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16 Women's Suffrage J. 1 (1885)

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                                              EDITED BY LYDIA E. BECKER.

Vor. XVI.-No.  181. PUBLISHED  MONTHLY.                JANUARY      1, 1885.                                 PRCE  ONE PENNY.
   Yearly Subscription, Post Free, Is. Gd.                          1    8                                  POST THREE  HALFFENCE.

 Leading Articles -Prospects of the Bill; The Debate Liberalism at Geddington.            Canadian Conservatives for Woman Suffrage.
    in the House of Lords on the Franchise Bill;   Scotland:-Edinburgh National Society for Women's   Rleviews.
    Meetings during December; Women's Suffrage in       Suffrage; Opinions of the Press; Irviuo Junior  Appointment of Ladies on the Metropolitan Asylums
    the Presidential Election ; A Club of Wife Beaters; Liberal Association.                  Board.
    Physiological Experiments on Children.         Conservative Associations :-Stoke-on-Trent.          The lato Hight Ilon. J. W. lenley, M.P., on Women's
 The Ion. A. F. Egerton on the Franchise for Women.  Debating Societies: - Huddersfield Parliamentary.      Suffrage.
 Mr. Jacob Bright, 31.P., on the Omission of Women's  Drawing-room Meeting:-Tekels Castle.               Obituary:-The Right Ilon. J. W. Henley; Mr. Joseph
    Suffrage from the Franchise Bill.        Welsh Miners and the Franchise for Women.        Crook.
 Lord Salisbury and the Franchise.           A Lancashire Wife-Beaters' Olub.             The Women's Fawcett Memorial Fund.
 Parliamentary Intelligence.                 Law Report:-Weldon r. de Dathe.              Treasurers' elirts:-Maucliester; Central Committee:
 Public Meetings:-Gravesend, Rochester, Wisbech,    The Governor of Washington Territory on Women's          National Fund for X5,000; Bristol and West of
    Brentwood, Clippenham, Calue, Meithyr Tydlvil, Suffrage.                                  England.
    Darlington Women's Liberal Association.                                               Petitions.

       Iis alway~s safe

                to   use


W   ANTED,   an engagement  as either COM-
     PANION or GOVERNESS, by a young
lady, well educated, including French, rudi-
mentary German,  Music,  Singing, Drawing,
Calisthenics, &c. ; good amanuensis and reader.
Excellent references. -Apply, Beta, 28, Jackson's
Row, Albert Square, Manchester.

    on the 15th of each month. Price 6d., or 6s.
per annum.
  1. Looking back on 1884.
  2. The Political Duties of Christian Women,
     by Isabella M. S. Tod.
  3. Christian Women as Citizens, by Mrs. Lind-
Poetry. -In Memoriam of Henry Fawcett.
Notices of Books, Pamphlets, &c.
Retord of Events :-London University, M.B.
     Examination, B.A. Examination -Victoria
     University and   Liverpool  University
     College-Natural Science at Cambridge-
     Oxford Women's Suffrage-Introduction of
     the Bill -Division List-Text of the Bill-
     Representation of the People Bill, House of
     Lords  Meetings-Women Members of
     Political Clubs-Custody of Infants Bill-
     Christian Women's Union  Conference at
     Glasgow-Married  Women's  Liability for
     Debts-Moral   Reform   Union-Another
     Woman  Musical Composer-Miscellaneous.
  Published by Triibner and Co., Ludgate Hill,
and at 22, Berners-street, London, W.


      Suffrage  are  earnestly exhorted to aid the cause  by collecting signatures for
petitions  to both   Houses   of Parliament,   to be  presented  during   the Session.
Petitions from  women   householders  or others  who  possess the qualifications which
entitle men to vote are particularly valuable.  Special forms of petition to be signed
by such  women,  as well as general petitions, ready for signature, will be supplied on
application to  Miss BECKER,  28, Jackson's  Row,  Albert  Square, Manchester; Miss
BLACKBURN, 20, Park-street, Bristol; Miss KIRELAND, 13, Raeburn Place,
Edinburgh; or the Secretary, 29, Parliament-street, London.

