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13 Woman's J. 1 (1882)

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VOL. XIII.                                                      BOSTON, SATURDAY; JANUARY 7. 1882.                                                                                                      NO. 1.


  A Weekly Newspaper, published ever Satarday ia
  BlosTog, devoted to the Interests of Woman-to her
educational, industrial, legal and political Equality,
and especially to her right of Snrage.
           LUCY  STONE,  Eaon.
T. W. HIGGINSON.........    ERTrOMas
R. B. BLACKWEIL....   .1orasuoas.
JurtA WARD Hows,
Maa   A. LvaRDoa,     OccasionalContributors.
Mas. H.II. M. . CUTLER,
   SUSAN  0. VOGL,  Anvsnsux    MAona.
   Tass-2.50  a yeat, $1.95 for six months, 65 cents
for three months, in advance, 6 cents for single copy.
  CLUB RATES-1  copies one year, $20.00.
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  Specimen copies sent on recolpt of two*centatamp
  PtILADETIIA  OPPE-11R ooms of the Penneylva.
  nia Society, 700 Arch Street.
  Sr. Louis Orrsor-Mr. J. X. Dutro, 17th and Pop.
lar Streets, St. Louts, No
  The Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association at
  Philadelphia. 100 Arch Street, havocoples of the We.
  XAN's JOURNAL for sale.
  1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from
the pos -office-whether directed to his name or an-
otber's, or whether he ias subscribed or not-s re-
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           For the Woman's Jomnal.
           ART  VERSUS  HEART.
             BY BEBIS 18B. HUNT.
     Quaint old atr are rising, faling,
       Up and down the curtained street,
     Tongues from many steeples calling,
       Calling to the Savour's feet.
     Through the door-way of a dwelling
       Steals'h figure, sad and slow;
     By her steps 'tis easy telling
       That the tide of life is low.
     Not the tide of age, receding
       From its wave-washed lines of care,
     But of fortune, little heeding
       That its victim's cheek is fair.
     Out and on her steps are titming,
       With the throng upon the street,
     All her Stifled spirit yearning
       The enduring good to greet.
       'Ti. the church of the Messiah;
       Enter, all who love the fold;
     Enter, enter, come up higher,
       bang the invitation old.
     Slowly from its Sinai thundered
       For-h the organ load and clear,
     Till the silence waked and wondered,
       And the echoes shook with fear.
     Softer now, and almost ending,
       Soundsathat late had risen far;
       Out again with voices blending,
       They have set a gate ajar.
     Not a golden gate and pearly,
       But a little wicket low,
       Leading back to childhood early,
       Where food memory loves to go,-
       To a swing beneath the willows;
       To a boat that rocking lay
       On the spent and wasted billows
       Of a cloverscented bay;
       To the skies that tears were raining
       All the dark horizon ro'end;
       To a day that, in its waning;
       Left a newly-covered mound.
       Come, ye weary, heavy laden-
       Back again the wicket swung;
       Prom a cushioned throne the maiden
       Heard the words divinely rang.
     And a voice went thrilling, thrilling,
       Through the chambers of her heart,
     Like a loosened spirit, willing
       To perform the conjurer's part.
     Sorrow newlyclothed in glory
       Stood transfigured In her ight;
     Wrong with many winters hoary
       Stood revealed God's chosen right.
       Sympathy was deeply glowing
       With the dye that stained the crose;
     Charity was sweetly flowing;
       Gold was sifted from its dross.
     Stirs a silken rustle, bleding
       With low murmured greetings near,
     All that glowing vision ending
       In a chill unshapen fear.
     Was it real or only seeming
       Transformation she had heard?
     Broad awake, or was she dreaming,
     That  her heart was strangely stirred?
     Impulse stronger than volition
       Sought a reassurance hold;
     Poverty and its monition
       Could not now her purpose hold.
     Fad he tenderness for anguish,
       Like the chosen one of old?
     Would he mourn that one should languish
       For the love within the told?
     Hardly was her wan band lifted
       By the impulse of bar heart
     When the man d  aely gifted
       Gave the stony stare of Art.

             ILA CITOEZNE.

