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30 Women's J. 1 (1899)

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Vol. XXX.                                                        BOSTON, SATURDAY, JANUARY                                   7, 1899.                                                    No. 1.

                                                                         I   m                                       I

The Woman's Journal
  A Weekly Newspaper, published every Satur-
day in Boston, devoted to the interests of wom-
a -to her educational, industrial, legal and
l      .c equality, and especially to her right of

  BOSTON OFIC---No. 3 Park Street, where cop-
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Three copies one year and premium  -  $6.00
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  Checks and drafts and post-office orders should
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to Box 368, oro the office of the WOMAN'S JOUR-
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letters or Express Co.'s money orders may be
sent at our risk. Money sent in letters not regis-
tered will be at the risk of the sender.
     J. B. MORRISON. Advertising Manager.


Editorial Notes .................................  I
The Next Fortnightly, M. A. Livermore ...... I
A Winter Rome Cn South Carolin............I
Should Women be Jurors and Judges? ........ 2
How to Make Converts2......................... 2
Industrial Progress of American Women....2
Woman's Journal Wanted .....................2
Voting at Sea2...................................
International Vegetarian Union .............. 2
Strong Testimony from Colorado2..............
Literary Notices ...............................2
Children's Column-Humorous .................3
Send in the Petitions, H. n. n .................. 4
Women to vote in Louisiana, H. B. B..........4
Meeting of General Officers, A. S. B........... 4
Women7s Work in the War, it. B. B............ 4
The Helping Hand ............................. 4
Reminiscences of a Pioneer ................... 4
His Mother's Boy..............................  5
Women and Public Schools, F. M. A ............ 5
In Memoriam...........-.......................  5
Our New York Letter ..........................  5
Story: A Life Behind a Veill Alfreda Post.  6
State Correspondence-Kentucky-Southern
  California--ilinots--Ohlo ....................7
Dower Law in Missouri .........................  8
Home Rule for the Philippines................
Massachusetts Clubs and Leagues ............8

         A NEW TSAR'S ID]AL.
Talk happiness. The world is sad enough
Without your woes. No path i wholly
Look for the places that are smooth and clear,
And speak of those to rest the weary ear
Of earth, so hurt by one continuous strain
Of human discontent and grief and pain.
Talk faith. The world is better off without
Your uttered ignorance and morbid doubt.
If you have faith in God or man or self,
Say so; if not, push back upon the shelf
Of silence all your thoughts till faith shall
No one will grieve because your lips are
Talk health. The dreary never-ending tale
Of mortal maladies is worp and stale.
You cannot charm, nor interest, nor please,
By harping on that minor chord, disease.
Say you are well, or all is well with you,
And God shall hear your words and make
     them true.


 Send in your petitions.

 With this issue begins our thirtieth year.

 We ask special attention this week to
 he startling facts and figures given In
 mother column in a review of The City
 9Filderness-a study of the South End
 )f Boston. Bad as is the condition of the
 listrict described, it is probably not the
 worst portion of our city. In the North
 mad West Ends there are neighborhoods
 iven more loathsome and pitiable. Nor
 a Boston worse  off than other cities.
 qew York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Balti-
 nore, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Louisville,
 Jleveland, Chicago, and San Francisco,-
 ill have their great masses of human
 being living similar lives of poverty, vice,
 bud misery.' Every manufacturing town,
 very centre of industry and population,
 resents on a small scale the same sorry

 These unfortuaste populations have
 'ome into existence almost wholly within

the past century, and in an increasing
ratio. Forty years ago a tramp was
almost unknown. In spite of schouls and
churches, of books and newspapers, of
humanitarian societies and labor unions,
a large part of our people are compelled
to live under conditions incompatible with
good citizenship. And this after thirty-
three years of uninterrupted peace and
unparalleled national prosperity, on a con-
tinent of almost unlimited resources, still
for the most part undeveloped. Enormous
wealth, beyond the dreams of avarice, has
been concentrated in the hands of a com-
paratively few. Meanwhile our manufac.
turers are struggling for foreign markets,
our government is wasting hundreds of
millions in needless warfare, and our poli-
ticians concern themselves with personal
ambitions and partisan issues.

