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44 Woman's J. & Suffrage News 1 (1913)

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Suffragists Will Have Splendid
  opportunity to Impress Presi-
  dent and Congress

  Ullder tile joint auspices of the Na-
tional Suffrage.Association and the
District of Columbia Suffrage Socle-
tics, a procession will take place In
1ashiggtol on March 3, the day be-
fore the inauguration  of President
\,Uses. Chance is Unrivalled

  The opportunity is splendid. At
tilat time politicians and press men,
ls[giglshed   ambassadors     and
crowds of sight-seers from all parts of
the world, will be gathered In Wash-
legtoi. Th suffrage*procession has
been recognized as part of the official
program of the week. To make It I
striklng and successful part, we nee
1) army of women marching; to send
to the president, the party organils-
tious, and to the nations of the world,
through their press representative N10
\Vashlngton, a message of the growing
strength and unity of the woman's
  Women Wanted from Every State
  'his is the first national suffrage
  parade in the history of the country,
and representatives from every State
i the Union are wanted. Particular-
ly welcome will be repreentatiVes
from the States where women vote;
they will undoqfbtedly.carry a sPecial-
ly Rlglficant message to the eye of a
politician. Delegations of women
from foreign countries are also beling
organized, to show that the movement
is world-wide.
    Hospitality for Early Applicants
    Hospitality during March 2, 8 and
  4 will be provided for those marchers
  who a   toe it at ly. Mrs. Harvey
  W. WMley has kindly consented -to act
  as chairman of the hospitality com-
  umittee; please address 1420:F street;
  Washington, D. C. Train fares during
  inaugurstion week will be reduced to
  one and one-third of the single fare
  for all cities except those In the vicin-
  fly Of Washington. It is hoped that
  large numbers of women will visit
  Washington at a time of such unusual
  interest to them and to the nation.
  Arrangements for the parade are in
  the iands of the congressional conm-
  nititee of the National Association-
  composed of Alice Paul, chairman;
  rystal Eastman Benedict and Lucy
  Burna-working in assCiation with
  the State Equal Suffrage Association
  ot the District of Columbia, the Di-
  trict of Columbia Woman Suffrage As-
  sociatIon, the Stanton Suffrage Club,
  the Political Study Club, the Apthony
  leage, and the College Suffrage Club.
  To concentratc management a joint
  inaugurl procession committee has
  been formed: Miss Emma M._(Gllett
  and Mrs, Glenna Smith Tinnin repre-
  senting tile District of Columbia Suf-
  frage Society, with Alice Paul, chair-
  man, and Lucy Burns representing the
  eongressional committee of the Na-
  tional Association.
  'rhe Pageantry of the procession
  ill be planned by Mrs. Tinniu, In
  conference with Miss Hazel Mackaye.
  Mrs. Tinnta has already orgaulsed in
  \W'shington a number of very, beauti-
  ful Pageants, and Miss Mackay# is
  Well known as the stage manger'of
  her brotier's arrangement of theCan-
  terburY Tales.
    Committee Appeal for Funds
  The procession committee ask most
  urgently for your  speedy  financial
  eP,. Considerable delay was experV;
  enced In obtaining permission to hold
  the Procession; and ou time is ahort
  But the oPPOrtunity, once sqoured, of
  holding a suffrage demotratjon 1n
  \\'5shlngton was too good to be lightly
  Plited with. The work imust now. go
     [° adPromptly, and our supply of
   ds should be completed during the
     ye-ks* contr bution, sould
       .... Miss            Gmm lllett,




