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40 Women's J. 1 (1909)

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Vol. XL.                                                      BOSTON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1909.                                                                                     No. I

  The Woman's Journal
         POUNDED b    LUCY STONI
  A WUKLy' N KWSPArE, published RvuaT
  SA'URDAT In Boston dovoted to the Interests
    of Woman-to her Nducatiosal, Industrial,
    L~gl and Political Equality, and saps.-
     elally to her right of Suffrage.
    (3mtered at the Post Office, Boston, Mao., as
  aselnmd-ass mail matter.)
             ASociA a EDigOaO:
  2 ,rVo 0fICZ: NO. 6 mACON ST.. RoOM 1018

  Victory in Defeat.................1
  Editorial  Notes  .................. 1
  Women Physicians............... 1
  Suffrage Prize Poem..............1
  The Latest Suffrage Victory ...... 1
  Concerning Women .............. 1
  Our Fortieth Year-A. S. B........2
  Underpaid      Women      Teachers-
     H.B  .B . ....................... 2
   Coeducation  Advancing-H. B, B. 2
   With Women's Clubs..............2
   More Back Numbers Wanted ...... 2
   Women's Congress in Russia ...... 2
   Persistent Delusions-F. M. A..... 2
   What College Women Are Doing-
     E.M.A..................... 2
   Some Opinions on Woman Suffrage 2
   Silver Plate Premiums...........2
   The National Convention ......... 3
   Ballade of Brave Women...........4
   Pilgrim Mothers' Dinner ...........4
   Women in the Churches .......... 4
   S t a t e  Correspondence -  New
     Hampshire, Illinois, South Dako-
     ta, Massachusetts, Ohio, Wash-
     ington, District of Columbia .... 4
   Literary Notes..................4
   Notes and News ................. 4
   Humorous   ........................ 4


          By %vin Markham.

   Defeat may aerve as well as victory
   To) shukef the soul and let the glory
  When the great oak Is straining in the
  The boughs drink In new beauty, and
  the. trunk
  'Sends (own a deeper root on the
        windward side.
' Only the soul that knows tie mighty
  Can'know the mighty rapture. Sor-
        rows come
  To stretch out spaces in tile heart for
                       --The Nautilus.

    The Woman's Journal this week en-
  ters upon its fortieth year. Mrs. Eve-
  lyn Greenleaf Sutherland, whose death
  by a tragic accident has cast a gloom
  over her large circle of friends In this
  city, contributed to our paper years
  ago one of the brightest stories that
  ever appeared in our columns. It de-
  scribed  the   complications resulting
  from the goodnatured act of a Har-
  vard student who volunteered to take
  the place, in a street band, of an old
  musician temporarily disabled.  The
  youth remarked gaily that It wouldhbe
  an   adventure, any way.      The old
  gentleman answered, is it not an ad-
  venture in itself to be but twenty-four
  years of age? Ach! I would ask no
  better adventure than so! For a re-
  form paper to have lived to reach its
  fortieth year is all achievement in it-
  self. The Woman's Journal has seen
  the death of nearly a score of woman
  Suffrage journals, some of them ad-
  mirably conducted and well deserving
  to survive. Our paper started out with
  Mrs. Mary A. Livermore, then in the
  height of her falne, as Its editor in
  chief; and with a brilliant corps of
  editorial contributors.   Every   week
  during this long series of years it has
  made its unfailing appearance, and
  distinguished writers, too numerous to
  mention, have contributed to Its pages.
  It has seen the cause which It repre-
  sents grow like the mustard-seed of
  Scripture. The paper enters upon its
  fortieth year full of heart and hope.

    New York papers report that the
  husbands of several prominent anti-
  suffrage ladies have signed the we.
  man suffrage petition. Bishop 'otter
  was a suffragist, while his wife is an
  Anti, and the same is said to be[
  the case with Mr. and Mrs. Emil
  Kuichllng and others. At one of or
  legislative hearings in Massachusets,,
  a lady 'who came to argue against the
  suffrage bill incidentally remarked in

the course of her address that her
husband was in favor of it. The ques-.
tion naturally arose, if she was so de-
sirous to have him represent her on
all other political questions, why she.
could not be content to let him repre-
sent her on the suffrage question also.
In Chaucer's time, the model wife was
the patient Griselda, and the crowning
instance of her virtue was the cheer-
ftl consent that she gave to her hus-
band's proposal to murder their chil-
dren-she continuing to 'meet him
with a smile after she supposed the
deed had been accomplished. It shows
the complete change In public opinion
on the woman question when the wo-
men who are the leading advocates of
feminine subjection do not hesitate to
write and speak in public against a
piolitical measure that is favored by
their husbands.

