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35 Women's J. 1 (1904)

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Vol. X V.

The Woman's                          at
 SATURDAY in Boston, devoted to the
   of Woman-to herEducational, Indu
     Legal and PoliticalEquality, and-es
        cally to her Right of Sulfrage.
   kEntered at the Post Office, Boston, Mass.,
 second class mallmatter.)
                 EDITORs: 0
             ASSISTANT EDITORS :

 Baroness Alexandra Grlpenberg.
 Mary Putnam JacobiM. D.  Prof. Ellen Hayes
 Lillie Devereux Blake,   Laura M. Johns.

 Where conies are for sale and subscriptions taken
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    Checks and drafts and post-office orders should
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 dressed to the office of the WOMAN'S JOURNAL, 3
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 J. B. MORRIsON, Business Manager Adv. Dep't.

         .;- .    -....             PAOE
 Editorial Notes.............................1
 Women's Clqbs and ClmbWomen  .........1
 College and Alumniae........................1
 Did a Woman Discover Spencer?........ .
 The Fortnightly................................1
 Vital Issues, Charlotte Perkins Gilman .....  2
 A New Year's Letter .................. 2
 Five Million * omen .........................  2
 The World's Mother ................ .......... 2
 From Now On....................... 2
 Women Lawyers ........................ 2
 The Minerva Society and Sorosis..........2
 Literary Notices; ..... ................. ......8
 Scols of Cinp .~D........ .......4
 The Grange for WSnniu Suffrage, n..n ....... 4
 Australian  Notes............ ...............  4
 College League Theatricals ......... : .......... 4
 The Sin of Too Much ....... :.  ...............4
 Pleasant W ords........ : .......................  4
 The Power of Laughter ........................ 4
 Story-Mr. Hastle's Lesson...... ....... 6
 State Correspondence-New York-Ohio-'
 Pennsylvania-Michigan .................. 7, 8
 Are WivesSupported?.......  ........ 8



  The cold sky bends ina solemii b0w'
  Over a world ofstainless snoW.  r
  In chill brownlines.the hedges creep.
  Past sheltered farms to-forests deep.
  The steel-blue ice, windswept and clear,
  Covers the breast of the lone!y.,mere.
  In cedar thickets the bluejays scold,
  Whle snow-rbirds whirl throughtheb'itter

      And tiny, timid, hasty print
      On white drift gives of hares a hint.
                   .     -Thee Outlook.


  A bill'giving full State suffrage to wom-
  en has just passed the popular branch of
  the Victorian. Parliament for the eighth
time. The majorities for it have grown
from year to.yearotand this time It passed
without opposition. Women     now  have
State suffrage in South and West Austra.
ia, Tasmania-andNew South Wales. Vic.
toria and- Queensland-are the only two
Australian States where!,it is still denied
them. InIVictorla a bill to give it- to
them  has,- passed the ::eleotive Lower
House eightitimes, and has been thrown
out seven times by the non-representative
Upper House. This time there is said to
be more: prospect- of mits passing that fog-
sllized.:body than ever before. Women
now have national suffrage-throughout
all Australia; and those members of-the,
Victorian Upper House -who -apire to.
seats in the National Parliament ;fill
havetoreckon with the women's votes in
the -,national elections. ItAs clearly  i-.,
congruous that women should be allowed
to vote for members of the National:Par-
liamentbutnot forimembers of the State
Parliament. It can beonly'a question of'
time  wenth-e'anomaly; will- be don 6'

  Gov ;.~LldliffF.' C. Garvin of Rhode
IslInd'iagFbeei~nime'd~gi- ptosable Delir.
ooratlo €tudidate for tli Presidency.- Such'


No. 1.


Digitized from Best Copy Available

a nomination would lIft the party to the trut
Jeffersonian level, and if maintained would
ensure Its eventual return to national con.
trol. -The statesman who has twice been
chosen governor by the people of Rhode
Island in defiance of the plutocracy of that
    rporation-ridden State would be a fitting
  'er for a genuine National Democracy.

