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27 Women's J. 1 (1894)

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  The Woman's Journal.
    A Weekly Newspaper, published every Saturday
  In BOSTON , devoted to the Interests owoman-
  to her eductional, indusrial,. legal and political
  equality, and especially to her right of suffrage.
        H. B. BLACKWELL.
       RY A. LivOREost,
     DR. ALmA C. AVERY,
   BOSTON OFFICE-No. 3 Park Street, where copies
   are for sale and subscriptions received.
  Per Annum-.-.-----            -     $2.50
  First year on trial                  1.50
  Single copies-.-------        -      .05
  CLUJ RATES-Five copies one year -   io.o
  Checks and drafts and post-office orders should
  be made payable to the WOMAN'S JOURNAL. Let-
  ters containing remittances should be addressed to
  Box 3618,or to theofficeof the WOMAN'S JOURNAL,
  3 ParkSt.ree., Boston. Mass. Registered letters or
  Express Co.'s money orders may bi sent at our
  risk. Money sent in letters not registered will be at
  the risk of the sender.
        J. B. MORRISON, Advertising Manager.

            THE PURPLE EAST.
            BY WILLIAM WATSON.
  Never, 0 craven England, nevermore
  Prate thou of generous effort, righteous aim!
  Betrayer of a People, know thy slame!
  Summer hath passed, and Autumn's thresh-
  Been winnowed; Winter lt Armenia's door
  Snarls like a wolf; and still the sword and
  Sleep not; thou only slcepest; and tile same
  Cry unto Heaven ascends as heretofore;
  And the red stream thotu might'st have
       stanched yet runs;
  And o'er the earth there sounds no trumpet's
  To shake the ignoble torpor of thy sons;
  But with indifferent eyes they watch, andi see
  Hell's regent sitting yonder, propped by thee,
  Abdul the Damned, on his infernal throne.
  You in high places: yon that drive the steeds
  Of empire; you that say unto our hosts
  Go thither, and they go; a]nd from our
 Bid sail tile squadrons, and they sil, their
 Shaking the world: lo! from a land that
 For mercy where no mercy is, the ghosts
 Look in upon you falterirng at your posts- c
 Upbraid you parleying while a People bleeds
 To death. What stays the thunder in your
 A fear for England? Can her pillared fame
 Only on faith forsworn securely stsnd?
 On faith forsworn that murders babes andg
 Are such the terms of glory's tenure ? Then
 Fall her accursed greatness, in God's name!
 Heaped in' their ghastly graves they lie, the
 Sickening o'er fields where othrs vainly
 For burial: and the butchers keep high state
 II silken palaces of perfumed ease.
 The panther of the desert, matched withe
 Is pitiful; beside their lust and bate,
 Fire and tile plague-wind are compassionate.
 And soft tIle deadliest fangs of ravening seas.
 How long skall they be borne? Is not the A
      cup  I
 Of crime yet full? Doth devildom still lack  a
 Some consummating crown, that we hold I
      back                                t
 The scourge, and in Christ's borders give
      them room?
 How long shall they be borne, 0 England?
 Tempest of God, and sweep them to their
             '*                           ti
  THE WOmAN's JOURNAL celebrates to-
da) its twenty-sixth birthday, and enters w
upon Its twenty-seventh year with a com- a
plete font of fresh type and with additional
and attractive contributors. We should b
not be true to our name if we did not feel )I
gratified at our new and handsome dress.
Now let our readers show   their satisfac- A
tion by doubling our subscription list, as
they can easily do.                       T1
  Only those who take THE WoMAx's m
JoURNA. can know what women are do- th
Ing, or keep themselves in touch with the r
movement for woman's enfranchisement. n
More and more evident does It become as t
the years go by, that good government ji

without the 'o-olerali,nI ofi )Dtlh sexes It
inmpssible, and that only by stcIeo-olpr
ation can peae, l urity and tellperane b
established and nmaintained.

   It is probable tlltt no Joint ('onlinitte
 ol Woman Sufl'rtge will be aplplnted In
 the Massacltsetts Legislaittre this year.
 The Committee on iules, a majority of
 whom are opposed to equal rights fez
 wolen, doubtless m ain this its a slight to
 the suffragists; but If it should be (one,
 the suffragists will have cause to rejoice,
 for two reasons.