Tillers of Nebraska Soil Already
TUndeistand Why Women Vot-
  ers are Desirable

  Onaha suffragists who attended--the
Farmers' Alliance Congress of Nebras-
ka recently, in order to convert the
members, received a pleasant shock,
according to the Omaha Daily News.
There was no chance of conversion, for
the farmers, several hundred strong,
already knew why women should
vote, and believed in It.
  What are you trying to do? in-
quired J. D. Ream of Mrs. Draper
Smith, after the State suffrage presi-
dent had advanced some learned argu-
  I am trying to convert you, re-
  sponded Mrs. Smith.
  That was done some thirty years
  ago by Susan B. Anthony, and I have
  been talking suffrage ever since, said
  Mr. Ream.
  During the evening the suffragists
  were given an hour in which to pre-
  sent, the question. Mrs. Harriet Hel-
  ler, Mrs. G. W. Covell and Mrs. Smith
  spoke, followed by a ha'f dozen mem-
  bers of the congress, all of whom ex-
  pressed the Idea, It can't come too
  3, D. Ream told the women that the
  Grsnge had put Itself on record years
  My horses, carriages and my wife
  are at your disposal when you want
  to carry aroundi the petitions for the
  Initiative in our aeighborhoed, re-
  marked one of the members to Mrs.

  The United States has done a re-
  markable Job of cleaning up In the
  Philipplne, Nevertheless, according
  to the lately-issued report of the Sec-
  retary of War, half the children born
  IA Manila die in Infancy, a million
  children are without schools, and the
  manses of the people still suffer under
  the old system of peonage.

treasurer, at 1420 F street, Washing-
ton, D. C. Miss Gillett will be glad
to receive also pledgee of money,
which-may be paid any time up to
Mare  . Pleae gIve  ll you can, and
Nive it soon.

         IN THE FIGHT!
  (Written by Jessie tardy Stubbs In
Albany the day before Governor-elect
Sulser received-the a~ege from-the
Pilgrims. The poem is dedicated to
the rest of the band.)

Once In the ages past
Man was In bondage fast
      Of power shorn;
Then, In the name of right,
Men fought with holy might,
Great prophets loomed in sight,
      Freedom was born!
When this great cause was woQ
Woman's had just begun,
      Few gave It ear.
Stilt, noble souls took heed;
They kept alive the seed
Till through each lofty deed
      Victory is near.

Thanks   for the States that
To ker a voice allow!
      God give them peace!
For, by the light they cast,
All shall awake at last,
And as a Union fast
      Woman release!


Hall, comrades, In the fight!
Keep looking toward the light,
      Justice we call!
Strong let our courage be;
Man is about to se
Our country must be free
      To one and all.
              Jessie Hardy Stubbs.
Albany, Dec. 30, 1912.


Des Moines Women Invade Good
   Roads Meeting and Win Unan-
   imous Vote
   Fifty Des Moines women, headed by
Mrs. Homer A. Miller, went before the
Iowa Good 1oads Conference, held In
that city recently. and secuied the
passage of a resolution favoring worn
an suffrage. Mrs. ,ller spoke briefly,
and an ally among the men proposed
the resolution.
  It was carried without a dissenting

   At Hood River, Oregon, in the first
 city election since the suffrage amend.
 ment passed, 228 votes out or 614 were
 cast by women.

          AID TO CAUSE

 New York Governor on Last Day
 of Year Assures Pilgrims of His

   On' the last day of the old year,
 General Rosalie Jones placed the se-
 cret message sent by the several suf-
 frage organizations of Nev York in
 the hands of Governor-elect Suler,
 and received from him a pledge of
 fealty to the suffrage cause. Mr. Sul-
 zer had already assured Mrs. Harriet
 Stanton Blatch In New York city that
 he would be the best suffrage gover-
 nor New York ever had, but a good
 deal of anxiety was current about the
 way in which he would receive the
 pilgrims. The message said:
 Tho suffrage hosts of the Empire
 State send greetings and ronewed con-
 gratulations to Gov. William L. Sulzer.
 and express the earnest hope that his
 administration may be distinguished
 by the speedy passage of a woman suf-
 frage amendment.
 I received this message in the spirit
 in which it was sent, said Mr. Sulzer.
 As a matter of political justice, I
 have always favored equal suffrage
 for men and women, and have recom-
 mended in my message that the Legis-
 lature submit, as soon as possible, a
 woman suffrage amendment to the con.
 stitution of the State of New York.
 You ladies deserve commendation
 for your enthusiaism for a great cause
 that ought to be respected by every-
 body and receive the consideration it
 merits. I congratulate you on- the suc-
 cessful outcome of your pilgrimage
 and assure you that In the future, as
 in the past, all I can do for your cause
 will be done.
 Mr. Sulzer said later that he bad
 Introduced an equal suffrage bill In
 the State Legislature 20 years ago.
 After receiving the message, Gov..
 elect Sulzer was photographed, sur-
 rounded by the army.
 With a burst of cheering, several
 flashlights, and a about or two from
 small boys of Votes for wonieni the
pilgrimage of the suffragists from New
York fo Albany, begun Dec. 19, ended
at 4.40 Dec: 28, in front of the Hamp-
ton Hotel, Albany.
         See Albany Ahead
  At 3.30 P. M. the tired women had
reached the summit of the hill at Clin-
       (Continued on page 3.)