   Evidently there is something lacking.
 Read the passage describing the roots of
 power. The admission of women to a
 part in the government never was so much
 needed as now. Suffrage for women, and
 that alone, can rescue our civilization
 from the domination of a plutocracy rul-
 ing by corrupt methods. Reform must
 begin by creating political constituencies
 too numerous to be bribed, and profound-
 ly interested in the welfare of their chil-
 dren and their homes.

   Rev. J. M. Philipps, in the Seminary
 Magazine, says:
   Pay-day (in the army) is always followed
 by the greatest immorality. I don't be-
 lieve the government ought to pay the en-
 tire salary of privates while they are in
 actual service.
   Commenting upon this, the New York
 Voice says:
   Let the government stop establishing
 and fostering opportunities and tempta-
 tions to immorality, abolish the canteen,
 banish the scarlet woman, enforce the
 army regulations against gambling, and
 cashier all officers of high or low degree
 who wink at or abet such things. A de-
 cent man or boy in the army might then
 be safely trusted with $13 a month.

   Women are more practical than men,
 and for that reason are especially needed
 in public work. Here is a case in point,
 mentioned by Harper's Bazar: The club
 women of Kentucky have instituted a sys-
 tem of travelling libraries, under the
 supervision of a committee of the State
 Federation. The State I divided into
 five districts, one member of the commit-
 tee being assigned to each, with instruo-
 tions to secure the cooperation of the
 clubs of her district by personal solicita-
 tion and correspondence. In this way a
 complete canvass was made, and in a short
 time the collection of histories, biogra-
 phies, poetry, wholesome fiction, volumes
 of Harper's and other magazines, and mis-
 oellaneous works was made. This was
 labelled, numbered, catalogued and packed
 in strong wooden boxes, averaging fifty-
 five volumes to a box. The. boxes are
 made of heavy seasoned wood, securely
 fastened with screws and locks, and on
 arrival are used as libraries. Duplicate
 catalogues are made of the books in each,
 one copy fastened on the inside lid, the
 other retained by the committee for refer-
 ence. The stations designated to receive
 the books are wholiy in the mountainous
 part of Kentucky. The boxes travel over
 the mountains by wagon, or down the
 river by push-boats In April and October.
 They rest six months at a place, some
 reliable person being found in each com-
 munity willing to serve as librarian.

 When the books first appeared, the
 mountaineers were distrustful of them,
not understanding that so good a thing
could be free; but this feeling was soon
dissipated, and their interest and eager-
ness after their introduction to the first
library were touching. A letter from one
of the mountain hamlets says: The
library is thoroughly apprpclated. The
curfew law has been passed here, and the
boys and girls take the books and go
home in the evening. Anothei letter,
from a physician who acted as librarian,
says that the bound volumes of nagazunes
were among the most acceptable of the
books that came to these mountaineers.
No matter how old they were, the interest
in them was just as keen. He suggests
that If bound volumes were not obtain-
able, if householders would take their
coples, strip off the advertising leaves,
ad etitmh them together, six numbers to
a volume, they would even then be ser-

   Mrs. Elizabeth B. Chace, president of
 the Rhode Island Woman Suffrage Anne-
 ciation, although she has been confined to
 her bed for months by severe illness, has
 addressed a letter to the Providence Sun-
 day Journal, embodying testimonies from
 various sources to the beneficial results of
 equal suffrage in the States where It has
 been adopted. Such courage and persist
 ency in a woman more than ninety years
 of age, under such circumstances, is he-
 roic indeed. It forever disposes of the
 statement that women do not want to