   In tile first place, it is a uaixil tihat tile
 next best thing to victory is to have a good
 grievance. When 109,000 citizens of Mas-
 sachusetts have just voted for wonan
 suffrage, it is ain oivious and flagrant
 grievance to refuse theul the custonlary
 courtesy of appointilg a collittee to
 consider their petitions-a courtesy habit-
 ially extended years ago, when the suffra-
 gists were coinparatively at handful.

   In tile second place, tile object of this
 move by tile enemy is to shut off discus-
 silon, in aiccordance with their usual policy;
 but its actual effect will be juist tile re-
 verse. The Suffrage Association Ilas peti-
 tioned  this -year for a constitutional
 amendment, andl also for municipal and
 presidential suffrage; and the W. C. T. U.
 has petitioned that women may vote
 on the license question.   If a special
 committee is not appointed to consider all
 these different suffrage petitions, those for
 tin amendment will have to be referred to
 the Committee on Constitutional Alnend-
 ments, those for nunicipal and presi-
 dential suffrage to the Colmittee on
 Election Laws, and those for license
 susffrage would naturally be referred to
 the Committee on Liquor Legislation.
 Ilence, instead of having one hearing be-
 fore one committee, we shall have to have
 hearings before two, if not three, and the
 effort to prevent the usual suffrage hear-
 ings will prove a boomerang.

 Many members of the Legislature who
 favor equal suffrage are so sure we shall
 gain rather than lose by the change that
 they advise us not to oppose it. There-
 fore, however the matter is decided, our
 friends need not feel disturbed.

 The Man Suffrage Association has dis-
 banded, but its active members will con-
 tinue, as individuals, their work against
 equal rights for women.  Tile other re-
 monstrant society, the Massachusetts Asso-
 ciation Opposed to the Extension of Suf-
 frage to Women, remains in the field.

 Mrs. May Wright Sewall will have the
synmpathy of a wide circle of friends in the
great loss she has sustained in the death
of her husband. Wilien Mrs. Sewall was
president and Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery
was secretary of the Woman's National
Council, there was a standing dispute
between these two ladies and Mrs. Laura
M. Johns, president of the Kansas Equal
Suffrage Association, as to the merits of
their respective husbands. The three were
excellent friends on all other points, but
each insisted that her own husband was
the best husband in the world. Year after
year, at the convention of tile National-
American Woman Suffrage Association,
the triangular controversy went on, to the
amusenent of their intimlate friends. All
three used to bring their husbands' pho-
tographs with them; btt they never were
able to settle the question, Atnd each re-
mained of the same opinion still.

In South Carolina, since the suffrage has
been finally fixed, the people throughout
tile State are beginning to raise a protest
about the understanding clause. Charles
C. Hill, in the Piedmont leadlight, says:
The negro who can read and write, and
who has been educated with the poor
white man's poll tax, can go to the polls
and east his ballot, while the man with
Anglo-Saxon blood in his veins must stand
by, looking with wistful eyes for his lost
ionor and manhood.
Col. Robert R. Hemphill, editor of the
Abbeville .'JediuN retorts as follows:
There isn't any use to kick over this.
The women have had all this to stand and
more too. Women pay property taxes,
nd negroes, foreigners and trifling white
sen do the voting, and most men think
his perfectly fair and just; but when the
ight to vote is taken from them they howl
ike a baby about lost honor and host
nanhood. Thme women feel their retric-
,ion from suffrage the same galling in-

