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6 Women's Suffrage J. 1 (1875)

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                                              EDITED BY LYDIA E. BECKEt.

Vot VI.-No.  59. PUBLISHE  MONTHLY.                     JANUARY 1 1875.                                 By   PRICE ONE PENNY.
REGISTERED FOR TRANsMISSION ABROAD.                                                                     By  POaT THREE  HALFPENCE.

 Leading Articles:-Work and Prospects for the New  Lord Arthur Russell, Af.P., on Women's Suffrage.  Prizes taken by Girl.
   Year; Assaults on Women; Members of Parliament  The Right Hon. W. N. Massey, M.P., on Women's  Correspondence.
   on Women'i Suffrage.                        Suffrage.                                  The Lash.
 Publio Meetings:-Hanover Square Rooms, London;  Action by a Married Woman against her Banker.  Treasurers' Reports:-3anchester, Central Committco,
   Brighton,-. Huntingdon, Peterborough, Devonport,  Education of Women in Ireland.         Edinburgh.
   'Truro, Penzance, Preston, Liskeard.      Lady Students at Cambridge.


   Legal assistance given in the Chancery, Com-
 mon Law, Bankruptcy, Divorce and Matrimonial
 Courts upon agreed terms, and costs advanced in
 approved cases. Actions brought and defended*
 for Recovery of Property, Debts, and Damages
 for Breaches of Promise of Marriage, Slander,
 Libel, Improper Dismissals, Railway Accidents.
 Divorces obtained in the Matrimonial Courts.
 Authors of The Debtor's Guide to Bankruptcy
 aid Compoition with Creditors (1s. 2d. post free),
 explaining every step a Debtor should take, from
 Service of Writ to Judgment and  Execution.
 Pamphlet Prospectus forwarded with Terms.

      CAMPBELL & CO.,

               Law  Agenti,

     52, CHANCERY LA,       LoNDos,   W.C.

 A EXT   OF   KIN.-A   Descriptive. Index (f
 .LI 20.000 names) to ADVERTISEMENTS
 for NEXT  of KIN, Chancery Heirs, Legatees,
 &c., from 1700, 2s. 8d., by P.O. Order. Address,
 W. CULLMER, 17, Southampton Buildings, Chan-
 cery Lane, London, W.C.

      ITNGLSHWO  AN'SREVIEW.-Published
.1   byTrtibner& Co., 57 and 59, Ludgate ill,
and at 22,-Berners Street, London, W.
  To be published monthly, on and after January
15th, 1875.-Price 6d., or Gs. per annum.
  The Beview will contain articles and information
upon the industrial occupations of women; the
laws affecting their social 'position; their better
education and admission into Universities; and
other questions affecting their welfare in England
and other countries.

          Now  ready, price 6d. each.
Pamphlets issued by the National Union for Im-.
       proving the Education of Women.
     SCIENCE.-Paper read by Mrs. Win.
Grey, at the Belfast Meeting of the British Asso-

      MIDDLE     CLASSES.-By Isabella M.
S. Tod.
     London: W.  Ridgway, 169, Piccadilly.

P   ETITI.ON! PETITION! PETITION! Friends of Women's
      Suffrage are earnestly  exhorted to aid the cause by  at once beginning  to coliect
signatures for the petitions to be presented  in support of Mr.  Forsyth's  Bill, at the
opening  of the  next  session of Parliament. Written petitions ready for signature
will be supplied on  application to Miss  BECKER,  28, Jackson's  Row,. Albert  Square,

      held in the Music Hall, Kiddermainster, on
January 11th.  The Mayor  will pre~i'e. Mliss
Becker, Mliss Sturge, Mrs. Ashford, andl the Rev.
T. G. Crippen will attend a~s a deputation ; Geo.
Turton, Esq., J.P., Rev. T. Fisk, ev. T. Heath,
Mr. Councillor Graves, Edward Parry, Esq., and
Wm.   Adam,  Esq., will take part in the pro-
     be held on January 12, in St. George's Hall.
Wolverhampton.   Mliss Becker, Miss Sturge, and
WV.Rogers,  Esq., will attend as a depuItation
His Worship the Mayorwill preside, and the Rev.
T. G. Hirton, A. C.  Pratt, Esq., and Richard
Markland, Esq., will be present.
     ALSALL.-On January 13th,  a MEETING
     will be held in the Temperance Hall, Wal-
sall. H. Duingnan,Esq., in the chair. Miss Becker,
Mrs. Ashford, and the Rev. T. G. Crippen will
form the deputation, and the meeting will also be
addressed by Alderman Stephens, Alderman Hol-
den, J.P., Rev. A. Cole, Rev. W. W. Robinson,
Rev. Win. Lees, Geo. Cotterall, Esq., and Mr. S.
L  ICHFIELD.- A MEETING will be held on
     January  15th, in St. James's Hall, Lich-
field. Rowland Crosskey, Esq., J.P.. in the chair.
The  deputation will consist of Miss Becker, Miss
Sturge, Mrs. Ashford, and Wm.   Rogers, Esq.
The Rev. John Graham, Rector of St. Chad's, the
Rev. Brooke Lambert, Vicar of Tamworth; Rev.
E. H. Reynolds, T. C. M'Lean, Esq., J.P., and
F. Symouds, Esq., J.P., will take part in the pro-
  For further particulars of all the above meetings,
see local announcements.
      J. E. CAIRNEs, LL. D., Emeritus Professor
of Political Economy in University College, Lon-
don.   Reprinted from Macmillan's. Magazine,
September, 1874. Price 3d.
Manchester:  Alex. Ireland and Co., Pall Mall.

