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17 Woman's J. 1 (1886)

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Vol. XVII.                                                  BOSTON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1886.                                                                                                  .To. 1.

The Woman's Journal.

A  weekly Newspaper, published every Saturday in
BosToN, devoted to the interests of woman-to ter
educationl, industrial, legal, and politicleN Elllty,
and especally to her right of snffrage.
   II. . lBLACKWELL,           Editors.
   JULIA WAnn Iown,
   MARY  A. LavItMlORE,
   Mrs. It. M. T. CurbTaan, Occasional
   LouIsA M. ALoTT,         Contributors.
   EaaAuRT  STuAnTParrm1ras,
     SUSAN  C. VOOL, 1usinces Manager.
 Tars-$s2.60 a year, 1.25 for six moniths(, 5 ents
 for throe months, in advaace, t cents for slgle copy.
 (Jan  RATe-5  o00les one yeiar, $11.
 OrTON   Orae-ro.  5 Park treet, where opies
 are for aIloanda subcripltions received.
 ahe Pelnneylvalia Voan Suffrage Aseoiation it
 Philadelphi, 700 Arch Street, have colies of the
 WoMAN' SaJounNA for nlo.
 Specalne copies sent on receipt of twocent stamp.

  8. Any person who tken ai papit1er regularly from tile
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            BY NATHAN D. URNERa.
    There Is always sunrise somewhere I
    Though  the night be round thee drawn,
    Somewhere still the nt, is brightening
    With  the rosy flush of dawn.
    What though near the bat i fIlitting
    And  the raven croaks his lay,
    Somewhere still the suil-bird's groting
    nails the rsing of the day I
    Let us lay to heart tile comfort
    In this sweet reflection found,
    That, however dense our darkoess,
    Somewhere still, the world around,
    Dews are glistening, flowers uplifting,
    Wild  birds warbling, as re-born,
    Lakes and streams and woods and mountains
    Melting iI the kiss of morn!
    Ne'er was night, however disnmal,
    But withdrew its wings of gloom;
    Neo'er was orrow but a dny.star
    HInted of the morrow's bloom;
    No'er was woe but In its bosom
    Was  the seed of hople impearled;
    There Is still a sunrise somewhere,
    Speeding, speeding round the world'


   The  WOMAN'S  JOURNAL   enters upon its
 seventeenth year with ever-increasing hope
 and courage.   Cheering signs abound  on
 every side. If the next sixteen years bring
 to women  as nlty  gains as the past six-
 teen, the battle will be almost won.  In
 this faith and expectation, we wish till oura
 readrs  at Happy New  Year.

   The  woman  suffrage petitions should be
 sent in to the WOMAN'S JOUlNA   oflice not
 later than Jan. 15.

   Eleven  meetings  have  been held  this
 month  under the auspices of the Massatchu-
 sett  Woman Sufrage Association; two
 others were  attempted. but postponed on
 account of the rain; one, aIlso, ait Wenhaim,
 on  account of delayed  letters, was uni-
 voidtbly postponed.

   Let all earnest woman  suftragists try to
 attend the regular monthly meeting of the
 Boston  Woman   Suftrage League, on Mon-
 day evening, JAn. 4, at5 Park Street. This
 League   bids fair to become  one of the
 most  efective agencies in the Stitte. Its
 field is the metropolis of New  Eigland,
 and  nowhere else will earnest work prove
 so influential. Its first object should be to
 increase the women's vote for school com-
 mittee.  In this sign we conquer.

   Of the 668 members  of the new House of
 Commons.   314 are known to be in fitvor of
 woman   suffrage.  There  are also among
 the miemtbers many who are now  elected to
 Parliament  for the first time, and whose
 views on the suffrage question are not yet

   A  Ladies' Liberal Association has been
 formed  this week  at East Bourne,  Eng-
 land,  in  opposition to  the   Primrose
 League.  Mrs.  Merivale, wife of Merivale
 the dramatist, Miss Cobden.  Mrs. Dilke,
 and other well-known  ladies were present
 at the first meeting.
   The  Springfield Repubcan lately   ob.
 served that all the reforms had issued cal-
 endars,  except  woman   suffrage.  Miss
 Helen  Blackburn, of Bristol, England, is
 the compiler of A Women's  Suffrage Cal.
 endar for 1886. It Is issued in pamphlet
 form, much more  convenient than the large

broadside in which It appeared Inst year.
It is a treasurehouse of Information as to
the political, educational, and industrial
opportunities nlow Open to woieni.