  The  forty-fifth number of La Gitoenne, a
  weekly political and literary journal, pub.
  lished In Paris, lies before me. The editors
  ire Hubertine Auclert and Blanche D. Mon;
  ad the motto Is briefly condensed-The
  litoene  (womancltisen)  Is that  woman

who   possesses her full rights and does her
full duties. Another  motto Is taken from
Alexandre   Dumas  the younger,  being his
prediction  that within ten years women in
France  will vote like men.  There Is little
in  the four ample  pages of this paper  to
justify this bold prediction, but there are
many   things to intercist the reader, and in-
deed  to surprisp those who remember   the
rather languid local interest inspired by the
convention  on this subject held In Paris in
   It appears for Instance that in the twelfth
electoral district (arrondisement) of Paris, a
woman was regularly put in nomination
for thebChamber  of Deputies, on the part of
a society called Leerce deadtudessociales.
She  received fifty-seven votes, the success-
ful candidate having 087; and  the point of
exultation on  the part  of her supporters
seems  to be that these votes were regularly
counted  and  recognized, instead of being
thrown  aside  as blanks. The  natural con-
clua A the editors seems o be that if
this minority vote was  counted  and regis-
tered, the same would  have  been  the case
with  a majority vote; and the eligibility of
women   is thus conceded, a convenient point
being  thereby established. Should the san-
guine  prophecy   of Alexandre  Dumas fil
be  fulfilled, the name of Lonie  Bouzade
will certainly be famous as that of the first
feminine  candidate for office in Paris.
   It is pleasant to have from these pages
 some elimpses of these great philanthropies
 of Paris which a stranger is so apt to over-
 look.  There is aii account for instance of
 a new lodging houseforpoor  women,  estab-
 lished by  the  oiet Philanthropique.
 There  are sleeping-rooms, bath-rooms, an
 eating-room and even a small library. Es-
 pecial provision is made for mother,  and
 there are in all thirty beds and ten cradles.
 It is proposed to enlarge the building so
 that it shall contain a hundred beds. Again,
 under the head of philanthropy it is stated
 that the press-subscription in Paris for the
 sufferers by the Vienna catastrophe origi-
 nated with a  woman,  the well-known   au-
 thor and journalist, Madame Edmond  Adam
 (Juliette Lamber) who called a meeting  at
 her office for this purpose, and was placed
 at the head of the committee of relief.
   The  Citoyenne gives a list of the French
 women   thus far admitted to the degree of
 Doctor  of Medicine;  namely,  Mle.  Ver-
 neuil, Mme. Bris, Mme.  Guenod  and Mme.
 Perrie in Paris, Mine. Ribard  at Nantes,
 Mile. Clarisse Danel  at Montrouge,   and
 Mile. Domergues  in the South of  France.
 To these is soon to be added  Mme.   Inds
 Gaches.  On  the whole, this journal gives
 much  less of personal information than is
 customary  in our  own   newspapers,  and
 this is quite a relief; but it mentions as an
 item of what would be here called Society
 Gossip the approaching marriage  of Mile.
 Melanie  Talander   to   . Niox-Chatean.
 This  lady is known   to many  Americans
 through the long residence of her family in
 London;  she is an artist and an author In
 her own right; while her father, a member
 of the Chamber of Deputies, has written on
 French politics in the International Revieo.
   Much  space is given by the Oitoenne to
 the report of the Louisville Convention of
 the American Woman   Suffrage Association.
 The French printers get no nearer to Mas-
 sachusetts than   Masshachusetts,   and
 transform the Washington  University at St.
 Louis into the University of Washington,
 (D. C.) but the report is correct for sub-
 stance of doctrine and' i.a certainly ample.
 It is strange to come uponlittle scraps stray-
 Ing about, like the following, which adds a
 certain weight and importance to familiar
 facts by translating them into a  foreign
 Les  Prtreea  a 'di-neoviame  sieele. Les
 journaux amricains  annoncent  quo  Mile..
 Myrs Kingsbury  vient d'Otre designee com*
 me desservant (i. *., officisting clergyman)
 de l'egise de Shehesqui  en  Pensylvanie,
 Eileeit   d6jA chargde auparavant   d'une
 parolise dans P'Etat d Vermont.
 One   of the most amusing communications
 Is an Imaginary letter from a village in Nor-
 mandy describing the exltement  produced
 there by the arrival of a copy of La Cito
 yene.  It Is written In that quaint peasant
 dialect with which   French  novels have
 somewhat  familiarized us, and It produces
 a strange effect to see reduced to this jargon
 the very arguments,  pro  and  con,  with
 which we are familiar. It is urged for in-
 stance, in the little Normandy village, that
 if women vote, they will always vote  for
 the clerical party. (Bi les fames sotent
 iou, ea fra touta-fi anal, pasegue el sent
 taouts etericala.) To which it is replied
 that their bigotry is not half so bad as that
 of the men, who   are bigoted enough   to
 vote for the candidate who gives them most
 to drink on election day. And again, more
seriously, it Is pointed out that even this