8  T. HELENS.-A Public Meeting   will be held
     in the Town Hall, St. Helens, on Friday,
January Oth.  Miss  Becker and Miss Caroline
Biggs  will attend as a deputation from  the
National Society for Women's  Suffrage. The
Chair will be  taken at eight o'clock by the
MAYOR (Mr.   Alderman  Cook). Admission Free.

    Lecture will be delivered by liss BECKER
on behalf of the National Reform  Union, on
Monday,  January  12th, at the  Hull United
Liberal Club, on the right of women  to  the
Parliamentary Franchise. Members  may intro.
duce their friends. Proceedings commence  at
eight o'clock.

LITTLEBOROUGH.-A Lecture will be
   Ldelivered at the Reform Club, Littleborough,
on Tuesday, January 20th, by Miss BECKER,
on behalf of the National Reform Union, on the
right of women to tihe Parliamentary Franchise.
Particulars in local announcements.

    OTTINGHAM.-The Annual Meeting of the
1    Notts Branch  of the National Society for
Women's  Suffrage will be held in the Lecture
Hall of the Mechanics' Institution, on Wednes-
day, January 28th, 1885, at Eight o'clock. Miss
Miler  (London), Miss Florence Balgarnie (Scar-
borough), and other ladies and gentlemen are
expected to be present. Further particulars in
local announcements. Admission free.



Invaluable for Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cholera,
Diarrhos, Consumption, Spasms, &c. One Dose speedily
relieves. TowLE's CtonoYNE LoEaeoEs and JUJUBES.
6d. and Is. per box. A. P. TOWLE, Chemist, 75, Back
Piccadilly, Manciester, and of Chemists.-Post free 131d.,
2s. Od., 4s. 6d.

               Just Published.
QUFFRAGE         STORIES.   - MRS.     MA.
author of  Rachel's Secret,  A Sylvan Queen,
etc. To be obtained at the National Society for
Women's  Suffrage Office, 29, Parliament-street,
London, 1W.; or 28, Jackson's Row, Manchester.
Id. each, or 6d. dozen, post free.

     Volume XV.   January to December, 1884.
Printed on  fine paper, with coloured cover,
price, post free, 'iwo Shillings and Sixpence.-
London:  Tribner and Co.;  or at the office of
the  Women's  Suffrage Journal, 28, Jackson's
Row,  Manchester.

      for 1883. Gives dates of historic interest,
list of registered lady docto'rs, addresses of
societies, and other information useful to women.
Price 1d. each, 9d. a dozen; or on card, Gd. each.
J. W.  ARROWSMITH, Quay-street, Bristol,
and all booksellers.
  An Almanac which the advocates of women's rights
will find of the utmost service to them has been published
by Mr. J. Arrowsmith, of Bristol, at the charge of one
penny.-Hereford Times.
   Miss Helen Blackburn has compiled a Women's
Suffrage Calendar for 1885 which reflects great credit on
her industry and skill.-Bristol ercury.
   The days are marked by the birth or death of eminent
women, or by the passing of some event affecting them ;
and the general information includes a list of the regis-
tered lady doctors, and useful directions as to where and
from whom inquiries can be nlade respecting employment,
education, emigration, sanitary and dress reform, and last
though not least clubs.-11lustrated London Fews.

   T LET,  Furnished, till.Midsummer, 51, THE
   LAWN, South Lambeth Road, ten minutes'
drive from the House of Commons, the London
residence of the late Rt. Hon. H. Fawcett, M.P.,
containing seven bedrooms and one dressing-room,
three reception-rooms, and good servant's offices;
with a delightful old lawn, and kitchen garden,
about one acre in extent, well stocked. Low rent.
Agents, GEO. WORTLEY & CO., 32, Lowndes-
street, S.W.

WoMM's   SUFFRAGE JouRNAL.-CommunicationS for the Editor and Orders for the Journal to be addressed to Miss BEcKER,
   29, Parliament-street, Westminster,  London,   S.W.;   or  to the Office, 28, Jackson's  Row,   Albert  Square,  Manchester.

printed from  Atlantic Essays. Price 3d.
       A. Ireland & Co., Manchester.

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