     e at ertaillI iv ill he'gll atte     A lar'gely attended lueetilg was llh in
   it,'sh ''lieatl'e, .hitl. 7, legillg  lt ig ti thteeldrulanit' elalhbers of the Bluston
   o'heok,. to raise funds for the slarving CityI dlI on l)ec. :10, to lir AlNiss Chuana
   An niiln latts, I  , 1hedislriilhB art ony lne 1{d  lial'tln md discuss the raising of funds
e ('ross.                                   for Aritienlan relief. Mayor-elect ,losialt
11   Mnli. IIllMen hljcska has kindly eoll- QuIincy presided. Toliecting was prin-
   senh d tocontribnute her vanlale aid. Site cpally for business mel, bilt   number of
f will lie assisted lby artists of elinelCl(T.  hldies were present also.
     '.  It isIilleithtthIh'list onpubl i will III opening the ieeting Mr. Quiney
o respo nd gri ilsly to hi is effort ill behialf said:
  (if i people slffering thi'extremm of need  'hc extraordinary   events that have
  aind iiser.                               taken place i Arienhii itii t the last
       ,h'i.lA WA11i1l                      fei:, few imonths liave attracted tile attention
       Preident fo'fI'ited F'ihends of .lrnenia. and the sympiathy of the whole civilized
       W.1I. Ll.OII tlillISoN, Treins~ier.  world. I suppose that very rarely in ilis-
       l.%I.Al, C. Aln.tows,     1 Secy's.  tory hiasve such atrocities been conlitted,
       ,1,.1.a                                    rii 'ey rarely have so lmany persons been
                  Coin. of 21rrmai'' elnel.s killed outside of a state of actutl hostili-
            ---__    ,-___ .- --ties its has been the case in Arlmenia Iin the
         WOMEN IN THE CHURCHES.             last few monthis.
                                             We hiave seen the great powers of Ell-
    Last Sunday evening, Dec. 21), Ml's. rope standing by and apparently making
  'Miryk. Livernmore gave anll dreupon preparations to step ii iand interfere i
      ela tt~ lveof ife,gae iii t tlie  the interests of hinianity and civilization
   ''he Iattle of Life,'' at thme Every-l)ay to prevent a continuance of these atrocl-
   Clireh, and lev. Mary   E. Wliltney  ties; bit thus far no steps have been taken
   preached  at tie  Parker Meinorial oin by them li the way of joint action whici
   Practical ieligiom.'                    have ]eon in the least effective, appar-
   I'v. Ada C. ilwles is supplying thlie elitly, inltting an end to the extraordl-
                                            nairy conditions which have prevailed in
  Unliversalist church at Kingston, N. II., that nfortunate portion of the Tut'kish
  and the congrcgat iins are steadily increas- Empire.
  ing.                                        The people of the United States, while
    Th     nelie 'iu t Unhersalist Cli eb - hvi avig n0direct interest in the tquestion
                                            froni its diplomatic aspect, as have the
  cently amended its constitution so ias to governmients of Europe, have nevertheless
  admmit wonien to membership, with all the becn aromsed to a sense of the necessity of
  appierltaining rights, privileges and dutes. sounie action being taken Ili the interest of
    'Mrs. Nellie 'Mann Opdale, of lacie. humanity to alleviate the distress, the suf-
    i's.wasNltele rane Iferhig ind tile starvation which these
  Wis., was litely irdatied as at ilister e events hve produced.
  tie Uiversaist ciilihat lar'tfrd, wlier'e   'There seeims to be a ulatiiliUoUs agree-
  she has been preaching for a year as a  nlent, both on the part of the autllorities
  licensed minister. Mrs. Opdale has been   of the United States, theState Department,
  superintendent of franchise for the Wis- and the Administration, and on the part of
  cotsii W. C. T'. U., and not)doubt willrise  our people generally, that the one society
                                       nll u which is the best litted, and possibly the
  her added influence and opportunity in only one which is fitted to meet this eier-
  furtherilg that work..                   gency anmd to apply such allevaition to tile
    Evangelist larriette 1. Walker, of Prov- situation as may be possihle at this time,
               idnc, ,closed hr work with South s the lied Cross. That, as we all know,
  idece,i. I., closedheris an iternatlonali organization, recognized
  Street Church, Utica, l)ee. 27, and began by somie forty of the Governments of the
  in the M. E. Church at llamtilton, N. Y., world, entirely free from all limitations of
  Dec. 29. She wil retl'n to Utica after race or creed, recognized alike by Chris-
  the Week of Prayer to assist Rev. Stanley tian and non-Christian nation s.
  Roberts, of Bethauy Pmresbyteriaun Clmrch, We are met here to-day to consider what
                   'rwe cam do in tile city of Boston to place at
  in. special evangelistic services. So says the command of Miss Barton and lier
  tile Norlern Christian Advocate.         society tile necessary funds to enable her
    The Al. E. Chlmrch South is far behind to perform this work of humanity.
  thle 1. E. ChiumrciNorthtint the recognitiomn iThis society possesses the organization
  mth s.ppohrtof Nvortmiem  ergeonistion ~ to imsure its efficient undertaking of the
  and support of wonmen evangelist s. ktgreat work of hInmanity which is waiting
  tile Mississippi M. E. Conference, il sos- to be done by somebody, and Mis Barton
  sion at Yazoo City lately, Bishop Duncan has already been assured of enough co-
