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3 Wis. Legal News [1] (1880-1881)

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      The Wisconsin Legal News.

                       Devoted to the Legal and Business Interests of the Whole People.

VOL. III.                                THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1880.                                              F             No. i

                *  Day  Calenaar.
  COUNTY COURT-Judge Mann:
                OCTOBER 14, t88o.
        39.  Leidersdorf vs. Aug. von Trott.
        46.  Perrine vs. Kidney.
        56.  Knight vs. Gluck.

             Days Doings in the  Courts.
    Albert Selchow vs  Frederick Miller.  Jury re-
  turned a verdict for defendant.
    Moses L. Hinman  vs. Hamilton Paper Co.  Jury
  finds for plaintiff and assesses damages at $520.
    Est. of Daniel Gieeson, dec. Petition for letters
 of aduimnistration filed. Hearing set for Dec. term.

                 COUNTY   COURT.
   Truman Merriam vs. ). L. Hughes, I. M.
 Hirschberg and Geo. F. Lynch.   Z214.28

                   Bills of Sale.
   Win  W.  Burdon to L. 11. Clapp; one half inter-
 est in personal property, etc., on it w cor of Grand
 ave and 2d st. $75

                Chattel Mortgages.
   Calvin Bowaficld et al to John Johnston; type,
 etc., in Evening Chronicle office. $500.
   George  Oremuss  to  Arthur Falbe; machinery,
 etc., in building corner Cedar and West Water sts.
   Charles Mayer to Conrad Nau;  piano. $200.

              Lear Estate >orrgaret.
   Henry  Fick to Trustees of Mil Mut.  Laborers
 Relief Society; w Y lot 4, blk [25, 2.1 wd. $o0,
   John Meiler et al to Hermann Schakov;  und /2
 lot 27, blk I, Vliet s addl, toti wd. $162.65.
   Bernhard Rosenfeld an.[ wife to Sophia Muel er;
 s 15 ft of lot 7 blk 56, 7th wd. $150.
   John Toennesen to Peter Brahm; und  '2 of part
 of n e 4 sec 31, Town of Granville. $2ca.
   Johann Woter   and wife to Marie Griebel; lot 5
 and n Y2 lot 6, blik I subd of e 4o acres of sw 14
 sec 17, ioth wd. $300.
   Christian A. Koenitzer and wife to George Neu-
 mueller; lots 12, 13 and 14, blk 14, in Vxiet's add,
 ioth wd. $800.

              Real Estate Transfers.
  [Reported expressly for the Wisconsin Legal News by Kenl
daick's Abstract Office being the only Abstract Office in the
cityof Milwaukee which keeps a daily record of allinstruments
affecting the title to real estate in the city and county of Mil-
                  FIRST WARD.
  Peter  Van  Vechten, Jr., sheriff, to Johnson,
Reitbrock &  Halsey; lot i blk 209, Murray's add.
Sheriff s deed on foreclosure. $436.07.
  Chas. D. Rogers and wife to  Daniel E. Foley;
lot 39 in sub lots 3, 5, 6, 7 and part of lot 4 blk 197
Rogors' add.  $1,650-
                SECOND   WARD.
  George  PaFchen and wife to Thomas T. Iversen;-

lots 6 and 7, bik 17, Wells' add. $3200.
                  THIRD  WARD.
   Isaac Friend and wife et al, to Meyer Friend and
 Elias Friend; n 20 ft of lot 7 blk 8. Q. C. D. $r.
                 FOURTH   WARD.
   James M.  Murray and wife to Thomas  Gleason;
 e Y lot 17 blk 135  $300.
                  SIXTH WARD.
   Cyremius Hall and  wife to Charles W. Koepp;
 lot 4, blk 9, Park add $250.
                  NINTH  WARI).
  Louise  Kasten  and  husband  to  Hermann   E.
Zweck;  n i2 of lot 15, blk 8, Kneeland's add. $600.
  Jacob G. van Peenen and wife to Peter de Groaf;
w  Y a Y2 lot 3, blk 7, Kneeland's add. $350.
  J. V. V.  Platto and w'fe to John C Stacy; lots
9, io and iI, blk 17, Vliet's add. $iooo.
              THIRTEENTH WARD.
  Sophie Ruetsch  and husband  to Franz Mueller;
lot 16, bik M  in subd of e 40 acres of s v 4 of
sec 17. , .
  Franz Mueller  to John Ruetsch; same.   Q.  C.
            TOWN   OF  MILWAUKEE.
  Bernhard  Feldkansp and wife to  Wilhelm Kos-
trewa- lot 24 in subd of e  2 of s w 54 of sec 6.
$61o.  Part purchase money mortgage for $4oo given
             TOWN  OF WAUWATOSA.
  Minnie Davelaar  and husband  to  James Flynn;
part if n w 4 of sec 25.I1 1oo.

