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2 Wis. Legal News [1] (1879-1880)

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The Wisconsin Legal News.

                 Devoted to the Legal and Business Interests of the Whole People.

VOL,   II.

               Day Calendar.
            OCTOBER io, 1879.
CIRCUIT   COURT-Judge Small:
  Nos. 12Y2, 13, II, 10, 3, 6, 2, x6,
and 23.


17, IS, 19, 22

           Days DOints in the Couirts.
         cIRcuIr COURT-ItDGE  SMALL.
   C. B. Watkins et al, vs. City Ct al. Demurrer
 as to City overruled with $o oo, costs and leave to
 defendants to answer within 20 days.
   Account of William Brown, guardian of minor
 heirs of John Hallborn. Hearing postponed until
 next term.
   Account of E. C. Nothohm, guardian of Doro-
 thea Notbolin. Same.
   Account of Johanna Peters. Sam,.
   Account of Catharine Cabell, guardian of Vir-
 ginia C. Cabell. Account allowed
   Account of H1. Townsend, ex. Geo. Bowman.
   Account of Margaretha Ravie, guardian of Fred.
 Dressler. Same.
   Account of Mat. Keenan, guardian of Walter
 Blossom. Same.
   Account of Edw. Kretlow,' guardian of Lisetta
 Schnefer. Same.

               Chattel Mortgages.
   IH. 0. Niemann to John Cunningham and son;
 carriage, ete. $206-40.

            Real Estate Mortgages.
   Daniel Coakley, Jr., to Geo. J. Rogers et al;
 lot 3, blk 196, Rogers' add., ist wd  $475-
   Carl Oldenburg and wife to Mer. Ex. Bank; lots
 9, 1o, ii an 1 12, except W 35 thereof and lot 13,
 blk 3, Park add , 6th wd. $i5oo.
   August Droese aid wife to Heinrich Bruss; part
 of so 4, s-c. 19, 7, 22. $330.
   Arthur W. Belcher to James Tinker; ni  2, of Y4,
 blk 42, ist wd. 2000.
   Edw. C. Wehe to J. B. Ingersol ; lot 12, blk 39
 and s 7 ft of lot 9 blk 39, 21 Wd. $3914-39-
   Franz Droiniakiewicz to Hermann 01enburg;
 lot 20, blk 6, Wootscli subd., tith wl. $300.
 John  Seits and wife to John Landguth; n J/, lot
 3, blk 6, Vliet's add., ioth wd. $2oo.
 Martin  Maurus to John Schwaninger; lot 15, blk
 13, Mitchell's suod , i ith wd. $350.
 Eliz. Kloes to same; lots 41 and 7, blk 41, W.
 Pt. add., Sth wd. $300.

            Ineal Estate Transfers
  [Reported expressly for the Wisconsin Legal News by Ken-
ick's Abstract Office being tie only Abstract Office in tihe
city of 7M ilwaukere which keeps a dai[yrecord ot ill instruments
affcting' tihe title to resl estate in the city and county  of Mt- I
  Oct 8, IS79.
  Eniy  Rogers to Nettle C. Cleaver; lots 7, 17,
25, 33 and 34, blk 197, Regers' add., ist wd. Q.
C. ).  $1.