   Mayor Van Wyck's expressed determi-
 nation to appoint women Commissioners
 on the New York City School Boards has
 won for him the approval of a large class
 who believe that women would serve bet-
 ter than men in this capacity. The Mayor
 acknowledged that the Commissioners
 cannot give enough time to their work,
 and, as a consequence, know little or
 nothing about it. There is Mr. O'Brien,
 whom I have just appointed. He is a
 first-class man, but he is a busy man and
 cannot afford to give his attention to the
 schools. The Mayor declared himself to
 be in favor of employing school teachers,
 who know the way the business should be
 done better than an ordinary man could.

   The New York Nation thinks that
 every upholder of the ancient order of
 things must be shocked at seeing the fre.
 quency with which the names of women
 appear as the authors of contributions in
 the learned periodicals, and especially the
 names of American women in the German
 scientific periodicals: this indicates a lack
 of modest retiringuess on the part of
 American women which cannot but be
 viewed with alarm in some quarters.
 Thus, the last number of Roux's Archiv
 fur Entwicketungsmechanik der Organis-
 men (a subject which even did not exist a
 few years ago) has eight names of contri-
 butors on the title-page, four of them
 Americans, and two of them American
 women. Nor is this a solitary showing;
 to mention one more instance which lies
 at hand, more than half of the 260 pages
 of the last number of the Journal of
 Morphology are contributed by women.

   Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin, only just re-
 leased from her four years' service at the
 head of the General Federation, was re-
 cently elected president of the Illinois
 Consumers' League, The league is mak-
 ing an especial effort at this time in be-
 half of the overworked saleswomen and
 child employees during the period of
 Christmas shopping. The aim of the
 league is for the betterment of working
 conditions throughout the State, and It Is
 endeavoring to enforce the observance of
 the State laws regarding the length of
 time a child can be kept at work. Mrs.
 Kenneth Smoot and Mrs. Emmons Blaine,
 of Chicago, are two of the vice-presidents.

 Mrs. J. D. Whitmore, of Colorado, is
 the first vice-president of the Denver Wo-
 man's Club, an office which Harper's
 Bazar considers equal to the presidency
 of half a dozen large clubs, as this organ-
 istion Is over a thousand strong. Mrs.
 Whitmore, who is a charter member, is
 serving her second term as its first vice-
 president, and Is, besides, chairman of the
 Home Department. It is in this depart-
 ment that she has been most active, and
 probably she would call it her most repre-
 sentative work. Through it and from it
 she has become so thoroughly Identified
 with the domestic-sclence work of Den-
 ver that she Is recognized as, its most
 prominent exponent.


  The next meeting of the Fortnightly
will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 2.30
P. M., In the rooms of the Massachusetts
W. S. A., 3 Park Street, Boston.
  As the meeting comes during the holi-
days, it has seemed best to arrange a
lighter programme than Is usually ren- v
dered at the Fortnightly meetings. Mrs. t
Florence Howe Hall, of New Jersey, has a
therefore been invited to read three of the 1
brief humorous sketches of her own com- a
position, which have been greatly enjoyed a
by the clubs and societies that have been a
so fortunate as to hear them. 1. dThe
Judgment of Minerva-A    Farce; 2. i
What People Expect to Do with a Two- 1
CentStamp; and8S. Moving Day. Mrs. I
Julia Ward Howe will preside on this o-

casion. A social hour, with chocolate and
light refreshments, will follow.
   Members will please present their mem-
 bership tickets. All others are expected
 to pay an admission fee of 15 cents.
            MARY A. LIvictMoRE, Pres.


   The annual meeting of the Massachu.
 setts Woman Suffrage Association will be
 held on Wednesday, January 25, begin-
 ning at 10 A. M., at No. 3 Park Street.
 The afternoon session will be in Park
 Street Vestry at 2 30. The evening ses-
 sion at Association Hall, corner Boylston
 und Berkley Streets, at 7.45. Speakers
 announced next week. A full attendance
 of Leagues is requested.