feminine  bigotry is the fault of the men,
who   can easily cure it by giving  women
equal  advantages of education.  Then   the
village disputput  follows up the advantage
by   pointing out that  the French  would
have   less taste for war it women   could
vote, and   at no mother   would lend  her
influence W   war  that should kill her sons.
The  weight of argument   is naturally made
to remain-as  It should-with   the party of
attack; but it is Interesting to find that the
same   old scarecrows  are set up,  all the
world  over, and have to be  knocked down
every  where in much  the same manner.
                                T. W. H.


   A friend writes us as follows:
   Mr.  Eveleth, representing Iubbardton,
 Templeton,  Phillipston, and Petersam,  is
 heartilyin favor of conceding equal politi
 cal ights to women.  Notwithstanding Mr.
 Blkwell's  reply to Justice,in last week's
 JoUINA,,itrieally appearsato methat women
 have opportunity  to work in the local cau-
 cuses, wherever  local seqtiment is tavora-
 ble. The  refusal of a Stite convention to
 invite atendance  is not  refusal to admit
 such as come.   The  caucus which sends a
 woman   to Worcester is not likely to refuse
 to admit her to its own assembly. Each lo-
 cal cauces makes  its own  rules, and may
 disregard, to some extent, the action of a
 tate convention.
   We  fully agree that women  should seek
 access to all centres  of political power.
 The most  important of these is the caucus.
 Wherever  even two or three men will agree
 to support the effort of women  to  attend
 the caucus of the ptrty in which  they be-
 lieve, let women go and  take part in  the
 nominations. Even if objection be made and
 if they are not allowed to participate, their
 presence will be the best argument they can
 make  for Woman   Suffrage, No  doubt  in
 many  localities they will be heartily wel-
 comed.                        Jt.   . n.


   Those who  are seeking an enlargement of
'the field of political fition may well make
a  preliminary survey  ofithe field already
open  to them, by conideig what oppor-
tunities of political influp,4e are permitted
by  the laws as  they exist.fln dal depar-
ments   of life the right use of existing privi-
leges is the stepping stone to higher privi-
leges.   The exercise of the power possessed
Is  the most  direct way  of securing  still
greater power.
   Asking ourselves the question, What op-
 portunities of political influence are already
 open  to disfranchised classes? may show
 that such as exist are largely unused, not
 only by those who   are without  Suffrage,
 but also by those who enjoy the  right. A
 real service will be perfored for the cause
 of Impartial Sufftage If any endeavors shall
 lead to a better and more general use of ex-
 isting rights. So long as such  rights are
 neglected, this neglect furbishes the most
 telling argument to those ho oppose grant-
 ing additional rights. It s  true that the
 same neglect is found, in *ome  degree, on
 the part of voters, but thiswIll not prevent
 the use of the logical we' on furnished by
 the neglect of the non-vos.
   Political information is great and legi-
 timate power In civil affa r. It is the es-
 sential basis of all intellige  political action.
 An acquaitance  with  pollcal history, sat.
 once and economy is as frly  open to non.
 voters as to voters. - Ther may not be the
 same stimulant to the aeq sition of It; but
 there is even greater need or such acquisi-
 tion. Those who  are see  ng rights of, the
 exercise of which they fe I themselves un-
 justly deprived, have th   greatest reason
 for giving attention to the means by which
 those rights are to be secu d.
   But do not women,  wh   are seeking  en.
 franchisement, largely neglct the aquite-
 ment of political lnTormaton, and  instead
 of reaing  books which ford knowledge
 of public affairs, join lmAthe cry which -
 comes up to the public li1rares, for more
 fiction, fiction, fiction? History and true
 political information may :be gleaned from
 some  works  of fiction, ut  the mass  of
 these have little to help on in the discharge
 of public duties.      I
   The answer maybe -made:  Talk to voters
about this. But that will ot at all help the
cause of those who  are     king Suffrage.
Such   romen  need  above I1  things to In-
form themselves of the na   re of their pro-
spective duties, the parli  entary conduct
of public meetings, the p   oiples involved
in laws relating to public jutice, money,
commerce,  etc.
-  The political canvass is great and often
controlling power  in pol cs.  The   ballot
only registers that which   been  Irrevoca-
bly decided by the can    There   is noth-