   Wilhelnina Lemke  and husband to Albert J.
 do. ; part of lots 13 and 16, blk 61, 4th wd. Q.
 C. D.  $1.
   Albert J. Lemke and wife to Aug. F. do.; same
 Q. C. I). $1.
   David H. Buffum et al to Gottlieb Koh1s; lot 21,
 blk 41, Pierce's subd., 13th wd. $300.
 Emma  A. Hewitt and husband to Sophia O'Dell;
 lots 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25, blk 1o, B., R. & Becher's
 subd , No. 3, Ith wd. $1.
   Wilhelm Last and wife to Aug. Bublitz; lot  i9,
 blk 41, Pierce's subd., 13th wd. $325.
   Angelina Pierce to Jonathan F. Pierce; und. Y,
 of lots in Pierce's subd., sec. 16, 13th wd. Q. C.
 D.  $r.
   J. F. Pierce to Angelina'Pierce; und. Y6, of lots
 in Pierce's subd., sec. 16, 13th wd. Q. C. D. $1-
   Angelina Pierce et al to J. F. Pierce; lot 14,
 blk 4, Pierce's add., Town Milwaukee. Q. C. D.
   Sherifl to Wis. Mar. & Fire Ins. Co. Bank; part
 of lots r and 2, blk 28, 3d wd and lots 7, 1o and iI,
 1k 85, 4th twd. Sheriff's Deed. _$6oor.
   Same to same; lot 1o, blk S5, 4th wd. Sheriff's
 Deed.  $2  3.
   Same to same; part of n x,  sec. 10, 7, 22.
 Sheriff's Deed. $3177.14-
   Lewis M. Hammond  and wife to Julius Gellerup
 et al; lot ii, and s 2, lot io, hlk io, Park add.,
 6th wd. S575.
   J. F. Peirce to John Ilaberkorn; lots 14 and 15,
 blk 4, Peirce's add., Town Milwaukee. $324.
   City to Jerome R. Brigham; lot 2, blk i5, W.
 Pt. add., 8th wd. Tax Deed $3-89-
   Sigmund Patek and wife to F. Nieman; lot i,
 blk 44, Cambridge subd., No. 2, ist wd. $650.
   Oct. 9, 1879.
   Hermann Olenburg to Franz Droiniakiewcz, lot
 20, blk 6, Wootsch subd., iith wd. $605.
   Uriel B. Smith to Martin Maurus; lot 15, blk 13,
 Mitchell's subd., iith wd. $3' 3.
   Adam Kirst and wife to Gottlob Sclsleustadt;
 lots 9 and 12, blk 36, Sherman's :_dd., 6th wd.
   State to Emil II. Neymann et al; pdtent for
 und. 2, of lot 6o, in w J/, see 16, 7. 22.
 Same   to Hugo Mack ; same.
 Fred.  Krause and wife to Charlotte A. Rycraft;
 lot i, blk i, William's subd., Bay View. Q. C.
 D.  $'.
 James  Tinker and wife to Arthur W. Beleher; n
 Y, of /, llk 42, ISt wd. $3c ).
 Wi.   11. Iliedinann and wife to Frederich Rott
 et al; s 5o ft of lot 6, blk 89, 5th wd. $1706.

  We  are now 'prepared to print Briefs and Cases
with neatness and dispatch, at as low prices as such
work can be dlone. Our facilities are large enoug'i
for any amount of this kind of w:rk We will
print them on an extra quality of paper without ex-
tra cost.      Wis. LEGAL. NEws Co.,
                          f02 Wis-onsin St.


        Legal Direc'ory-Milwaukee Bar.
  Butler, Williams & Butler, 115 Wisconsin.
  Brand M. H., cor. Michigan and E. Water.
  Buxtoi. Henry L., Martin's Iron Block.
  Cottrill, Cary & Hanson, Ins. Building.
  Comstock E. G., 102 Wisconsin.
  Connolly John M., 435 E. Water.
  Clark I. S., ioS Grand Av.
  Cotzhausen, Sylvester & Schieber, 66 Wisconsin.
  Davis & Riess, 115 Wisconsin.
  Dixon & Noyes, Mitchell Building.
  Flanders & Bottum, 112 Wisconsin.
  Fiebing Oscar J., 2 Chestnut.
  Finches, Lynde & Miller, 102 Wisconsin.
  Graham Wilson, 94 Wisconsin.
  Hickox James, 437 E. Water.
  Jenkins, Elliott & Winkler, 401 E. Water.
  Johnson, Rietbrock & Halsey, 107 Wisconsin.
  Kendrick C. D., 102 Wisconsin.
  Lando M. N., 435 E. Water.
  Ludwig & Somers, 65 Oneida.
  Mariner, E., 102 Wisconsin.
  Markham  & Smith, 107 Wisconsin.
  Martin & Schoof, 314 Chestnut.
  McKenney  & Engel, Ins. 'Building.
  Platto J. V. V., Martin's Iron Block.
  Ryan Hugh, 1o2 Wisconsin.
  Stark Joshua, 102 Wisconsin.
  Van Dyke & Van  Dyke, 399 East Water.
  Wall John A , 102 Wisconsin.
  Wallber Em I, 401 E.. Water.
  Weissert A. G., 115 Wisconsin.
  Vells, Brigham & Upham, 128 Wisconsin.
  Wyman  Leander, 138 Reed.

And   dealer in Wall Paper, 419   Broadway
Milwaukee.    Prices satisfactory.
  July 10, 1879, dtf.

  NATH. .PERELES              &  SONS,
  Corner  East Water  and Oneida  Streets,
                      Milwaukee,  Wis.
   M ke  Collections and Loans.    Octz2dtf

         G. P.  HARRINGTON,
Attorney  at  Law,   Court   Commissioner.
Oflice. No. 107, Wisconsin  Street, (Pfister's
Block) Room   7, Milwaukee, Wis.

  J.   3H:.H.RD                 lT     -
           FRESCO   'PAINTER,
  Nov5dtf              94 Wisconsin Street.

             ATTOIRN EVS,
  No.  401 East  Water Street.  Oct i 2dtf

    J OSEPH-L     MOFI   FET',
           MARBLE WORKS,
  Oct  2dif    305 and  307  (Grand Av-

No.   I

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