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42 Women's J. 1 (1911)

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                       , ic...  .Organ of the National American Woman Suffrage Association


     Rev. Anna H. Shaw  ' suggests open
     Ing in The Journal a ,colunfor, short
     letters from suffraglss, mking ug,
     gestions In regard tothe, work, and
     especially outunliagany kind of worl
     whic has been- sut    SUCh mUg
     gestions would deal with hoW to mke
     a neeting a success,- ho ' itoget up aD
     entertainment, to make money, etc.
     We shall welcome sch letters, and
     hope to receive ma'.

     0on. Charles N. ,-PotterChief Jun-
     tics of Wyoming,'Wa$ Aked whether
   any of the ill resultsPredicted by Miss
   Seawell had followed from equal sut-
   frage in that State.He was too busY
   to be  able  to  ans ow
One of the c       s6ueihcesor 'iom-
   Plications mentioned bY Miss Seawell
   In the  Atlantic  monthly 'to r'Septem-
   her, 19i0, with tlferenc6 to.-Woman
   suffrage, have.arien
   Where. women'hae  '
 sinces 869. M      e.fl    urg
      ~if~e186, Mrried *6ien in' Wyo.
   lning have  not.only notbe
   of any Property rig hts Thih they -ad
   before equal suftrage  s-apied but
   efrom  to time
   tasse extebeenI
     Pase etending the 'Propek'y rights a
  and the rights
  WOmen  Nor is thej'e 'ny propect F
  that married       iv
', Of their rights:!I
   ~~~~ O- thirogh   n seqjuence  of. their  g
   having the right of Uftsge.
   ' gain  I  am   P ei i~ -' s t
   '0WYonling hasneve to Bay     *
   sort o trouble attheolkln dpaby e
   r eason of thelae a
   repofithe attemnpt or,,omni'to de- a
   WOitheirb  t     have1lived In o
   yonling nearly  e   a     h
 never heard Of a s    i;,  and I hareit
 any w            eIonanat
      lac evwas ever
 Where any a8te r

                      MISS SYLVIA


it Miss E. Sylvia Pankhurst, second
daughter of Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst
of England, has just arrived In this
country, to oversee the publication of
her new book, The Suffragette, and
to lecture on suffrage. She gave her
finrt address yesterday in New York
for the Women's Political Union. The
Massachusetts W. S. A. has engaged
Miss Pankhurst to speak on Tuesday
evening, Jan. 10, at Ford Hall, Boston.
Admission free. Reserved seats, 60c.

  Mrs. Pankhurst's-sister Mrs. Clarke,
  was 'amongthe women    imprisoned
after the recent demonstrations in
London.   It Is reported that Mrs.
Clarke received harsh treatment In
prison, and died Just after her release.
It is not yet known whether her death
was due to ill usage in jail or to the
extreme brutality with which -the wom-
on were handled by the police before
their arrest.


  Mrs. Elizabeth Case Goddard oft
Colorado Springs has a letter In the j
last Issue of Mr. Bok's magazine, as-
serting that equal suffrage is a failure.u
Her account ts much less lurid than c
Ri]chard Brry's. She does not allege
any'-definite bad results, but denies any *
good ones.b              e    a
Mr. Bok is unlucky In his witnesses. nt
A few months ago Mrs. Goddard visit-
ed Providence, R. I., and in an Inter-
view, in the Providence Journal made
severe onslaught on Judge Lindsey
Di the Denver Juvenile Court, declar- th
Ig that he had broken every law on w]
the statute books. This at once aligns in
Wr. Goddard with the forces of cor-
ruption In Colorado that Judge Lind-es
ey has been antagonizing, and  is af

allot. I6n ough  to  d iscedat... .. ..

   Vl.XLIL                                               OS

   THE WOMAN'S      JQU   NAL     fere with her in depositing her ba
            FoUNDDBY              Instead of the polls in Wyoming
 LUCy STONE and HENRY B. DLACK        leg become the scene- of disorder
   A We*idy Neweplepgp  livowd to riot, I do not recall any instanc
   Wowins EqualS IUli             disorder or riot at any polling plac
   toW~nnlEqualSufrge~~ta.        the State, either In or out of the
     ,MISS ALICE STONI AcgwELL    ence of women.
          ContIbUleE.diWIU -Very truly yours,
          MISS MARY .HNSTON.Charles N. Potter,
          MS .IDA H. HARPER.                     Chen
          MISS LLIS MERSDITH-                      Cheyenne, Wy

     00k 5i 3ydonStreel t .o; al-Nsw
        Telephoflsick Say 477.

      NATIONA L AMRICAN                .:.. 