  A so-called famous scientist, whom
most Americans never heard of, says
that the enthusiasm of the suffragettes
is a form of tarantism-a nervous
malady allied to St. Vitus's dance.
What scientific name would lie give to
the  excitement of the Englislmen
agitating for votes before the passage
of the great Reform Bill, when they
burned prisons, toll houses and private
dwellings, upset an archbishop out of
his coach, broke up every political
meeting in the North of England with
shouts of Votes for householders!
Votes for taxpayers: ,ad indulged in
riioting colipared   with  which   the
most extreme actions of the suffrag-
ettes are child's play? Somebody else
accuses the women of katabolismn,'
and Mrs. (C'airoline 1'. Corbin declares
hat woman suffrage would mean the
apotheosis of mediocrity, mnaterlalism
and atheism. Really, if there Is any
hysteria about, it is not all o1 the
suffrage' side!  MeinWhlie, this out-
burst of hard names contributes to th:
gaiety of nations, and inI no way re-
tards the equal rights movement.

  The Ohio State Grange, at its recent
annual meeting, passed rcsolhions in
favor of equal suffrage.

  The members of thei Women's Free-
dom   League wiro chained themselves
to the grille in the ladies' gallery
scalnalized the American press ex-
ceedingly, but the British public seems
to   approve   of  tllem.   On   their
release from prison they were met by
a crowd of sympathizers, and taken In
procession to a banquet. An eye-wit-
ness writes:
  The   grille prisoners received   a
hearty   and   enthusiastic   welcome
when they emerged from the grey
gates of Holloway. The siympathy of
the ordinary cockney with the mili-
tant suffrage agitation was demon-
strated   clearly  and   numistakably
every step of bhe way front Covent
Garden to the Strand. Cheers were
raised and   greetings were shouted
from men in the streets, the shops,
the lorries, and from the tops of piles
of cabbages. Mrs. Despard was rec-
ognized and greeted, and her hand
shaken again and again, accompan-
Ied by such remarks as 'Keep It up!'
'Ope you'll get it!' 'Good luck to
you!' One man inquired, 'Who's the
one who's done the month?'     and
Miss Matters being pointed out to
him, he said. 'You're at plucky one.
Giv' us your paw!'
  The so-called famous scientist must
think that a great many men have
tarantism, too.


  Of the 553 women physicians in
England, .538 have signed the petition
for wvoman suffrage. Some people, not
doctors, say, that women's   health
could not endure the strain of the
ballot. The experts do not seem to
think so.


  Mrs. L. B. Bishop of the Chicago
Beach Hotel, who offered the hundred-
dollar prize for the best suffrage song
to any wtelI-known patriotic tune,
preferably the Battle Hymn of the Re-
public, has extended the time allowed
for the competItion to Feb. 1. She
has been flooded with poetic attempts,

not of first-class quality. Why do not
some of our real poets who believe in
equal suffrage try for it-Mrs. Olive
Tilford Dargan, Edwin Markhan, Ell
Wheeler Wilcox, Mrs. Charlotte Per-
kills Gilman, Ella Gilbert Ives and


    By Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt.