          FAIRFAX, S. C., Dxc. 81, 1898.
   In continuance of the subject-matter of
 those letters of mine, which have lately
 appeared in the JOURNAL, relating to cer-
 tain localities in my State, where those
 who come South for a mild winter climate
 can be accommodated, I want now to
 write about what I believe is the very best
 resort we have I mean the townof Sum-
 mervillo, only forty minutes from Charles-
 ton by rail, or 22 miles distant.
   It was the declaration of the Congress
 of Physicians, which met some years ago
 in the city of Paris, France, that this is
 one of two places on.the face of the earth
 where those suffering from pulmonary
 diseases will find relief in breathing the
 pure, dry air, Impregnated with the balmy
 odors of the pine. The pine here forms
 the principal forest growth for miles
   The Pine Forest Inn, an up-to-date hos-
 telry and sanitarium united, is in the very
 heart of a great pine forest, where the dry-
 ness of the air and freedom from the cold
 blasts of winter combine to make a per-
 fect climate. At the Pine Forest Inn they
 have on file a letter from Dr. Robert Har-
 vey (now holding a high position In the
 British army in India), written after he
 had made a close examination of the cli-
 mate and porous soil of Summerville, In
 which he gives this place the superiority
 over Acsohon and Bornemouth,-French
 and English resorts,-because It Is dryer,
 and has a more equable temperature.
 Our own equal rights sister, that splen.
 did genius, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps'Ward,
 who, in 1888, lived in Summerville, writes
 Roses run riot over It; its homes are
 gardens, and gardens are its homes.
 There the winds are laid; a blind may
 hang loosely half the winter, and never
 flap, from dark to dawn, against your
 rose-wreathed window. There it is always
 dreamland, and there the knotted North-
 ern nerves may relax and rest.
 There are many kinds of amusements to
 divert the mind at Summervllle,-tennis
 courts, croquet grounds, golf links, bowl.
 ing alleys, billiards, shuffle boards, and
 quoits. The Pine 7orest Ina keeps horses
 and trained dogs, and gets up fox hunts
 for the guests during the winter. The
country around abounds not only in foxes,
but such game as deer, wild turkeys, and
quails. The drives and walks are delight-
ful: Artesian well water Is used, and the
Inn has steam heat and electric lights.
  But to my mind the especial Intellectual
enjoyment Is the historic character of the
region. Summerville Is only four miles
from the colonial town of Dorchester, one
of the very first settlements In South Car.
ollna. The old fort and the White
Church of Dorchester date back to 1696.
These are only picturesque ruins now, but
St. Andrew's Church, built In 1706, and
Goose Creek Church In 1711, still are
kept in good repair. Middleton Place and
Drayton Hall are deeply interesting spots.
The latter was Cornwallia's headquarters
In 1780, and at Middleton Place, still in
the possession of ihe Middleton family, Is
the tomb of Arthur Middleton, one of the
signers of the Declaration of Independence. I
At Ingleside Is the Old Colonial oak,
under which Gen. Francis Marion Invited I
the British offictr to partake of his dinner
of sweet potatoes. Magnolia-on-the-Ash- I
ley is in this vicinity also,-a beautiful old 4
colonial country seat, transmogrfled Into I
a forest of camelias and asalias. There areI
also Dr. Shephard's tea farm and gardens, I
with perfectly picturesque drives wind. I
ug through fruit, floral, and tea farms, 1
by roads bordered with luxuriant shrub-  
ery in gorgeous bloom.
                VusousA D. Touotm.