  Hale, higginson and Hoar are our lead-
  ing grand old men, while Howe is our
  particularly grand old woman.    Quite
  alliterative I says the Boston Herald. Yes,
  and there is a more important moral al-
  literation. Three of the four, including
  the grand old woman, are strong woman

  Mrs. Mary G. Slocum, wife of President
  Slocum of Colorado College, contributes
  to the Outlook of Dec. 20 a brief reply to
  Miss McCracken's sweeping charges that
  the ballot has had a disastrous effect upon
  the womanhood of Colorado women, etc.
  It is to the credit of the Outlook that it
  has admitted a reply; though the editor
  gave to Miss McCracked, a casual tourist,
  seven and a half pages in which to expati.
  ate upon her unfavorable impressions,
  while he has given barely three pages to
  Mrs. Slocum, and has prefaced her article
  with half a page of editorial comment de.
  signed to break its force. Mrs. Slocum's
  calm statement, however, by its very dig-
  nity and moderation, is more likely to
  carry conviction to unprejudiced readers
  than Miss McCracken's ultra and extreme-
  ly one-sided presentation.

  The editor of the Outlook also denounces
  the Denver News for publishing and the
  WOMAN'S JOURNAL for reprinting the re-
  port that Miss McCracken had gone to
  Colorado with an understanding in ad-
  vance between her and the Outlook that
  she was to write unfavorbbly of equal
  suffrage. We are told that throughout
  her tour of the United states, Miss Me-
  Cracken was urged to -make perfectly in-
'depbbkvatbnsad      t 9~6~'ft,6
conclusions without regard to the ,views
of the Outlook.  Those who have ob-
served for years the one-sided course of
the Outlook on the suffrage question will
take this editorial disclaimer for what It
may be worth. If Miss McCracken, as the
result of her independent observations,
had sent Dr. Lyman Abbott seven and a
half pages of unqualified praise of equal
suffrage in Colorado, instead of the same
amount of unqualified condemnation of
it, does anyone really suppose he would
have published it?

   The editor of the Outlook, In his preface
 to Mrs. Slocum's article, illustrates amus-
 ingly the straws at which opponents of
 equal rights are ready to clutch as argu-
 ment': The Denver News reported that a
 Denver woman (unnamed) had said that
 Miss McCracken told some one in that
 city that she was to be paid for an article
 on the: other side and therefore must
 Write it; and the WOMAN'S JOURNAL
 copied the statement; and these two
 facts, the Outlook asserts editorially, go
 far to confirm the reasonableness and jus-
 tices'of the general position of Miss Mc-
 Cracken's article, i. e., that the women
 of Colorado in general have been demor
 alized by the ballot, that it has struck a
 disastrous blow at their womanhood, etc.
 Was there ever a more laughable case of
 '!a non-sequitur by a hundred miles? But
 it shows how far from impartial is the
 spirit in which the editor of the Outlook
 approaches the subject. Mrs. Slocum, It
appears, was not in favor of equal suffrage
before it was granted, and is only mildly
in favor now; but she denies Miss Mc-
Crsck'en'schief statements in oto.


   The'club women of Los Angeles are
trying-to raise $3,560 to pay the cost of
conducting a juvenile court for the com-
ing year. ,The Wednesday Morning Club
has taken the lead.

  Portland, Ore., has a city federation
wich includes the Teachers' Association
arid t' Jewish Council of Women. It is
IT6lears old. its first year's work was
ibibehalf of sanitary conditions In the
pnblic schools. This year other educa-
tiollal 4ork has been taken up. The fed-
eration is anxious to have cooking Intro-
/luce~d inS0 the public school system, and
expetts soon to have a domestic science

  department established In at least the
  higher grades.

I   The Era Club of Plttsburg, Pa., is plan.
a ning the erection ofa&clubhouse for the
b use of the women's clubs of that city.