  This  Calendar gives dates of the birth
and death of eninent women;   hdates of the
passage of married women's  property acts
in various countries; of the aidmisson of
women   to sundry colleges and universities;
of tie formation of  societies for the ad-
vancement  of women  ; of the founding of
periodictals devoted to the woman question,
&.,  &. e'lre is a list of Technical
Classes and of scholarships open to wom-
ean; homes for girls in London, and occu-
inttions of women.   The   Calendar  also
gives a list of women physicians ; there tire
but forty-six, it appears. in till Great Brit-
atlna. Finally, thereI is a record of the
progress  made   during  the last twenty
years, very encouraging,  and  very cotn-
plete as regards Enginnd, but lacking somae
himportant poits  gained on this side the
ocettn. There is no mention, for instance,
of  the  granting of  woman   suffrage in
Wathingto   'erritory, or of school suffrage
in twelve  States. This  very interesting
and  useful little calendatr may be ordered
from J. W.  Arrowsmaith, lBristol. or Ship-
kin, Marshall &  Co.. London.  The  price
is six cents.

   Mrs. Chapin, of South Carolina, an ac-
 tive and indefatigable temperance worker,
 was  reproached  for overworking   by  a
 friend, who said to her. You are burning
 your candle at both ends.  Mrs. Chapin
 replied. If you will light one end of your
 candle, I will put out one end of mine.
 In all reforms, there are a few  persons
 working too hard because tile many do not
 work hard enough.   Who will lend a hand
 to help during the New Year?
 What   you say on New Year's Day
 Is  good for naight in the month of May.
 Not  what you say, but what you do,
 Will  live and thrive the whole year through.

   The Bulgarian  and Servian Societies of
 the Red Cross, for the care of the wound-
 ed, find their slender means heavily taxed
 to relieve the sufferings of the present war.
 Both  have appealed to the International
 Committee  of the Red  Cross, who   have
 sent notice of the pressing need to the Red
 Cross Societies of the different nations.
 Clara Rarton,President of the Red  Cross
 for the United States, says:
   We  may  venture  to remind you  how
 small their nieils appear, how long a win-
 ter is before them, how slow the healing
 of gunshot  wounds.  and tile recovery of
 men  worn down by  the exposure and lard-
 ships of it military campaign. These woes
 have  not itogether faded from  our own
 sad memories, and whatever methods  may
 be adopted will be best suggested by your
 own judgment  and experience. Communt-
 entons addressed  to President American
 Red Cross, Washington,  D. C.
   The Philadelphia Times calls the follow-
 ing resolution of the Pennsylvania Woman
 Suffrage Association, it its annual meeting
 on Dec. 1t, unique and startling
   Resolred, That the present Government of the
 United States is not a government of the people,
 by the people ; is not at true democracy; uilt
 that it is it governmentutinder which oneo-half of
 tle people arc depa;ived of their political rights by
 the despotic action of tile other half.
   We  should say it was the simple state-
 In ent of a fact.
            INDUSTRIAL  UNION.
   Womena's  Educational  and  Industrial
 Unions  have sprung tip h many cities dur-
 ing the past few  years. They  atre most
 useful Institutions, not only aiding poor
 women,  but educating in many  ways  the
 richer women  who  give their services to
 the work.  One of the most flourishing of
 these Unions is in Buffialo. Its little hand-
 book  says:
   T'he Women's  Educational  and Indus-
 trialM Union of Bufflo is an entirely non-
 sectarlan organization. Its object  is to
 promote   lutual  co-operation and  sym-
 pathy among  women. By Its Protective
 Committee  it extends sympathy and coun-
 sel to women, who  often lose, through ig-
 noralnce and weakness, the rights conceded
 them by law.  Its Educational Department
 provides equal opportunities for intellec-
 tual improvement  to all classes. The Em-
 ployment  Bureau  assists them to find oc-
 cupatioans best suited to develop Individual
 talent, and seeks in every way to elevate
 household Iabor.  The Hygiene  Talks and
 Classesin Physiology awaken  us to a reali-
 zation of the fact that it proper care of the
 physical is essential to the best growth of
 the moral and spiritual life. The Commit-
 tee on Practical Philanthropy ministers to
 the sick and the poor The  Committee  on
 Social Affairs endeavor to cultivate a taste
 for the best kind of recreation. The Li-