  who received the Royal Red Cross for her
  services at Omdurman, is a member of the
  National Society for Aid to Sick and
  Wounded in War.
  at law of Boston, Mass., has been ad-
  mitted by Judge Putnam to practise In
  the U. S. District and Circuit Courts; also
  In the U. S. District Court of Appeals.
  MRS. SAMPSON, wife of the admiral, has
  started an endless chain among her friends
  in the United States to help the Cuban
  reconcentrados. The last mail to Havana
  brought her $200, and she is now feeding
  200 persons daily.
  MMz. KAHN, wife of Gustave Kahn, the
  poet, at Paris, Dec. 21, was admitted to
  the Jewish Church, and went through a
  marriage ceremony with her husband In
  accordance with the Jewish rites. She
  was formerly a Catholic, but took this
  step in resentment of the persecution of
  her husband's people.
  LADY HENRY SOMERSET has modelled
  a statuette of Miss Willard; it is about
  eighteen inches high, and represents Miss
  Willard in the attitude so characteristic of
  her as she used to stand on the platform.
  Lady Henry has fully reproduced her fine
  features and beautifully shaped head. A
  number of the casts of the statuette are
  on sale. The proceeds will be devoted to
  the Duxhurst Homes.
  MRS. NELLIE 1. DAGETT was elected
  president of the Now England Women's
  Press Association for the coming year, on
  Wednesday, Jan. 4, by a majority of one
  vote. On the first count, the vote ws
  declared a tie.
  MRS. E. M. Goss, the retiring presi-
  dent, was given a vote of thanks for her
  brilliant and effective services, and was
  made an honorary vice-president. The
  club has 165 members, most of whom
  MRS. HELEN M. WINSLOW Was elected
  first vice-president; Mrs. Annie G. Mur-
  ray, second vice-president; Miss Ivah
  Dunkle, recording secretary; Mrs. Alile
  F. Peterson, corresponding  secretary;
  Mrs. Alice E. Whitaker, treasurer; Miss
  Cars Barnard, assistant treasurer; Miss
  Catherine Wilde, auditor; Mrs. Barbara
  N. Galpin, executive oommitte; Mis
  Floretta Vining, Miss A. Marion Donavan,
  Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln, finance committee.
  PRoF. MARY RozERTs SMITH, of Le-
  land Stanford, Jr. University, California,
  will speak on Domestic Service: Its
  Past, Present and Future, at the School
  of Housekeeping, St. Botolph Street, Bos-
  ton, on Monday. Jan. 9. The lecture on
last Monday was by Mrs. Ellen H. Rich-
ards, teacher of chemistry and economics
at the Institute of Technology. Her sub-
jest, The Division of Income in House-
hold Expenditure, was one in which ar
involved many of the problems of daily
little book of Don't Worry Nuggets has
been so widely circulated, will shortly
publish a volume of stories, entitled Bomn
Marked Passages. The stories are of
interest,-strong, clear, often pathetic,
even tragic, and not without .a subtle
humor which adds to their attrativeness,
Utah, has been elected to a primary posi-
tion In the Des Moines schools at an in.
creased salary, with promise of a further
Increase. But the Glenwood board were
not willing to let her go. She was too
good a teacher to release. From the
techer's standpoint, we are sorry for Miass
Claiborne, since such opportunities do
not come often; but she In to be congratu.
lated upon the evident appreciation of her
work both at home and abroad.
paper, The Eternal Womanly, before the
Kalmia Club of North Attleboro, on Mon-
day, Jan. 2. A reception was tendered
the speaker in the pleasant parlors of the
Parish House, at the close of the lecture.
On Friday, Jan. 8, Mrs. Hall read her pa-
per, The Progress of Woman in the 19th
Century, before the Thought and Work
Club of Salem. Mrs. Hall will address the
Suffrage League, Providence, R. I., Jan.
16, on The Political Position of Women
In England, in addition to addressing the
Fortnightly In Boston, Jan. 10. he ex-
pects, also, to give a lecture In Jamaica
Elain next week. During her stay In Ba-
tou Mrs Hall is with her mother, Mrs.
Fulls Ward Howe, 241 Beaon Street,. .

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