    Club women In SanFrancisco are plan-
  ning to start a womnfis municipal league.
  San Francisco is Said' to have 3,100 un-
r licensed saloons, besides an unspeakable
  Chinese quarter. Munlcipal politics have
  become so demoralized that public-spirit.
  ed women are awakening to the need ol
  concerted action on' their part. It is to
  be hoped that'they will work to put an
  end to the enforced slavery of Chinese
  girls to a life of Vice. 'More than a thou.
  sand such girls are held as slaves in San
  Francisco alone, with no option of their
  own in the matter. It is hard to under-
  stand what Californlawomen are made of
  that they do not rise up against this

    At a recent meeting of the Brooklyn
  Heights Branch of- the Woman's Muni-
  cipal League, Miss Margaret Livingstone
  Chanler, Miss Grace Dodge, and Miss
  Catherine -Leverich 'spoke. Miss Leve-
  rich, who is the organizer of the Juvenile
  City League, reported that there were
  1,330 boys'enrolled in branch clubs of the
  League.' They have' done excellent work
  in keeping the streets In their own neigh.
  borhoods clean, and'ihave aided in placing
  receptacles for waste paper, etc., on the
  corners.' Miss Levericih has devised an
  ingenious inducement for boys to become
  members of the Junior League, in a sort
  of °clrculatlng library of boxing gloves,
  balls, and bats, which are lent to mem.
  bers, Miss Chanler advocated establish-
  ing branches' 6f the!League in every sec.
  tion of New York Cijy

    The Chicago Woman's Club Is prepar-
  ing for a conference uWomen in Mod-
  ern. IndustrialIsm,2!.v'to be held in the
  early Spring. The c6n mittee having It In
  T,              ,ee,   -bdrpn     f-t

  six departments of the club. .The art and
  literature department will, report on the
  status of women as artists, artist-artisans,
  authors, journalists, designers, musicians,
  actors, etc. The philosophy and science
  'department will present -the status of
  women as.physicians, surgeons, chemists,
  physicists, etc. Each department will
  make a concise statement of actual condi-
  tions, and papers and discussions will fol-
  low on the topics: Women's Education
  as Affected by Industrialism, Marriage,
  Health, and Social Life as Affected by
  Industrialism, Family and Financial
  Obligations Borne by Women, and Po.
  litlcal and Legal i~abIlities Affecting
  Women in Industrialism.


   Girls' collegesuin India have to contend
 with some difficulties unknown to West-
 ern institutions. The MysoreHerald con.
 talns a report of the proceedingsat a re-
 cent meeting of the Managing Committee
 of the -Maharani's College -in Mysore,
 which was lately thrown-open -to Indian
 Christian girls as the result of agitation
 in the press. The IndtaWSocial Reformer
 (Bombay) says: The concession, how-
 ever, was qualified in a manner which
 would have been ridiculous if it were not
 so offensive. The college has now been
 thrown open, to -all- non-Hindu -comm uni.
 ties, -but the offensive-and meaningless
 qualification Is still allowed to stand.
 The new rule runs thus: 'The Maharani's
 Girls' College shall be open to all caste
 Hindus; and pupils of approved parentage
 belonging to the-native'Christian, • Ma.
 hometan, Parsi, Jewish, Eurasian, and
 European communitls, who have passed a
 standard equivalent to the 'English lower
 secondary 'examination, may be admitted
 to the high sch6bl andcollege classes,
 such admission being subject to the ap-
 proval 'ofthe whole committee.' It is
 further provided that girls belonging to
 non-Hindu commn unities shall pay a fee in
 excess ofi thahA'arged 'at'the convent
 school in the city, with tfie object evi.
 dentfy of mak'[ni g'admisisons of such girls
 as few as possibl'e. We do not wish to
 comment on these proceedings, except to
 say tlit they areutterly untenable. 11 Why
 shoulditbe enecSsary f-rh6 cmmittee
 to 'approve' f the parentage of non.
 Hindu girls seekIng adilno   This is

 neiter suprstltion nr' enl'htenment,
 It Is limply an invention' df thocommit-
 tee to put obstacles In the Way'Ofr a -re-
 form which they h'ave' ii7 the coniience

            THE FORTNIGHTLY.