       - EADOUARTSRS       ::

 REV.  ANNA  H.  SHAW  '  ; ..- ,  '  o p&,

         Second Vic.P.1ldet
           100 PfteanIa St,, NOLW 0,1mg L.
        Conespondlig Seetpa
                SO Fifth Ave., Now y'o0
         RecordIn Secetay
            5464 Jeltmnon Ave., Chicao, Ili.
MISS JESSIE ASHLEY  - S$O0  Fifth Avo., Now  Yu.I
MISS LAURA CLAY, 189N140l MIl St.. Lexington, K.  4'
         45 Soutwell Avnve, Deechoooge, lI., U

Digitized from Best Copy Available

               .-........ -n g sae may of the Revolution. There are about to thank our men friends for having
hay, say on the subject of equal suffrage. 15 qualified  women lawyers at the sweetened our )xearts about men, for
and The late Justice Brewer of the U. S. Paris bar.  The dean, Miss Jeanne having done something to take the
e of Supreme Court, in the Ladies' World Chauvin, is now a doctor in law, hay- stigma off their sex where this move.
e In of December, 1908, called attention to ing been on the roll ten years. She ment is concerned.  I believe that,
pres. the fact that some of the scanty testi, does not plead cases, but teaches law. Just am each one of those men prob.
     wony from  Coloradoans against suf- She lectures on law  at five girls' ally did not understand at first, yet
     frage came from people angry with the schools in Paris. A treatise on the whtu they did understand, felt it was
     women for preventing the defeat of law concerning children, of which she their duty to come out and show. peo-
     Judge Llndsey; and he added that is the author, is a text-book on the pie how they felt in the matter, so

                                      subject. Miss Marguerite Mills is the more and more men who did not at
                                      real dean of the women, who plead first understand will come forward,
                                      cases. Miss Helen Maropolsky, of a and In the end there will be qot a
                                      learned Russian family, has had cases mere handful of men, but thousands
                                      in the Assize Court, the correctional upon thousands of men who will Insist
                                      and the civil courts. Mine. Grunberg, that justice shall be done to women.
                                      another frequent pleader, qualified as
                                      an advocate after her marriage.          A DOCTOR'S VIEW

                                         .ESME         CETNIL            Dr. Maude Glasgow  contributes to
                                                   T S EN              the New York Medical Journal for Dec.
                                       The centennial of Charles Sumner's 31 a forcible article on The Regula-
                                       birth has been comflaemorated during tion of Prostitution, With special ref-
                                                                       erence to Paragraph 79 of the Page
                                      the past few days in various parts of Brlne same
                                      the country. Like almost all the other Bill. The same issue contains three
                                      great men whose anniversaries have editorials dealing with the general
                                      lately been celebrated, Sumner be. question of the social evil..Referring
                                      tiered in equal rights for women to a recent discussion on the subject,
                                      ieen heqal draighs foraomn sthe editor says: The overwhelming
                                      amendment to the U. S. Constitution weight of opinion elicited seems to be
                     gwthe parents of the.editor of The Wom            that Paragraph 79 Is futile and ought
                                     an's Journal went to Washington and to be repealed. This is In accord with
                                     labored with him not to limit the bone. conclusions which have been many
              ......Q-               fits of the amendment to male citi- times arrived at elsewhere, and we
                                     zens. Sumner told them that he had must say that t appears to 'us to be
                                     -Witens                           abundantly supported by the facts.
                                     re-Written the amendment fourteen
                                     times In the effort to express I  The many medical citations given by
                                     meaning  without using  the  word Dr. Glasgow will be of value to women
                                     male', but he had not been able to who are opposing the attempt to In-
                                     avoid it.                         troduce such legislation elsewhere.
                                     It was during this interview that The New York Medical Journal is pub-
                                     Sumner.said, In the progress of civ- lished in New York City, and the price
                                     ilization, woman suffrage is sure to of a single copy is'15 cents.
                                     come-a statement which has been
                                     circulating in the Eminent Opinions  GOV. BALDWIN FAVORS
                                     of. the suffragists for the last forty  Gov Baldwin of Connecticut In his
                                                             •. S. B. inaugural message says that he favor,
                                                             40Y      leg *'b o n
                                       MISS SHAW   TO GOV. BRADY       leg to women.,._116. Baldwin   . l In
                                                                      good company.   Theodore Roosevelt
                                      Rev. Anna H. Shaw, President of the recommended woman suffrage in his
                                    National American W. S. A., has sent message to the Legislature when GOV-
                                    the following letter to the Hon. James ernor of New York, and half a score
                                    H. Brady of Boise, Idaho:         of Massachusetts Governors have done
                                      The National Woman Suffrage As. the same.
                                    socation wishes to express its cordial                           ..... .
                                    appreciation of your call for a conven.       A JOKE
PANKHURST.                         tion of women voters, Jan. 14. There
                                   in unquestionably a special service that  Baltimore has now become a regu.
                                   enfranchised women may render to the lar hot-bed of woman suffrage. It has
 such opposition was a credit to woman disfranchised 'by proving the value of several large suffrage organizations,
 .suffrage.          'citizenship in the growth of ,those the Equal Suffrage League alone hay.