    Some days ago, the press announce-I
 the establishment of State suffrage in
 Victoria. I am just now In receipt of
 a letter from Miss Vida Goldstein, the
 leader in Victoria, and a woman who
 is cordially remembered by her many
 friends in this country.  She pro-
 nounces the victory a sweeping one,
 and declares that even in the most
 optimistic moments they had never
 anticipated such a result. It is an
 almost universal precedent to call for
 a division in the Australian parlia-
 ments upon all controversial ques-
 tions.  The opposition, however, did
 not take this step, apparently because
 it did not care to have the records of
 Parliament indicate the overwhelming
 defeat, nor to have the public press
 give an account of the final vote. Miss
 Goldstein, however, contrary to strict
 parliamentary   rules, which  forbid
 visitors in the galleries to take notes,
 counted the ayes amd noes. The aye.,
 numbered 23 anI the noes but 5;
 and thus ends the unreasoning, ob-
 structive opposition of tile Legislative
 Council or Upper House.
   Miss Goldstein writes:
   It is really quhe difficult to realize
 that the long, weary, wearing struggle
 is over. Yesterday I was looking at
 various suffrage leaflets and appeals
 'To the MeIn of Victoria' lying about
 my office, and it gave me a positively
 queer, though wholly delightful sensa-
 tion to think that nevermore should
 we need to fold, ei.,'elope and addrete
 this classic literature for distribution.
   The bill was to have come on in
 the Council on Oct. 27, ald a great
 crowd of women had turned out to
 heat- the debate, which promised to be
 historic: but there had been trouble
 in the Lower House. discontent witl
 the Ministry over a Land 13111ill ipar-
 ticular, and when file House met the
 Premier astounded members by mnov-
 ing an adjournment till Nov. 18 i i
 order to allow the Ministry to recon-
 struct. The Council met for a few
 minutes, just long enough to allow
 one of outr friends to present our
 'Declaration,' signed by 21,000 women-;
 home-makers in town and country,
 industrial workers and professional
 workers. It created a great imlres-
 sion, especially as the members of the
 three great denomitnational girls' col-
 leges, the Church of England Girls'
 Grammar School, the      Presbyterian
 Ladies' College, and tile Methodist
 Ladies' College. had al signed the
 'Declaration.' Immediately after this
 Declaration was presented, the Rip
 Van Winkle of the ('ouncil, Johln Har-
 wood. arose and stated that he had a
 petition against woman suffrage to
 present.. He did not say 1ow many
 names it contained at that time, but
 be expressed the opinion that when
 the House met on Nov. 18, he had not
 the slightest doubt that ie would have
 forty or fifty thousand names against
 the bill. In order to counteract any
 move that he might make in reference
 to such a petition, the suiffragists set
 into motion a paper protesting against
 his action and that of his Irrespon-
 sible lady friends. Although there was
 only one week in which to work. they
 secured over 1200 names in his ii-
 mediate constituency.
   We waited with bated breath for
 Mr. Harwood to present Ills petition
 on Nov. 18. He arose and lanlely an-
 nouced that it contained 'about 2500
 names.' There was a roar of laughter
 from members, and cries of 'Where's
 your 50,000?' but Mr. Harwood took
 refuge in silence. During the evening
 of the same day other petitions were
 handed in, which Mr. Harwood saln
 made a total of about three thousand
 names, and this was the result from
 the whole of Victoria. His discom-
 fitnre was complete.
   You will be Interested to know that
 many of those who signed the petition
 In opposition were women who have
 accepted the suffrage heretofore con-
 ferred, and who vote religiously In
 school, munlalpal and federal elec-
 tions, but who say that they do not
 want the State suffrage, as they have
qTuite enough to do with the suffrage
which they already pos
   We are to have a commemoration
'coniversaZionie' on Dec. 7, and we have
ilnvited our friends to bring written
suggestions as to the best means of
establishing a permanent memorial of
our victory, which gives Australia the
hohol' of being the first great nation
Ijm,tbe world to give Its+ wtomen every

form   of suffrage, school, municipal,
State and national. Of course, we are
very happy, I can tell you, but if all
you other women were as free as we
how much happier we would be!
   Our constitutional lawyers are di-
 vided on the question as to whether
 the new State suffrage bill will entitle
 women to enter the State Parliament.
 We did not press this question. We
 believe it does nmke women eligible,
 but our chief concern was to get Par-
 lianment to confirm tile right of women
 to the vote.
 To Americans who are not famillar
 with  the   suffrage   movement    in
Australia, this last victory will un-
doubtedly appear to be trivial. It is
quite the contrary. The suffrage or-
ganization in Victoria is the oldest in
Australia, and it is this organization

 whch has     worked most    vigorously
 and uninterrulptedly for the suffrage.
 The educational work which It dii
 hliould be largely credited with the
 suffrage graited in other States. The
 Lower House has been favorable for
 many years, but the Upper Hiouse
 has been persistently and stabbornly
 oplposed. The vote at this title of 23
 to ; i1n favor of the extension of the
 State Parlituettary suffrage to the
 women of Victoria is t victory which
 -.auffagite - .-hrmoghoui+ the   world<
 should class as one of our greatest.
 A   battle which   has been    timidly
 fought and easily    gained  certainly
 does not deserve the place in imstot:.
 of a battle in which the struggle has
 been   intense, hart' fought, ald   in
 wilch every ingenuity of friend anid
 foe has been brought to the contest.
 This is the killd of battle whicJ ias
 just closed In Victoria.
   There seents to be a type of womiei
 comlmuon to all natious who tire so
 constituted that they accept whatever
 suffrage exists, but oppose whatever
 is not yet established. Tiley ),tre lit-
 erally opposed to the further exten-
 sion of suffrige to womlen. There are
 American women who contend that
 school suffrage is a necessary en-
 largenient of their natural sphere, but
 hold that municipal suffrage would
 wreck the very foundations of society.
 Mrs. Humphry Ward and other Eng-
 fish women exlress a Vigorous opin-
 ion that municipal suffrage is a very
 proper and   womanly function, but
 add with equal vehemence their con-
 tention that a vote for a member of
 the National Parliament could not
 fall to disrupt tie home and rob wo-
 men of their most precious femninin,
 virtues. Miss Goldstein has !ntro-
 duced us to tIle self-same type in Vic-
 torla, who, equally unconsclous of Its
 amusing   inconsistency,   pronounces
 national and city politics to be quite
 witlin the donmain of womnan's use-
 fulness, buit Is unspeakably terrified
 at the thought of the State suffrage.
 Such   an  array   of inconsistencies
 might well be used to clinch the state-
 ment that wonan is the illogical rex,
 were it not for the fact that proof
 is plentiful that logic is not a luality
 of sex, nor of race, nor of national.
 ity, but is a mental endowment to
 which the inhabitants of the world
 have not yet attained in large num-
 bers. Meanwhile this type of the il-
 logical woman furnishes to suffrag-
 ists frequent cause for smiles.