  ruled emphatically that the M. E. Church operation, not only ui respect to funds.
  South  does not recognize the right of but in respect to the agents throughl whom c
                                           the work is to be undertaken and carried
 women to pm'each. The occasion of this out, for us to feel certain that the work
 deliverance was an invitation from one of through this organization and under her
 the preachers to Mrs, Mollie McGee Snell, charge will be efficiently performed, that t
 the evangelist, to assist in conducting a what is now possible to alleviate some of
 revival. Nevertheless, Mrs. Snell goes oml the distress will be done, and that any
 il thle way sh feels divinely called to   funds which are placed at ler command
                                           will produce better results than can be
 follow. The Copiah Signal thus tells of reached in any other way in relieving the
 hem' work imi Crystal Springs:            great distress which now prevails In Ar-
   From reports, this great and good womian menla.
 made a line impression at her late pro-     Miss Barton, who was received with f
 trated meeting in Crystal Springs. Some enthusiastic applause, said:
 of the hardest sinners, especially of tile
 male tribe, were deeply inipressed tinder   Nothing could be more unexpected than  I
 the magic influence, amdlare now going on tile position which  I at tills moment I
 their way rejoicing. Whmether fully con- Occupy-   When I left home to come to
 sistent with all our ideas of Gospel teach- Poston I had no more idea that I was to
 ing and preaching or not, it is evident this face the business men of Boston thamsthat
 wonderful woman is doing a great deal of I was to immediately face the country of r
 good, as many womnen have done in days 'urkey. I am.honored, and glad to meet t
 gone by.                                  you. The few things that we know     in
   In the ministerial work of the Com'gre- regard to our plans I will endeavor to p
                                          state, but I will leave it largely to you to
 gationailChurch womenarebecomingmore   ask me such questions as naturally arise b
 and more active. A new church has just in your ninds, and they will be answered  s
 been organized in Des Moines, Ia., which as fully and as honestly as I can answer a
 was gathered by l1ev. Mary Drake, of the them.t
 North Park Church. Miss E. K. Henry is     Three weeks ago I had no idea of being  I
                                          called in any way to this work. I had
 going from town to town in South Dakotaread, like others, of the dreadful things   s
 holding series of meetings. Miss Annie that were going on, but it had never oc- a
 Harlow, for twelve years pastor's assistant curred to  me that I or my associates it
 in the First Church, Lowell, Mass., has could be of the least use. It was not until t
 accepted an invitation to work in time the committee from this city, and also one a
                                          from New York, broughtthe matter before
 Bethany Church, Philadelphia. Mrs. J. K. me, saying that the call had been made
 Nutting was recently ordained as pastor from   Constantinople, and asking if the w
 of the church at Osage, Is. The decision Red Cross would undertake to get some
 of the council was unanimous. Mrs. Nut- funds or food, or help of some kind, to C,
 ting was formemly a missionary of the the starving Armenians, to the people who
 American Board, amd since her return to  were suffering so nuch that the world
                                          was shocked by what it read, that it c- E
 this country has exercised her gifts in the curred to us that we could be of any use.  SI
 care of several churches Ili Iowa with     I was almost startled at the request. I n
 great acceptance. Miss S. E. Margetts, replied, as only I could reply, that two   ci
 daughter of Rev. II. E. Margetts, of Stur- conditions must be complied with before
 geon Bay, Wis., was lately ordained and  we could attempt tile undertaking.    P
                                            The first was that the call should be h
installed over the Stockbridge church, by unanimous from the country. We must S
advice of council. 'Pile Advance says:  know that the country generally asked it, fo
  While making no deliverance upon the  wanted it, believed in it, and that no oppo- hi
general question of ordaining women for sition would spring up from other sources n(
the ministry, in view of Miss Margett's after it had once been underthken, for we
exceptional fitness for the work and the  could not afford to be ground between the R
peculiar circumstances of the church, and wheels of discord of contending parties or ti
in view of the fact that the ordination   associations.                            st
came about through the urgent solicits-     That being settled, we must thin know  re
tien of the church, the council voted     that the country that asked us to go and N
                      -take this relief would give us the funds to
ally thorough and satisfactory examina- take. We could not carry the relief ve m
thon of the candidate, to accede to the had not. They must assure us of what P
request of the church. The exercises they had, what they asked us to carry, and  ol
were peculiarly impressive.    F.M. A. -(Celnsed ce ifth Page.)                    0