   A meeting In charge of the Boston
 Equal Suffrage Association for Good Gov-
 ernment's Committee on the Care of the
 Young, the Poor and the Defective, will
 be held at No. 6 Marlboro' Street next
 Tuesday, at 3 P. M. Rev. Father O'Far-
 rell, Mr. Meyer Bloomfield, and Mr. Max
 Mitchell will speak on Civic Work at
 the North and West Ends.
   Every alternate Fortnightly Is arranged
 by the Boston E. S. A. for G. G. All the
 members of the Massachusetts W. S. A.
 and of its branches are cordially Invited to
 be present, and to bring their friends.


    In reading an essay upon Herbert Spen-
 cer, I found a high tribute to woman,
 which is worthy of notice.
   Herbert Spencer's writings at first met
 with neglect, and then with condemnation,
 until Prof. Edw. L. Yonmans brought his
 writings into notice in this country. But
 Prof. Youmans says that when he first
 read the Principles of Psychology he
 could make nothing of It, and threw it
 aside with impatience. But his sister,
 Miss Eliza A. Youmans, took up the dis-
 carded volume, read it with care, and
 told her brother it was a new revelation
 in philosophy. In truth, then, we ought
 to say it was Miss Youmans who discov-
 ered Spencer.
 May we not score another point for
 women in this instance?
                      ROSA S. ALLEN.
  Medfleld, Mass., Dec. $6, 1903.

  Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt addressed
the Michigan Teachers' Assoclation at its
annual meeting, held at the University of
Michigan last week.

to resist nor the courage to adopt. Or-
thodox Hinduism does not make a dis-
tinction based on individual parentage.
From Its point of view, the Mysore Her-
ald is right In denouncing the change al-
together. But on what grounds will the
committee justify their not very straight-
forward conduct? It is less offensive to
be excluded by communities than to have
one's parentage sifted and assorted, even
by the excellent gentlemen who manage
the affairs of the Maharani's College.
Then, the action of the committee in fix-
Ing no scale of fees, but making itdepend-
ent on that of a neighooring institution, is
hard to justif., We have never heard'of
such a thing before. We earnestly trust
his Highness the Maharaja will sweep
aside all these cunningly contrived cob-
webs, and throw open the institution to
all comers, irrespective of parentage and
on the same scale of fees. A backward
class may be allowed liberal scholarships
by way of encouragement. The present
rules are calculated to prove highly irri-
tating to large classes of his subjects,
though they may never think of sending
their children to the Maharani's College.
  Imagine an American college instituting
an inquiry into the parentage of its stu-
dents as a pre-requisite for admission! As
a matter of curiosity, we wonder what
sort of parentage is required by the My-
sore committee?

  For the first time there were last year
students at the University of Michigan
from every State and Territory except
Alaska. Among the outlying regions rep-
resented were Hawaii, Cuba, Porto Rico,
and the Philippines.

  The Boston Branch of the Association
of Collegiate Alumnin will meet in Alls.
ton Hall, Grundmann Studios, Clarendon
Street, on Jan. 9, at 2.30 P. M. The Com-
mittee on Education has arranged the fol-
lowing program on the College Graduate
in the ElementAry School: 1, The need of
the college graduate in the elementary
school, Supervisor Mau'rice P. White, Boa
ten '2, Thae prbf4~iOnkl 'tiaining 'af the
college graduate who is to do elementary
school work, Miss Anna McKeag, Associ-
ate Professor of Pedagogy, Wellesley Col-
lege; 3, The opportunities In Massachu-
setts for college graduates to receive pro-
fessional training for elementary school
work, Wallace C. Boyden, principal Bos.
ton Normal School; 4, How can we in-
crease the number of college graduates In
the elementary schools? Dr. W. P. Beck.
with, principal Salem Normal School. The
College Club invite the Branch at the
close to spend a social hour in their rooms
i 'the same building.