New York Women Remind Leg-
  islators of Suffrage On New
  Year's Eve
  The   New   York  Woman Suffrage
Party ushered in the New Year by
holding meetings as near as possible
to the homes of each of the sixty-three
members of the Legislature In Greater
New York.
  At each meeting a resolution -was
  passed reminding the legislator of his
  duty, and the resolution was carried
  by a deputation to the legislator's

  Mrs. Catt spoke at Manhattan ave-
nue and 105th street. The speakers
Included Mrs. Laidlaw, Miss Alberta
Hill, Mrs. Beatrice Forbes Robertson
Hall and Dr. Norman Guthrie, rector
of St. Mark's Church, and a great
many others.
  Miss L. L. Dock, the suffrage pil-
grim, presided at the meeting in the
Second Assembly District, having hur-
ried back from Albany for that pur-
pose. Miss Leonora O'Reilly was the
speakdr. The meeting was near the
home of Alfred E. Smith, Assembly-
man for that district, who may, it is
said, be Speaker of the House.

         RINGS YEAR IN

 Suffragists Rouse Boston New
   Year's Eve With Temple Gong
   From   Free Land

   The New Year started auspiciously
 In Boston with an equal suffrage de-
  memstratlo at Its blrh.  From  3
 P.M. till i A. M. an automobile went
 all through the city, decorated with
 flags and a large banner on which was
 printed Votes for Wemen in the
 Happy New Year. A bugler and a
 temple gong from Burma, where wo-
 men are free, heralded Its approach. In
 the machine were Mr. and Mrs. Owen
 Phillips, Mrs. Maud Wood Park, Mliss
 Margaret Foley, and Miss Florence
 Luscomb.    Stops  were   made   for
 speeches at East Boston, Charlestown,
 South Boston, Dorchester, Roxbury,
 Jamaica Plain, Brighton, and at a
 large meeting In Central Boston.


 Suffragists Gain New Members
   at Institute-Measure Sure to
   Pass Legislature
   The officers of the Nevada Equal
 Franchise Society recently made the
 State Teachers' Institute which met in
 Reno an important instrument of equal
 suffrage propaganda. The State Super-
 intendent of Public Instruction, Hon.
 J. E. Bray, allowed the suffrage society
 time toward the close of the principal
 afternoon's program, during which
 short addresses were made, tea served,
 suffrage literature distributed, and
 new memberships secured from teach
 ers residing in all parts of the State.
 Mrs. Bridges and Mrs. Menardi, the
 two secretaries of the society, were
 leading workers In the very success-
 ful afternoon.
   The Legislature. which iests in
 January is expected to pass the joint
 resolution for a constitutional amend-
 ment enfranchising women in rec-
 ord time, as in 1911. This second pas-
 sage Is necessary to send the measure
 on to the electorate for ratification.
 There is every prospect that Neva4,
 now entirely surrounded by equal suf-
 frage territory, will be one of the very
 next States to enfranchise her women.

   Mrs. Bertha Carter was appoinjed
 Field Secretary of the N. A. W. S. A.
 at the Ofelal Board's recent meeting
 i't Chicago, and Mrs. Harriet Stanton
 Blatch was made directress of par-

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