ing in our laws to prevent any person, man
or woman,  native or foreigner, from taking
part in this. And  in this we may include
the primary  meetings (otherwise called cau-
cuses), public speaking, the use of the press,
and  the payment  of money  for the  legiti-
mate  expenses of  hiring halls, bands, lec-
turers, and the circulation of printed mat-
ter.  The canvass, with its methods, legiti-
mate  and illegitimate, is one of the greatest
forces in masculine  politics, from which
there can be no legal exclusion of non-vot-
er.   If any are shut out by the local usage
of parties, meetings or conventions, there
is ever  the resource  of separate  action,
which  often gains the balance  of  power.
Some  will doubtless wait for an invitation
to the political meeting.  But the  fathers
did  not wait until they  were invited  by
George  III.. to set up a republic.
     Hereditary bond (wo) manm, know ye not
     That they who would be free
     Themselves must-
it will not do to cay, speaking to ladies,
             Strike the blow,
but,  it may be added, ask for  that which
they deem  their right. The point of  dell-
cacy on the part of many voters will be that
they cannot see their way to invite women
to that which is adverse to the inclinatio of
  A  State convention which has refuned to
invite women  to the caucus  did not refuse
to admit women when they came as duly
accredited delegates. The  refusal to invite
women   at large to participate in the meet-
ings for nomination  is not a refusal to ad-
mit such  as knock at the door. When   wo-
men   ask, not alone for Suffrage rights in
general, but for Suffrage in the caucus, of
their husbands, brothers and friends, with
that persuasiveness which  they  command
whenever   they  are In earnest, it will be
found  impossible to deny them.
   When  the signers of the'Declaration of
 Independence   wrote  their  names,  they
 pledged their  lives, fortunes, and sacred
 bonor.  Here  is very respectable warrant
 for the honorable use of money to secure po-
 litical rigts, and an illustration of the way
 in which  masculine voters maintain  their
   The  third House, otherwise the lobby,
 which  can .soareel-wina- respectful allow,
 sion from the press, is hone the less a pow-
 er in legislation. It may be taken as  the
 representative of direct influence brought
 to bear upon Legislatures, by personal com-
 munication with the members   in or out of
 the State House.  So far as this Is an hon-
 orable appeal fUom the people to those who
 represent them, it is wholly proper. It has
 ever been claimed by opponents of Woman
 Suffrage that women  are represented by
 the masculine legislators. If they are rep-
 resented, it is clearly in order for them to
 present their claims to their representatives.
 It is only abuses which have  brought  the
 third House, open to all, into disrepute.
   The disuse of School Suffrage, illogical,
 incomplete and partial as is this or any law.
 granting it alone, tends to strengthen the
 hands of those  who would,  by  all means,
 prevent any further extension of the right.
 Any concession  of the principle, which is
 welcomed  and intelligently acted upon, be-
 comes a preliminary to further extension of
 Suffrage. One.of  the strongest pleas of the
 opponents of Suffrage for women  Is  that
 en masse they do not want It. Those desir-
 ing it should not strengthen this plea by re-
 'fusing a part, because they are not given
 the whole.
   It would be well for all concerned If the
 people would exerciseea4little common sense
 relative to certain slang catch-words of the
 newspaper  press, such as bosses, ma-
 chine pqliticians, rings, cut-and-dried
 political works,etc., etc. If such phrases
 were not so common,  good taste would for
 bid even allusion to them. A  boss Is a
 skillful tnd, It is assumed, unscrupulous,
 political organizer. But the only way  to
 defeat,hig plans is by more skillful and hon-
 orable poitical organization. The way  to
 defeat thd machine Is by means of a more
 powerful machine.  The  way to  overcome
 the ring, which is an association of. polit-
 ical workers to accomplish their object, Is
 by a larges and better association to defeat
 them-a  greater ring. All public business
 should be prepared by those who take part
 In it, and this is all that is expressed by the
 phrase cut-and-dried   Some  have  pre-
 pared their work, while others have  not.
 The use, then, of  political Information
 common  sense, the canvass,the right of pub-
 lic petition, and personal appeal, In a proper
 way, to representatives, is free to all. It is
the use of these means that must bring all
additional rights to women.
                        LYxAx   OLAns.
  Peerasham, Mass., Dee. 27, 1881.