Ii A Reply to Mr. Fitzjames Stephen's
Strictures on Mr. J. S. Mill's Subjection of
Women,   by LymiA  E   BECKER. Reprinted
from the Women's Sufrage  Tournal. Price 2d.
To  be had at the Office of- the Women's Suffrage
Journal, 28, Jackson's  Row,  Albert Square.

L  EAFLETS,   suitable for distribution at Meet-
    ings, consisting of short Extracts froin tle
Speeches or Writingg of the following members
of Parliament and others :-Tho Right lon. B.
Disraeli, M.P., the Right Hon. J. W. Henley,
M.P., the Right Hon.  J. Stansfeld, M.P., the
Right Hon. Sir Stafford Northcote, M.P., Jacob
Bright, Esq., Sir  Charles 1W. Dilke, Bart,
M.P., Professor Fawcett, M.P., the 1Right Hon.
George. Ward  Hunt, M.P., Sir George Jenkin-
son, Bart., M.P., Sir Wilfri Lawson,  Dart.,
IN.P., the Right lion. Lord  John  Mlanncrm,
M.P.,  P.  -i. Muntz, Esq,  M.P., Dr.  Lyon
Playfair, M.P., T. B. Potter, Esq., M.P., Peter
Rylands,  Esq., Rev.  Canon  Kingsley, Lord
Coleridge, etc., in favour of Women's Suffrage.
Price 3s. per 1000, to be had at the Offices of
the Society, 28, Jackson's Row, Albert Square,

             10IELD  AND  CO.'S
Have proved from the most ample experience an entire success.
5im   Prompt, Efficient, and Reliable. Each No. indicates a
dic  remedy.

Nos.    Cres.      s.d.
1. Indigestion, Water
   brah Foul Month, and
   Flatulency ............ 11
 2. Neurigla&Influenza
   Colds .................. 11
 n.'%Vhol 1n Cougi
 & Dinrrhea in Adults
   or Children ............1 1
 5. BWorms. Worm Fever,
   Worm Colic ............ 1 1
 6. Nervous Debility.
   Hysteria, Fear, Melan-
   choly, Loss of Vigour,
   and oeneralDepression
   of Spirits .............. 1 1
 7. Conetlpation, Blind
   pile, . ........ 1 1
 . Boils    Carbuncle, nic
   Painful Eruptions .... 1 1
 9. Troubles of Inrant
   Life, Teething, Rest-
   lessness, Crying, Broken
   Sleep, Sloma ch-che, &
   ConvulsionsofChildren 1 1
10. Astbm     o Opressed
    Breathing. Paitation,
    Cold or Weak Crcula-
    tion and Unhealthy
    oniAtion of the Skn.. 11
11. C ort rj 1

Nos.    Cares.    s.d.
12. Hremopt~mis. or
   Blood   Spittig.
   Varicose Veins, Blerd*
   Ing Ples............ 1 1
Is. 113*seutery.
14.IGeneral lleblitr.
   Dimness of Sight, los
   of  Appetite, Night
   Sweats, Loss of Fluids.
   Feeling of Sinking at
   the Pit of the Stomach.
   Diabetes, and Spinal
   Weakness..............1 1
15. Chest Affections.
   tive Cough,& Bronchitin 1 1
16. Gout, Rhematism, and
   Lumbago ...........1   1
17. Scariet Fever and
   Scarlatina ............1 1
18. Ifeaslen,   Rose-rasb,
   and Chicken-pox ...... 1 1
19. Croup, Cronpy Cough,
    and HardDry Cough.. 1 1
20. Skin Diseases. Pso.
    riasi, Scrofula, Lepra,
    and Dry Tetter ........ 1 1
21. Swollen Thront.
    Sore Throat. Mumps,
    Toothache, Faceache .. 1 1
 22. Sty on the Ereulld.
    and Inflammation of
    the Eyes .............. 11

5=-.  Te Remedies are sent by past to anyi part of lite countiry
on rccd3Cl of the prie. dldrdos5.
rFLD ck   Co., 21, Chavusg Cross, London, S.W

    chester National Society for Women's Suf-
frage, presen ted at the Annual General Meeting,
on November  13th, 1874.  In coloured cover,
price Gd.

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