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47 Am. Advoc. Peace & Arbitration 1 (1884-1885)

handle is hein.journals/wrldaf47 and id is 1 raw text is: THE
VOL. XLVII.               BOSTON, AUG. and                 SEPT.,       1884.              PRICE,50 CENTS
No. 1.                                                                                       A YEAR.
PAGE.                             .  PAGE.                              PAGE.
Our Publications . .....       1   The Water Lily .        .  .  .   7  Codification of the Law of Natians
Constitution of the American Peace   His End was Peace .. ....     7    and Foreign Judgments  . . .   1.1
Society......     . . ...     2   Conference at Hamburg . . ..    7  The Berne Cpngress .   . . - .  11
Officers of the American Peace Society  2  Two Aspects of Our Work . . . .  8 The Millennial Day..  . . . . 12
Annual Address of the President of   Breadstuffs and Business .... .  8  The Princess Alice and War . . .  19
the American Peace Society . .  3  Beginnings...      . . . . .    9  The Sumner Bequest .... .... 1
Death of Bishop Simpson . . . .  5   School Text-Books. . . . . . .. 9  English International Arbitration and
Soldiers' Memorial Service....   5   Modern War . . .        . . .10      Peace Association . .....   13
The New-Vest Educational Commis-     Hiawatha, the Man of Peace . . .  10  Trifles ...  ...    .....13
sion   .                   .   5   Preparing the Way of the Lord . .  10  The American Peace Society . . . * 14
The Peoples So  of Peace .       6   Appreciation. .....   . . . . 10  The New Adjustment  .....      14
French De ate on isarmament . .  .6  The Voice of France . .- . . . .  11 Political and Legal Remedies for War -14
German A  ies.                   6   How a Soldier Died . .   . ..   11. Receipts.........              14
Peace .Atti de of ur Leading Men  7  A Call on President Arthur ..... 11 Advertisements ....        . 15-16
OUR     PUBLICATI        S.
THE APOSTLE OF PEACE.-Memoir of William Ladd, by     Tfi6 STATESMAKN OF PEACE.-The Life and Times of
John' Hemmenway. Contains 300 pages, with a fine      Charles Sumner,, by Elias Nason.    Contains 360
vr likeness of Mr. Ladd, substantially bound in muslin.   pages, with a capital likeness and illustrations, bound
- Price, $1.00.                                        in cloth. Price, $1.50.
PEACE MANUAL.-A collection of arguments and illus-    LIFE OF ELIZABETH FRYE.-With a fine portrait.. 380
trations ou the subject _of War, by Rev. Geo. C. .    pages. Prien, $1.25. No woman should fail to read,
Beckwith, D. D. 252 pages. Price, 25 cents.       (.  the experience and life-work of this most gifted and
consecrated woman.
DYMOND ON WAR.-124 pages. Price, 30 cents.
THE ETHICS OF WAR.-A collection of treatises by dis-
THE TRUE GRANDEUR OF NATIONS AND THE WAR SYs-             tinguished authors. Price, 50 cents.
in one volume-Orations by Charles Sumner. Price,  THE ANGEL OF PEACE.--A nonthly publication for chil-
$1.00.                                                dren. Illustrated. 15 cents per year. H. C. Dun-
- ham, Editor.
THE -ADVOCATi oF PEACE.-A Bi-monthly. 50 cents per
annum. R. B. Howard, Editor.                  .     MEMBERSHP.-The payment of any sum between $2.00
THE ADVOCATE has been. enlarged with the August um-  and $20.00 c6nstitutes a person a member of the Amer-
ber, and' the price reduced 50 per cent. This has  ican Peace Society for one year, $20.00 a life member,
been done to inc ease its circulation, give variety to  $50.00 a life direc r, and $100.00 an honorary member.
its contents, and, to make it more indispensable to  THE ADVOCA   OFPEACE is sent free-to annual mem-
those who wish, to read and retain in permanent
- form a summary of the latest Peace news and dis-  bers for one- year, and to life members and directors.
cussions. Please'send us one dollar for two years.  during life.

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