 At the last electlon In the province
 of Nyland, Finland, 52,742 men voted,
 and 55,499 women.

 Sister -I  Gregory, of the Little
 Sisters of the Poor, at the house of the
 order on Herbert and Twenty-Second
street, St. Louis, enjoys the dlstlnctiont
of possessing a certificate from the
Board of Engineers.


   Miss Ethel Al. Arnold   will be th
 guest of ionort lit a luncheon given by
 the  Interurban  Suffrage Council ott
 Jan. 15, at tile Ilotel Astor, New York
 City. 1Bev. Anna Shaw will also b0
 present.   Tickets can be had at tho
 suffrmge headquarters at the Martha
 Washington Hotel.
   Miss Kate (imnour. stewardess of
 tile Sardinia, which was recently de-
 stroyed by fire at Malta, is the first
 woniman to receive a Lloyd's Iedal for
 saving life at sea. Miss Gilmour re.
 fused to leave the ship until all the
 women and children had been rescued,
 ain(l to her coolness an   courage Is
 due, it Is said, the saving of' l any
   Mrs. Carr:e Chapman Catt says of
 the suffrage petition: The educational
 value of a canvas for suffrage signa-
 tures Is inesthltable: the whole town
 will soon talk of woman suffrage; the
 effect upon public sentiment of the
 biggest  petition ever presenled   to
 Congress will l)e enormlous. Our cause
[may receive tuese benefits if we will
make a 'a long pull-a hard pull-anl
a pilll all together.
   Miss Annie S. peck of' I'rovidence,
 It. I., has returned from a triumphant
 tour of the  Peruvian Andes, durin g
 which she scaled the sutmmlit of M.
 Huiascarun, one of tile highest peaks
 in the world. This successful ascent
 was the culmiiat:on of two trips sih
 made to South America for that pur-
 pose, ant it required two attempts oil
 her last trip. The montaln is esti-
 iated at from   2-1,000 to 26,000 fett
   Mnlme. Clenience ,Jussolin, who, as we
 noted last we'k, hNis Just been elected
 in Paris as a member (if the Consail
 des Prudhommes (council of wiso
 til,n, i,' m. iWe estahi. l-ta' uuthem
 women were candidttes, but were de-
 feated. MINme. ,hussolin was elected
 mainly by the votes f men. A imutch
 smaller nunlher of wonilen   tha   of'
 men have a vote in the election of
 these Consells, and a large propor-
 tion both ol' the men and of the wo-
 men entitled to vote neglect to do so.
   Mrs. Nancy C. Bush, ipostmaster at
 Charlotte, Vt., has been in tile postal
 service for 38   years, beginning as
 telegraph operato- and assistant. fi
 1875 she was appinted postmaster by
 President Grant. In response to a pe-
 tltin almost unanihously signed by
 the people of Charlotte. Her office is
 a model of ne:tness, and her accoutnts
 are mlways accurate to the last cent.
 She has never had a clerk to help her.
 She superintends a sub-station, super-
 vises two carriers. attends to an ex-
 tensive  money-order   business, and
 carries on all the work of tile office.
 She Is now 78 years old.
   Senorita Carolina Hbulobro of Bos-
ton, the well-known lecturer on South
A i'mAica, is giving a course of six
lectures, splendidly illustrated by the
stereopticon, before the Pratt Institute
In Brooklyn, and she will also lecture
before  Colhmbia lniversity tnd at
other places in New    York.   In her
lecture on The Mirvels and Wonders
of Peru, Senomita Humlobro contrasts
ancient and    modern  civilization by
giving a graphic account or the Incas
and of the Oroya Railway, which
within a distance of 1:18 miles, riseto
a point fifteen hundred feet higher
than P'ike's Peak.
  Mrs. Eleanor Relyea, a clerk In the
signal office of the War Department.
will be the next social secretary of the
White 1house, tit a salary of $1,000 a
year. Miss Isabelle Hagner, who now
holds that position, will step back into
the ranks of Government clerks, by
executive order, and will be given a
place in the surgeon-general's office.
The office of social secretary has
been made to include that of compan-
ion to the president's wife, since Miss
Hagner assumed its duties, and she
has proved an Invaluable assistant to
Mrs. Roosevelt In all her family and
t tate affairs. Mi-s. hteiyea was ap-
pointed to the War Department fronm
Connecticut in July, 1907. She is a
woman of culture, and has a wide ac-
qualnltance nmong society people inl
Washington, New York and Newport

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