brary and Reading Room  are open day and
evening. Music,  gamesbooks. and pa-
pers are free to all who desire to make use
of them.  Aln agency of direction is found
in the office, and the Superintendent is al-
ways  ready to give information in regard
to the charities, schools, and business en-
terprises of the city. To the young wom-
tan) striving to earn her own living in thae
city, where temptation  abounds and  evil
lurks In  unsuspected  ways,  the Union
Rioomls offer I safe and pleasant resort.
  It will be seenl how many points of ex-
cellent practical usefulness this programme
eibraces.   The features just enumerated
are common  to most  Unions, but the law
lectures for women, to which reference has
already been made  in these columns, are a
nw   demparture, and one which other Unions
would  do well to copy.
  The  Buialo Courer  says:
  There  are few local organizations that
are so creditable to Bffalo as the Won-
ean's Union. Though  a young  institution,
it his already accomplished much good  in
various directions, and its matnaging spirits
ate  constantly on the  lookout for fresh
lields of usefulness. In tile single depart-
mnent of the collectlon of money due wom-
en,  the Union  has emphaticlly   proved
Itself a power. while many pleasant enter-
tainments  have  been  provided for tired
workers, and practical facilities have been
furnished girls for acquiring useful infor-
mation.  and even trades that would offer
theim  self-maintenance.- Moreover,   the
Union has  earned  the god  wishes of all
by  its eiorts to bring together on a cow-
wnon footing women   of all classes. and to
show   its recognition of the sisterhood of
her  who  earns  a scant maintenance  by
daily toll and her whose chief occupation
is to shine in social gaieties. This is a mat-
ter of the utmost moment.  whether or not
the fact is yet generally appreciated. The
time is certainly couing, as is beginning
to be recognized by  the press and pull'-
when  better relations than now exist must
be  established between the rich and poor,
or it will be the worse for both classes. Th'
good,  therefore, that can be accomplished
in the mean time by  such an institution as
this in breaking down caste and in making
the well-to-do acquainted with the needs,
the  aspirations, and the strength of their
less fortunate sisters, while in return the
latter are convinced that their welfare is
not altogether disegarded  by the former,
is incalculable.
   ,The  enterprises inaugurated  by  the
 Women's  Union  therefore should receive
 public support  on   general  principles,
 though  ia most  cases they certainly de-
 mand  it by their own excellence. Without
 question, such is the fact regarding the
 course of law lectures at the Fitch Insti-
 tute under the  auspices of the Women's
 Union.  The   importance  to the sex  of
 some slight knowledge of their legal rights
 has already been treated in these columns.
 and it is indeed so patent as hardly to call
 for ieference to it. Instances have  oc-
 curred within  the knowledge  of  almost
 every one. in which women  have  suffered
 great hardships through  their own igno-
 rance of legal methods and their misplaced
 confidence in the integrity or judgment of
 some man.   Moreover,  all schemes which
 have in view the broadening  of women's
 minds and the enlarging of their informs-
 tion, ought to meet  with heart  encour-
 agement.  In Buffalo, at any rate, there is
 no 'ear that thie advancenent of women is
 going to weaken  the admiration which  is
 felt for them by men.
   A  private letter from Mrs. Townsend.
 President of the Buffalo Union, informs us
 that their law lectures are well attended,
 and  interest is growing.      A. S. B.

 Editors Woman's Journal:
   In spite of the cold weather, rain, snow,
 sleet, aid holiday  season  of  the past
 month, the average attendance at our meet-
 ings (170) was nearly double  that of the
 past year at this time. About two thousand
 people lave  attended  our  lectures this
 month.   The   receipts were  over $100.
 This, also, is an Increase over many other
   Eight of our meetings in Essex Co. have
 been held in townsor cities where lectures
 of this kind have not been held for years.
 In a few towns we knew  of no friends with
 whom   to co-operate, but in every case we
 came  away with a long list of friends, rep.
 resenting, ias we learn from  callseupon
 them, every class of that town.
   We   wish, through   your  columns, to
 thank the strangers who have so gracious-
 ly received us, answered  our  questions,
 and advised us when arranging  meetings,
 and  the Representatives who came, at our
 invitation, to hear our arguments. Those
 who  opened their hospitable doors to en-
 tertain us were our old friends, Mr. and
 Mrs. D. W.  Forbes,  of Westboro';  Mrs.
 Sarah Read, of Bolton; J. A. and Mrs. Ra-
 bardy, of Manchester; Captain and Mrs. F.
 F. Smith, and Mrs. W. A. Brown, of Bever-
 ly; Mrs. Dr. Woods, of Gloucester; Mr. and
 Mrs. Jas. Rogers, of Rockport; Mrs. S. J.
 Spaulding and daughter, of Newburyport;
 Mrs. Preston and daughters, of Hamilton