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No. 1.


  l)lt: SAIAli IIA(KE'rT S'KVENSON is at
  the head of it conmittee of two hundred
  prominent Chicago   women    who lIavo
  organized In earnest to raise money for
  the Red Cross Armenian Relief Fund by a
  series of fashionable entertainments.
  Miss A pi, II. i)1.m, of Belfast, Me.,
  entered a jewelry store a year ago, intend-
  ing to learn the business thoroughly. She
  already repairs clocks, jewelry, eyeglasses,
  etc., with much skill, and will soon begin
  on watches. Sie says she likes the biisi-
  itess, andi shall take a full course in it and
  also learn engraving.
  EIZAnETU1l CALKINS, St. Joseph, Mo.,
  has lately patented an invention for hold-
  ing the bedding, etc., ill place, in folding-
  beds when they are turned tip. This in-
  vention provides at simple and inexpensive
construction, alpficable to beds of all
kinds and readily adjustible for different
thicknesses of bedding.
  Miss MAI tAiAlIFT SEvaltOUt HALl, daugh-
ter of the late Rev. Dr. Charles Hall, the
venerable pastor of Trinity Church, Brook-
lyn, hais inherited her father's literary
talent. She is an indefatigable worker,
particularly fond of the study afforded by
travel, and of utilizing the impressions and
knowledge thereby gained. Miss Hall is
New York correspondent of a Hebrew
newspaper, the only one of its kind pub-
lished in the ioly Land. It is named The
ll1nd-the ancient lanle of Palestine.
Colo., who has for several years been
Deptity Clerk, has now, in consequence of
a vacancy in the clerk's office, been pro-
moted to be Clerk of the Courts of Denver.
Mrs. Louise Manning Hodgkins, who sends
thils Item of news, says: It is pleasant to
add, the salary wits not changed with the
sex, but remains at $5,000. Naturally,
since in Colorado women vote.
known as the White Chief of the Iroquois,
and her name, Ya-ie-wa-ijoh, conferred
upon her by the people of her adoption,
means one who watches. The Indians
everywhere hold lemr in respect and affic-
tion for her devotion to the interests of
their race; hence tls bestowal upon her
of the highest honor in their gift. In her
home in New     York City she has the
largest library in existence on subjects
pertaining to the American Indians, in-
eluding many rare volumes out of print.
only living sister of Agnes Strickland, Is
now in her ninety-third year. Mrs. Traill
still studies and writes in her picturesque
home on tile banks of the Otonabeei at
Lakefleld, Ontario. She is an enthusiastic
naturalist, and each summer enjoys some
weeks at her island home, Minnewawa
(Wind-among-the-Pines), of Stony Lake,
from which the Otonabee flows. Her last
volume, Pearls and Pebbles, contains an
interesting sketch of her early days in
England, and, later, in this fair Canada,
her adopted home. Many of her books, such
as Studies of Plant Life, are now very
rare, chance copies selling for three times
the original price.
Miss EbMLY GRuEN    BALeR! has pre-
pared a manual for the use of thoe who
have to deal with juvenile offebders It
shows how humane, wise and fair-reaching
are the arrangements for the treatment of
boys and girls who have transgressed the
aws. This manual of nearly fifty pages,
tatutes, regulations and decisions, covers
almost every question that can arise in deal-
ng with juvenile delinquents. In reading
hese lucid pages, we see what a vast
amount of adult crime might be avoided
f the provisions here clearly set forth
were uniform in all the States.
Miss GERALDINEIC MnYIucic, of Santa
ruz, Cal., is one of the rising young
writers of the Pacific Coast. She Is of
English birth, but has lived in California
ince childhood, and in 1892 she took out
aturalization papers as an American
itizen. In the same year she was ap-
ointed a notary public by Governor Mark-
am, being one of the first women in the
tate to hold such a position. She was
or ses eral years assistant to-'her father in
is real estate and Insurance office, and is
ow successfully cariying on the business
'r herself in Santa Cruz, only her spare
me being given to writing. Poems and
tortes from  her pen have appeared
eently in the San Francisco C'allj the,
few York Independent, Chicago Adeace,
,pplnctt'., the Overland JMontAl, EL.
aoufs Magazine of London, ad a volume.
fpoems entitled The Songs of a Fool, and
thoer Verses, has been published.

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