14S
Conflict of T wo Civilizat ions, Editoril, 52
Contuest of the Philippines, Editrivil. 54
Court of the Small Powers, 127
Courts of Arbitration. 10, 191. 192. 25:1
Cost of Aggression, 107: National Crime. 9: War, 9. 19
Crime Against. iimanity, :135
Crosby, Ernest Howard, 12S. 185
Crusade, English l'eae, 104
Cuba, Self-Government for, 188
Cuban Industrial lelief Fund, 80; Orphans, 18:3
Czar, Philadelphia's Message to the. 62: Salisburv's leply to
the, 33; Tolstoy and the, 34; Conference. 4. s ::2, 3. 5i, 52,
58: Outlook. 6:2: Itescript,. 83: Second Circular, 3:, S:3: Sin-
cerity, 78

Darby. Dr. W. Evans, At The IIaue. 15:,: In America. 200
Degenerate Sons:'? .Jhn Cli. i;
Delegates to The Iiague, 108
Development of the Peace Ideal, .Jul;a 11i,,1 Iorb . 112
Dewey )emonstratior - A Svymtmnr. Ei.tial, 252
Disarm .Vuria i . i-, Err.s
Disarmantcrr, 4, 11x: Delite on. ,O: lope of. 207
Dole, Chas. F.. 10s, 24:
Dokhohors, Io: Arrival if, :;1: In Canada. 241
Dyke. Ir. llenry Van :35
Early Advocate of Peace, An, 1)r. 1. L. flol/ir~,. 66
Eclipse of War, F. Tiallnuuiului Root, 195
Englail, France. ain Fashuda, Ell, i llt ;.. 44
English Church, 154
Faure. Ieath if 31. Feli. 6i
Fourth of .July, 198
Friendus' Protest. 210
Future of War; The, 154. :5: Spencer's Opinion, 25,
Geneva Arbitration. Iss
I;eneva ied Cross C'ouvention of Isi4, 162
Germ of .Arbitration. 110
'otpers, Sumuel, Address of, 110
Grotius and I-.rasmus, 7!1
rutirs, Ieit Due to. 1,u: Ilonor to. 155: Principles and Work
oif. 1s7
Growth of Europuer Militrism. 245,
Sirowsth of International Goodwill. It,.  11.. Sionos,. :39
Growth of the Navy, 20.
Hague Conference. 70. 145, 141, 1,9. 21r
Ihale. Edward Everett. 12, '5. 7i, 85 127, ISO
Ilarpy Power Critic. A. Elilerii, 231
IIarvard-Prinveton Debate, lie)
ilemmnienway, John. Ieath of. sO
IHerald of Peace, 207, 28;
Hitchcock, Ambass:ulor. 62
Iloar, Senator George F.,  .;, 256. 20
Hiiolbrook, Dr. M. L.. 15. 6;, 196
holls. Frederick W., 1.4. 253
Ilopefiness of International  lrbitration, I, r. Philip .
Mi,.r.,, 1Ii
lHope of Universal Peace. The,  lith;''l. 27
House in the Wimds. 104. 152: lentinis in the. 132
iiowe. Julia Ward, Address of, 112
liow I.ong?  C, o. Shejpard, If rl 1h. Iris
hull Arry lill. i. 61
IIrmanizing War. 171
Imperialism :inu Democrav. 151;
Imperialism and Jlissionari'es. 51
Imperialism and the Tracks of Our Forefathers. :84
Importance of iublic Opinion, Hao .Sn,. ii. C '.n. 117
Independence, Blow at. 117
Indian Conference. 236
In Gladstone's Iay and Now.  I:,  1k0h ull'i'lrth,. 110
Interparliarentary Peace Conference, 1,1. 21s
international Conu ercial Coungress. 1:7
Internatioal ('onunissions of Iuiry. 165
Internatioual Goodwill. ;riwtlh of, 8''
Internat ional L.:r A ssouiation. 18:. 20'. 257
International 'eae lureau. 1:1:1. 2:;5
Its Whole Pas:. Its Whwlc Futtire. Edit'urill. 2S
I Woublr Sing of the Fntrr. .1. A. lily, rlin. 16'
Japan's WVar llurdens, :31!
Joint litgh Connission. Canadian-Aimerian. 510: Statement
of, 60
Kipling. larrack-room Ballads. 25s: t riwed to. 71: 'Trrmce of
the htear, 36
L.abor's Contriuition to 1'are, %a   I G.iI   u,,.'. 110
I.ake Mohonk. 150. 2:i;

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