   The last service that Julia WardhI                                 g more than 1,000 members. Alarmed
          Howerenere to he duc wanto ol-higher qualities of Character, which re-Ilgmr  hn%00mme A~'
 Howe rendered to the cause was to col- sponslbility  develops and  In  their by the growth of suffrage aqtfi y,,61
 lect the opinions of 624 ministers and loyalty to the bublic needs, and also in Antis have Organized to fightin behalf
 editors in the enfranchised States as refuting ther maliciou  misrepresent- of the old fashioned feminine :ideal.
            to wheticiousemresultssof equal tuf- ohu
 to whether the results of equal uf- tions and scandalous attacks upon the The suffragists invited them todebate
 frage had been good or bad. The ed- character and patriotism of women in the question. They declined promptly
 itors answered favorably, In the ratio our enfranchised States.         and with horror., Los Angeles has
 of more than eight to one, ad the pas  We extend to  the. convention our hundreds of suffragists, and when they
 tors in much larger proportion. Yet hearty co-operation ...gave a' great dinner to the legislators
 no doubt Mrs. Goddard's opinion will              Anna H. Sliaw,   the other day, a handful ofrAntis--
 be thought by the Antis to outweigh       President N.LA. W. S. A. less than a ,score-came before the
 them all. In the Mohammedan courts,                                legislators next day to protest. In
 the testimony of one man is held to be                             each case the smaller society Insists
 equal to that of two women. Among    JUDGE AILSHIE'S VERDICT
                    eaAthat It representsthe.great majority
the Antis, the testimony of one anti-                            ofof women,
suffragist outweighs that of 100 In
favor.                  A.S . B,  the Idaho Supreme Court, says:  ,     A AMATEUR BILL-STICKERS.
                                    Equal suffrage has been a success
                                  in this State and has resulted in the
      WOMEN GOOD JURORS           improvement of polltical'and publien    ticalmUnionsof'teWomk
                           en sPoltical]UionofNew;Y ork;
                                 conditions, and is,. in my opinion, be. turned out with paste-pots and b ushes
  Gov. Marion E. Hay of Washington yn                    oplo dbt. a n Idaho h

has denied the petition from certain many years prilortotheIwadio Iao and put up 500 purple, green and
women of Sunnyside that hrecom         ea      r   e a             white posters announcingMissSylvia
        men totheLegslaurea bll xemt-the equal suffrage amendment in 1896, Pankhurst's lecture on Tan. 6, Society
mend to the Legislature a bill exempt-n  hve en here ver
lg women from Jury'duty. He says: women have provenevese       o   women and college women were con-
  Ladies who recently served on a  c   aeofuing the bally Spicuous. The novelty of this method
         111adeswh  rcenlyseve  o  ,as  aal fUigteblo as men. of procedure led the New York papers
jury here, the first since suffrage took They have held many public officest icu             acout    o  it,
effect, are earnest and sincere in their and In every instance have come up to adorned with pictures of the amateur.
belief that women should serve on the standard of men; and In many bill-posters, and pret       baplen
uries. The trial Judge, of the case instances have exceeded them In e  dida .   . drise ent of  be emeet n
praised their services highly, and                                  iafitlensyementf      .t
urged that women Jurors be generally                                                7-iny.   ,eIn
aled upon.                                                          Work has begun on an Apple Way,
I have -been advised that promin.  MRS. PANKHURST ON'MEN          two greatthoroughfares, each34
Dt women of the State generally.                                  mileslong,to run the i'lengt of the
avr servce on juries, and I shall Mrs. Pankhurst saidI n a recent Spokane  Valley, between 'Spokane,
ake no recommendation otherwise. speech: .Wash., and Coeurd'Alene, Idaho, The
                                  I want to say p*,word about the cost willbe$350,000.L fty per cent.
  FR N H  W OMEN   LAW YER  S   men  who  hv e om e.      thi s  P;-ht..  o th s wi l mewfroil  thewo:tats,
            -We women hav                      knowni what h   i-3    e cent. frmteCutes, and 15
About a dozen women were among tIe gallant band of men. h ays eendo- pe r cent,_fro0m• the ••land-owners
he 1100 members of the French bar ing for a very long time pat, and we Apple and elm..trees: willineibOth'.
tho were present at the baquet 'held have been more grteft th:em than qdes of the: road, :Irrigationoe'm-
celebration of the centenary of the perhaps they. have ealied...... Thr  ae ...n d nurseries alnh-a
ecree of 1910 by which Napoleon re- have been tim  ..s whn * we( have ~felt w:il c€ontribuite ithe inecessary water,
stablished the Order of Advocates inclined to b  itrao4teze         fadternhr'Onn.ajiig
    'tr t sppesinat the beginning this country, and Iwasa woman  i:  , ~property ill/lke :care' of the trees. :':'



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