   DR. ELLEN L. LOWELL Of New York
 has been appointed chief bacteriologist at
 the Graves Pathohuglcal Laboratory of
 the Orange (N*. J.) Memorial Hospital.
 She will have entire charge. Dr. Lowell
 is a graduate of Leland Stanford Univer-
 sity, and received her degree of M. D. from
 Johns Hopkins Unlverity. She is a mem-
 ber of the Massachusetts Lowell family.
   MRs. WATSON LISTER, secretary of the
 Women's National Council of Australia,
 Is spending a month in Boston. She and
 her husband are staying at 169 St. Botolph
 Street. Mrs. Lister has been beset with
 questions as to the working of equal suf-
 frage and other reforms In her far land,
 and answers them with Intelligence and
 unfailing good humor. She will probably
 be among the speakers at the National
 Suffrage Convention in Washington next
 gins with this week to edit her new de-
 partment, Vital Issues, in the WOMAN'S
 JOURNAL. She contributes a New Year's
 poem, a witty and Inspiring little sermon
 on New.Year good resolutions, and several
 short articles bearing on the woman ques.
 tion. From    the many expressions of
 pleasure called out by the announcement
 that Mrs. Gilman would this year be a
 weekly contributor, it is clear that her
 department will be popular with our
 address the Michigan State Board of
 Health at its annual meeting, to be held
 next week in the medical school of Michi-
 gan University, on The Inspection of
 Meat. This is a subject to which Mrs.
 Crane has given much study and attention.
 She first brought about a reform in the
 scandalously unwholesome condition of
 the slaughter houses in her own city of
 Kalamazoo, and then secured from the
 Michigan Legislature a law requiring
 State inspection.
   DR. MARY D. Hussey, of East Orange,

 Association at Trenton, Dec. 29, on-What
 organization by women has done for wom-
 en. The general subject for that after-
 noon (the women's session) was The Sta-
 tus of Women Teachers in th Public
 Schools. Of New Jersey's 8,214 teachers,
 more than 7,000 are women. Yet there,
 as in many other States, there is an open-
 ly.avowed determination to exclude wom-
 en teachers as far as possible from the
 honors and emoluments of the profession,
 no matter how superior they may be in
 character, culture, and successful experi.
 ence in teaching, to some of the men
 chosen to hold office over them. Some of
 the ablest teachers are growing restive
 under this unfair condition of things, and
 are urging that women teachers shubld be
 given an equal chance to rise in the pro-
 fession if they show themselves competent
 and worthy. They are also seeking a law
 providing that teachers shall not'be dis-
 missed except for cause, after written
 charges and a fair hearing for the accused
 teacher, The new charter of New York
 City contains a teachers' tenure.of-office
 clause guaranteeing these safeguards to
 the teachers of that city.
   Miss JANE CAMPBELL, president of the
 Woman Suffrage Society of the County of
 Philadelphia, Is also on the board of the
 City History Club; a member of the board
 of the American Catholic Historical Sol.
 ety (the only woman on the board with
 fifteen men); on three committees of the
 Site and Relic Society; leader of the Cur-
 rent Events Class in the New Century
 Club; a member of the municipal depart-
 ment of the Civic Club, a member of the
 Alumnm Association of the Philadelphia
 High and Normal School, and of St. Vin.
 cent's Aid Society (to provide nursing
 homes), and she has been since 1876 libra.
 rian of the Children of Mary in connection
 with the Convent of Notre Dame. She
 was also a delegate from the Pennsylvania'
 State Federation of Women's Clubs to the
 last biennial of the Geneli Federation.
 Miss Campbell does not seek office, but
 she is evidently the sort of woman whom
 offices seek, and offices of the most varied
 kinds. While In France and Belgium re-
 ligious strife runs so high that Catho!ics
 and Protestants can hardly be civil to
 each other, the greater religious tolera-
 tion prevailing in America is pleasantly
 shown by the fact that a Roman Catholic
 lady is president of the largest local wo-
 man suffrage association In the Unitid
 States, although most of the members
 who Year after year elect her to that posi-
tion are Protestants.

No. 1.

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