  RosA  BoNIXsua  has rented the Villa St.-
B616ne, at Nice, for the winter.
  Ms,   EDMUNDs.   the wife of the ldnator,
is an artist possessing much taste and skilL
  Me.   CELIA  THAXTER  Ia to pass the win
ter in Boston as the guest of  Mrs. Annie
  Miss  RHODA  G. SAUNDERS  isoan assistant
in the astronomical department  of Harvard
  FANNIE   E. RIoCconducts  theodepartment
of the Gospel Bannero Of Augusta, Me., en-
titled Woman   and the Home.
  MsS  CATHERINE   WOLF    has given twen-
  ty flive hundred dollars to the American
Episcopal  church at Rome, in  Italy.
   Mus.  NoAH   WOOD    has   founded   the
Blake  Scholarship at Bowlol,   in memory
of her son, at a cost of five thousand dollars.
   MIsS MABEL  WILY,   one of the Colorado
college students, will go East with Mr. Ten-
ney  for the purpose of entering Wellesley
   Miss Lucy  HuNT   has just brought out,
through  Lee  and Shepard, a hand  book of
light gymnastics.  Miss Hunt teaches gym.
nastics in Smith  College, and knows what
she writes about.
  Miss JosEPRNEX   MEEKER,  who'was   cap-
  tured by the White  River Utes, is still a
clerk in the Indian bureau at Washington,
and  has just been  promoted,  with  an in-
crease of salary from $720 to $840.
   MARY  L. PARKER   has recovered at Bos-
 ton $18,000 in a suit against the Boston and
 Albany  railroad company  for $20,000, for
 injuries received by the sudden starting of
 a train from which  she was  alighting at
   M1s. BELVA  LoCKwooD   acquitted herself
 well in this city. The fact that little note
 was taken of this first appearance of a wo-
 man  lawyer  here, shows the  change time
 has made in the opposition to new openings
 for women.              A
   Miss MAny   Mono, daughter of Hon.
i'ames Monroe,  of Oberlin, is teaching at
Wellesley  College, having been invited to
accept a position in that institution by Hen-
ry  F. Durant, its founder, a short time be-
fore his death.
   MisS  ELLA   Scor,  an experienced  and
 successful teacher, has been chosen princi-
 pal of the academic department of Tualatin
 Academy   and Pacific University, at Forest
 Grove, Oregon, @eee Prof. J. D. Robb, who
 resigned to engage In business.
   LADY  STRANOFORD 8isforming c1808   for
 the instruction of soldiers' wives in element-
 ary nursing, at Sandhurst, Taunton, Wool
 wich, Newport,   and   Eastney  Barracks,
 Portsmouth.   The  Instructor will be Mr.
 H. Crookshank,  M. R. C. S.
   Mas. McDowaL, whose works copied at
 Kensington  Palace obtained  the prie  at
 last year's exhibition, is engaged at Buck-
 ingham Palace by permission of the Queen,
 painting copies of the pieces of  tapetty
 presented to Her Majesty by Louis Philippe
 in 1848.
 Mase.  Bus E. HUSTON,who lately gave
 $1000 to the town of Mendon, as a founds-
 tion for a free library, to be called the Taft
 Public Library, has now offered a gift of
 $100 o the trustees of the library, to be ex-,
 pended in fencing  the lot on  whih   the
 building standin which the libraryl (sept.
 Mas. GARFIELD has been entertaining,
 during'the holidays, Colonel and Mrs. Rock-
 well 'and divers members of her own  fa-
 ily. The  health of  the late President's
 mother is singularly good, and though she
 falls into moods of sad reflection now id
 then, she is usually sprightly and talkative.
 MADAX Jauwt LID GoLDCRMne 1 , M.
 Conway  says, 'is only sixty' and doe not
 look fifty, her hair being but slightly toucb-
 ed with gray, 'her eyes stilt bright sid ap
 py, and her figure tillI gIcefI. 1i
 pleasalthome, and, retainingbiwar1   m4,
 ories of America, has kindly welcoked I1
 advised the young Americn siagers  who
 have sought her out. .
 Miss  L. B. HUMPrREt, f opedale, wA
 recently awarded $800 by L, Prang do
 being the second and third priles offedby
 the Prang Company  for the best du    In
 Christmas cards.  Artiste of th J' th
 States and Canada were Invited t-ompete,
and 600 designs were recently plced on ex-  
hibition at the American Art G(al'leypltw
York  City, Miss Humphrey   taiing theso-
ond and third prizes

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