  We  are also indebted to various parish
committees  of Essex Co.. for opening their
churches to this movement.   Four of our
meetings have been held in halls; the oth-
ers were in Baptist, Methodist, Unitarian,
and Congregational churches.
  The  ministers and friends who have as-
sisted or presided at our meetings, tire Rev.
E. C. Abbott, of Westboro'; Rev. A. Read,
of Bolton; lIon. John J. Baker, Rev. E. C.
Butler, Peter E. Clark, and  Miss Estelle
L. Barker, of Beverly; Rev. W. 11 Ryder,
Mayor  J. S. Parsons, John T. Knight, and
Mr. and Mrs. Y. D. Tingley, of Gloucester;
Rev.  Lorenza  Haynes   and Rev.  A.  W.
Tirrell. of Rockport; Rev. John Petersor,
Rev. Alfred Noon, Rev. D  W. Morehouse,
and James  Parton, of Newburyport;   and
Rev.  E.  F. Davis, of  liamilt' n. Many
more   mmirnisters than we have namied have
read the no ices of our mteetinags, some even
who  do not call themselves friends of our
cause   Three ministers  only' who  have
been  visited have  refused positively to
assist us III anyIv way. They Say that ou'
advocates  may   be  called  wise  and
good  mmen and women,  but that till wise
men   are apt to be unbalanced  ont some
points. They  believe our friends tire un-
wise in t heir advocacy of wotman suffrage.
  Most  of the papers published ila New-
buryrpelrt. Glouc.ester, Rockpor.t. Beverly,
anid Salem have noticed out- meetings, and
have  given us locals, reports, and short
editorials, for which  we   are sincerely
grateful. This mouth's ncetigs  Ihave beet
very  satisfactory.
   In January  we shall hold six or eight
 meetings, as Rev.  Annie 1U. Shaw   will
 spend most. of her timle in finishing her
 medical course at the Boston  University
 School of Medicine. The r'emaider of our
 time will be spent in visiting friends (and
 foes, too). and in raislug at fund to carry on
 this work during the cominrg year.
                                C. S. P'.

   The reception given to Professor Maria
 Mitchell by the N. E. Wmaan's   Club, on
 Dec. 26, was  a very  pleasant occasion.
 Brief addresses were  made  by Professor
 Mitchell and others.  In the  absence of
 Mrs. Howe.  Mrs. Cheney  presided   Mrs.
 Howe's  daughter. Mrs. Julia R. Anagnos.
 read the following poem, which expresses
 her regret at her mother's inahility to be
   [To the atrononer, Mara Mitchell, on my mother's
 inability to hr precit at her festtral.]
    The bright conjunctmin of the stars
      Has not beon written for this year;
      The tyrant, Time, has not decreed
      Thou'It meet thy sister-planet cloar.
      He spins and braids us at his will,
      And e'en the Fates dare not rebel;
      Full oft we plain, he worketh ill,
      Tet, in the end, le eanotl iwell.
      Within ny glass I see you meet,
      E'en while this feast Is in its flower;
      And, though 'tis far, I gaily greet
      The brilliant birth of that b'right boar.
      Time! thou art but a younger child,
      Eternity thy elder fore;
      lie doth fulfil what thou deniest,
      And what thou cloudest, makes he clear.
      Then is it Now! thaough*'qt'pfy * 1
      The hour that in my gs-*i ge***
      The kiss of tar to sister star  *  *
      Shall shine through all eternity! *

  A WOMAN   ORD      D'        '*
  A  striking religisdA jhin atip yas paste'
  at Company   Shops, '*N. '*pt       * b'
  Bishop H. Turner, of the Aftlicart*.Mtfo-
  dist Episcopal church. The   conference
  had been in session there for several days.
  Monday  several pieachers were ordained
  to the ministry, and among  the number
  presented for deacon's orders was  Miss
  Sarah A. Hughes,  of Raleigh.  She  is a
  bright mulatto girl, well educated, and a
  good preacher. Site has already filled sev-
  eral appointments as pastor. When   she
  came around  the altar with the others, all
  eyes were fixed upon her. The bishop pro-
  ceeded with the ordination until lie came to
  her, when lie halted for some minutes and
  looked up. apparently Ila deep thought, the
  entire congregation, both white and col-
  ored, looking on with intense interest. Fl-
  nally, placitug his hatnds upon her head, he
  said: Take thou authority to execute the
  office of a deacon in the church of God, inI
  the name of the Father, the Son, and the
  Holy Ghost.  He  than presented her the
  Bible and she arose, the Rev. Miss Hughes.
  So great was the interest that the congrega-
  tlion left their places and moved up to the
  front to shake hands  with  the  woman

  The   free list of the WomAN's  JOUR-
  NAL will be much diminished at the begin-
  ning of the new year.