        Lejil                       Bar.ory-Miwa'nse Bar.
  Bhitler, A. R. R-, 115 Wisconsin.
  Buxton  Henry L., ioi Grand Ave.
  Cottrill, Cary & Hanson, Ins. Building.
  Comstock  E. G., 102 Wisconsin.
  Conolly  John M., 435 E. Water.
  Cotzhiausen, Sylvester & Schicibr, 66 Wisconsin.
  Davis & Riess, I t5 Wisconsin.
  Dixon, Noyes  c Dixon, Insurance 1Building.
  Engel Got tlieb, S S \Visconsin.
  Flanders & Bottum, 112 Wisconsin.
  Fiebing Oscar J., 2 Chestnut.
  Finches, Lynde & Miller, 1o2 Wisconsin.
  Graham  Wilson, 94 Wisconsin.
  Granger, S.W., cor. Third an1 Chestnut.
  Hackett Edw.  P., 1o2 Wisconsin.
  Hlickox James, 437 E. Water.
  Jenkins, Elliott & Winkler, 401 E. Water.
  Johnson E. E., I  Wisconsin.
  Johnson, Riethrock & Halsey, 107 Wisconsin.
  Johnson & Wight, 102 Wisconsin.
  Krause, Max C., Marine  Block.
  Kendrick C. D., 102 Wisconsin.
  Lando M. N., 435 E, Water.
  Ludwig & Somers, 65 Oneila.
  Mariner, E., 102 Wisconsin.
  Markham  & Smith, 107 Wiscons n.
  Martin & Schoof, 314 Chestnut and 77 Wis.
  McKenney  & Field, .461 East Water St.
  Ogden Thos. L., 112 Mason.

    Platto J. V. V., Martin's Iron Block.
    Rogers & Herdegen, 260 South  Water.
    Ryan, Hugh, 102 Wisconsin.
    Saunders Truman  W., 99 Wisconsin St.
    Sl'awvan, K., 77 Wisconsin.
    Stark & Brand, 1o2 Wisconsin.
    Van Dyke &  Van Dyke,  399 East Water.
    Van Valkenburgh, F. B., So Wisconsin.
    Wall John A., 102 Wisconsin.
    Wallber Emil, 401 E. Water.
    Wells, Brigham & Upham, 128 Wisconsin.
    Whitney C. J. Marine Block.
    Williams & Elliott, So Wisconsin.
    Wyman  Leander, 138 Reed.

 Cottril, Cary & Hanson,  Attorneys,
                         Insurance Building.
 caIn  the matter of the estate of Samuel H Hamilton, de-
 On  reading and filing the petition of Alfred L. Cary, Public
 Administrator in ani for the city and county of Milwaukee,
 and as such administrator of the estate of Samuel H. Ham-
 ilton, deceased, representing among other things, that he has
 fully administered the said estate, and praying that a time
 and place he fixed, for exanining and allowing his account of
 his administration, and assigning the res'dne of the said estate
 according to5 law.
 It is ordered, that said applicatian be heard before this
 court at a regular term thereof to be held at the Probate
 <oe, in the city of Milokee, on the first Tuesday of De-
 cember, iS8s, at so o'clock A. Al.
 And  it is further ordered, that notice of said application
 and hearing he given to all persons interested, by publication
 of a copy of this order for three sot ;cessive weeks, once in
 each week, in the Wisconsin Legal News, a newspaper
 printed in said city. prior to said hearing,
 Dated  this i~th day of October, ,S8o.i
 3y the Court.         J. E. MANN, County Judge.
 Thursday, Oct. 14, t880. aw3w

 X. 0. & A. A. Krause, Attornevs.
                    7, q aiid is Marine Block.
     State of Wisconsin, Milwaukee County, ss.
  In the matter of the last Will and Testament of Elizabeth
Munrn, deceased.
  Whereas, An instrument in writing, purporting tobe the
last will and testament of  lizabethi Munro, deceased, late of
the City of Milwaukee in said Cootity, has been filed in this
office; and whereas application has been made by John
Munro, praying that the same be provon and admitted to
probate, according to the laws of this state; and that letters
testamentary thereon may issue to him, the said John Munro,
executor in said will named according to law; and whereas,
Lawrence W. Halsey, an attorney of this court has been duly
appointed guardian ad lites of John S. Munro, David M.
Mounro and Elizabeth L. Munro, minor children of said de-
cIats ordered, That said application be heard before this
Court at a regular term thereof to he held at the Probate
Office in the city of Milwaukee, commencing on the first Tues-
day of December, A. D.. t880, at to o'clock A. M., or as soon
thereafter as the same may be reached on the calendar.
  And it is further ordered, that notice of said application
and hearing be given by publishing a copy of this order for
three successive weeks, once in each seek. in the Wisconsin
Legal News, a newsptaper printed in said city, prior to
  aid heaiing,and by serving.a copyof this order on said Law-
rence WV. Halsey, guardian ad liten aforesaid, personally, at
least three weeks prior to said hearing.
  Dated October 12, ,88o.
By the Court,         J. E. MAN N, County judge.
  h. C & A. A. KRAUSE, Attorneys for Petitioner.
Thursday, Oct. 14, z880. iaw3w

                For  Wisconsin.

           Attorney and Counselor at Law,
 A gete ral practice. Special attention to depositions and
Collections.                      maVnswny.p
               JOHN SAAR.
  Office 314 Chestnut street, Milwaukee Wisconsin.
Re l estate bought and sold, Bonds,  Mortgages,
.oais anl Commercial papers made and negotiated
distracts furnished.

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