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25 Advoc. Peace [i] (1876)

handle is hein.journals/wrldaf25 and id is 1 raw text is: THE ADVOCATE OF PEACE.
s37.               9 POSTON, JANUARY, 1876.                         VII. No. I.
C 0 N T-   N T S.  Peage.
Page.                     Pa                         g
THlE ADVOCATE OF PEACE.  Rhide Island Pewce Society .... 7 I Last in tie Snow........................... 4
x     l le iu Sir Isaac Newtve t......--  ImA nillna   lo t   - - Sulls . . .. . 7 I  TIhe-silhPp eera    e y..  ....--- .. ..... - 4
C      --t-  -i       Severl short  iere-lilg aoricles.........
t cp   Gir  .  Dr. Mile... .  ( a  'eOcO S..c..i..y . ..- -   -lembe rship ..: ... -   ------------
clip f i ruoms  Loion. ..  .   ANGEL OF PEACE.    'eiaC  l'ulili'crli1s..........
S  A   k  ile Leiter from  Abrahaut L tincot..           r    .    .
g ,, t ai Pr-pecl.  -  --a.----------r A  .i..i..N. .e. r. . . . . .t- N-om  nd0oraton s...... c........ ....... 
la  of Ilou. Amai.a  Walker ............--- I  Wii- ant eDilti . ..... I Oiilers  t e Amri   e 'eace  -e iety-...
An U .TA'I'u e  P 1  .iiii....... .....-----  ' oor . . . . . . . .   Ieripts  6,r  No  ri ..e .. 1 .. ..-- .-----
S e i 1the  Na n its.... - - - -   h l l e l  l ... ... . a  A  W....  ..\ rd oour airo s............ . .
0% t-  uzCakim, Pu Ir se r Il.l . P teli  ... .   i.. ....-  Let Us Lace Peace.-A  etilic  to  Congress..  a
Otlwiarl1   I iel  of - ee.....-   i-   Ike  ox  in he  W ell.......... .. ........ ..  Peace  Society's  Euvelope. ..  . ....  -
,. n e y l. x   i n n r e : ,. . . . . . .  . .  ....-- - - - -   A !. . .... . . . . .  .  -- - - - - - - - - - - . 3  A de1m n s . . . . . . . - -  - - - ' - -
Crniallli  I  )g (tv (g   A ide..--.----. -----                     __ _. . . . . ..
MEMBERSHIP.                        PEACE PUBLICATIONS.

The payment of any sum between $2.00 and $20.00 con-
stitutes a person a member of the American Peace Society for
ne year, $20.00 a life member, $50.00 a life director, and

THE APOSTLE OF PEAcE.-Memoir of William Ladd, by
Jahn Ilemnenway. Contains 300 pages, with a fine likeness
of Mr. Ladd, substantially bound in muslin. Price, S 1 00.
THE STATESMAN oP PEACE.- The Life      and 'rimes of

A100.'J0 an honorary member.                            Charles Sumner, by Elias Nason. Contains 3100 pages, with a
4e Advat~e nf Peace is sent free to annual members for one capital likeness and illustrations, bound in cloth. Pace, 8l 50.
rear, and to life members and directors during life.      'ElE 'T'luE GRANDEUR OF NATONS AND THE WAR Sys-
If one is not able to give the full amount of amembership, or TEMI OF THE COSMJiONwE4LTH OF NA-rioss.--Bound in one
directorship at once, he can apply whatever he does give on it, 'vlume-orations by Charles Sumner. Price, 81.00.
with the understanding that the remainder is to be paid at one  I EAsON VS. THE SwoRD.-A hook in which it is shown that
or  lre tineR iln the  future.                        man  has no right to  take  human  life  ;  and  that war  is  a  viola-
S      t    is set gratuitously to the reading roos o  tion of nature and revelation. By J. M. Washburn.  Con-
The Adccte                             r n           tails 470 pages. Price, $1.50.
Colleges and 'heological Seminaries-to Young Mea's Chris-  Boox OF FssAys.-01 important subjects, by'T. F. Tukes-
tian Associations-to evenr pastor who preaches on the Cause bury. Price, 50 cents.
of Peace and takes a collection for it. Also, to prominent in- llr:cy w r's PEACE .nANAL.--1  m  ,  pages in cloth.
dividuals, both ministers and laymen, with the hope that they Price, 25 cents.
will become subscribers- or donors, and induce others to be-  )YMoND ON WAR.-121 pages. Price, 30 cents.
ecue such. To subscribers it is sent (until a request to discon-  LIFE OF liATIIEIR TAYLOR.-The Sailors' Preacher. 450
tinte is received with the payment of all arrearages.   pates. Price, 81.50.
\\ e have on our books a large list hf names, as members or  CAPITAL PUsNISiE.-The argument in a nut shell. By
diretrs, in our old and honored Society, who have paid in full, William G. Hubbard. Price, 10 cents.
and some, for their love of the holy cause, have paid many  A variety of Peace Tracts. eic , sent at cot.
i m s  iver  ;  w lile  la ly  othe s- sum e  tw o  h undred  scattered  V lThe  erican  P eace  S ociety  w ill  send  any  of  th e  a ove
lim over h e   l a n y  ist ess ,  two  hn dr  I pat t e  d Ir-  works  postage  paid, on  receipt of  price  A ddress  Rev. H . C .
over the land, have, by instabneuts, paid only in pat t, Pr  Iunham, No. 1 Somerset street, Boston.         -
posing to complete their payments.  Somle are doing this with                                   -
collendable promptness, while others are delaying to pay.          NOTE TO OUR PATRONS.
et all suchl renit ill part or in full, : soun as possiblc, to our  We are much hindered in our noble work of diffusing .
Lc all Bsu et in  parer       ,:so areas psbe,        the sentiments of peace and good will, for lack of adequale
in Boston. There are also many in arrears for the Adco- funds.  Millions go for ear, but little is devoted to peace.
a, / u' Prc,  who  are  earnestly  invi  ted  to  make  prompt pay-  Let  olr  friends  thiIk  on  these  I  ing s  ih d  e u ire  of  lbe
j i l S !   I r ll 1 0   ll f o r   u   i f t h . y   s   s h   t s d i s i ~ t i n s n e .g r' e a t   . .  I  J i c e   o f   P e a c e , ~   w h a t   w i l t   t h o u   h a v e   1 m e  t o   d o l
neut, and to inform us if th y wish its diseqntinuuce.  1 I ( Come, friends, respond at once and send donations greater or
lar correspodenUce front all friendsof peace arnd shall be most I smaller, to enable us to do the work of righteousness which is
I airrtdom                                   grrdsp ds east mpeace, ald pay promptly our bills as they become due. A word
happy to aid you and to have your co-operation in this great(o the wise is sufficilent.    H. C. DI)INHAM,
cause of God and humanity.                                                            Office A gent of Anm. P. S.

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