Digitized from  Best  Copy  Available


  Miss EIZAnETH P. PEABODY contrib-
utes to the Index an interesting article on
the status of women in ancient times.
  Maus. S.  D.  POWER (Shirley Dare),
whose  gifts as a writer are winning, day
by day, wider recognition, expects to'win-
ter in the South.
  SAlAH   IIALLOWELL,   the Secretary of
the Art Committee  of the Chicago Exposi-
tion. has gone to Europe for the winterIn
the interests of the art exhibit in Chicago
next season.
  MRs.  L. M. WILSON,  superintendent of
public schools at Des Moines, Iowa,  has
under  her charge eight buildings, eighty
teachers, and about 4.000 pupils. Her sal-
ary is $1,800 a year.
  QUEEN   NATALIE,  of Servia, bought for-
ty  American   sewing machines  recently,
and set seiastresses at work on them in the
palace at Belgrade, nanking garments for
the troops, which she cut out with her own
  Miss  FLORINCE   HALE,   of the Ladles'
A  t Association, New  York,  stains and
paints glass, and fires her decorated glass
and   lina i her own kiln. She has orders
from  large firms to copy ancient stained
glass, and is said to be the only woman in
this country who  does this work in all Its
  Ms.   FAlti,  of Minneapolis, this year
gave  a Christmas dinner to the newsboys
of that city. M rs. Farr is a business wonst-
an. doing at business of $00,000 annually.
She  takes a great interest in poor children,
and  is a special friend to the newsboys and
bootblacks of Minneapolis.
 said, offered some tme ago, at haer own ex-
 pense, to have water from the pools reli-
 troduced into Jerusalem, where  it would
 have afforded a permanent  and abundant
 supply of excellent spring water; but the
 plan was frustrated by the stupidity and
 obstinacy of the Turkish pasha.
   MRS. MOCLELLAND and other   artists, all
 women   have carried out the eutire decora
 tion of some of the dining-Crs on the Great
 Northern railway, running between Leeds,
 London, Manchester, etc.  The  walls and
 celling of one, specially designed for gen-
 tlene.  display sporting scenes, of hunt-
 ing, shooting. fishin etc.
   Mus   HELEN  M. GOUGAR   is in ERAS
 speaking on  woman  suffrage and temper-
 ance.  She is nider e'ngagmnent for nearly
 the whole  month of January,  with head-
 quarters at Wichita.  The Legislature Is
 in extra session, and the friends feel quite
 confident of the passage of the pending
 municipal  suffrage bill, whih is on the
 calendar for the last session.
   MRS. CHUTE,  of Washington   Territory,
 formerly an accomplished  teacher in La-
 fayette, Ind., goes thirty-five miles to vote.
 She  is postmistress  and  notary jiublie,
 owns two  claims and  works them, plead
 lawsuits, has  large herds of sheep  and
 cattle, is an expert florist. and in addition
 finds time to read the magazines and the
   MRS.  MARY   F. FACERELL,  of  Ogden-
 burg, N. Y., was  left a widow at thirty,
 with two  little girls and thirty dollars t
 .ioney.  By  her own  exertions  she has
 , dpeated her children to admirable  and
 lovely womanhood. One is n excellent
 wife and  mother, the other a  successl
 business woman.   With  her girls' assist-
 ance  Mrs. Fackrell has boright and paid
 for two handsome  houses and lots In Og-
 densburg,  and  has adorned   them  with
 flowers, books, pictures, and  other im-
 provements.   She has published a volume
 of poems, entitled Songs of the St Law-
 rence, and is an able and honored advo-
 cate of woman  suffrage and temperance,
   Ms.   J. G.  SARTER,  of Meagher  Co.,
 Montana,  is a  successful stock-grower.
 She was one of the pioneers of Smith River.
 In early days she used to ride wild bron-
 cos, and round up and brand  her herds of
 stock. giving  every appointment  of the
 ranch  her personal supervision.  But in
 later years, she hats sold off a large portion
 of her herd, and devotes herself moretothe
 tamer  modes of husbandry and the produe-
 tion of  fine stock. She  has a  princely
 home   located on Smith River, about six-
 teen miles fropa the Springs. Her  fences
 enclose 1,000 acres of meadow lands. . The
 ranch  is stocked with 800 head of horses
 and 150 head of  cattle, among which are
 thoroughbred  Shorthorns and  Galloways.
 .The Montana   papers boast of  heir as
 woman   of singular energy  and busines

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