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3 Vienna Online J. on Int'l Const. L. 2 (2009)

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Claudia Fuchs & Konrad Lachmayer
The Right to a Fair Trial in the Case-Law
of the Austrian Constitutional Court
In a 2007 judgement, Vilho Eskelinen and others vs Finland, the European
Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) considered the scope of the right to a fair trial
(Article 6 ECHR) in the context of civil proceedings, referring in particular to the
acceptable length of proceedings and the necessity of an oral hearing. Apart from
these questions it was the extension of Article 6 to disputes concerning civil
servants that attracted interest: Until then, the ECtHR's jurisprudence had
recognised a separate category of political rights barring the application of
rights deriving from Article 6 ECHR. Thus, cases involving civil servants, conscripts,
non-criminal tax disputes, election disputes, and refugees have always been
declared inadmissible insofar the complainants relied on this Article.
The evolution regarding civil servants, emanating mainly from the Eskelinen-
judgement, posed a challenge to constitutional adjudication on the Member
States' level. National Constitutional Courts, including the Austrian Constitutional
Court, who until then followed the ECtHR's exemption-judicature concerning civil
servants, had to consider the modified case-law. Indeed, in recent cases the
Austrian Constitutional Court - notwithstanding critical remarks concerning the
ECtHR's newly adopted approach - also changed its standing jurisdiction to
ensue the Eske/inen-jurisprudence (see inter alia VfSlg 18.309/2007).
The Eskelinen-judgement gives the most recent example on the impact of the
ECHR as a whole (in Austria enacted on the level of constitutional law) and the
ECtHR's quite dynamic judicature on Austria's legal order. It also marks the most
recent step in a changeful history of the implementation of Article 6 ECHR in
domestic law. With regard to the broad scope of guarantees granted under this
provision, its effects can be spotted in an abundance of organizational and
procedural provisions in the domestic legal order.
In this issue, the Constitutional Developments Section puts a focus on the
Austrian Constitutional Court's case-law on Article 6 ECHR. Philipp Cede gives an
introduction to the relevant decisions. Recent judgements on the matter are
discussed by Katharina Egyed, Johanna Fischerlehner and Anke Sembacher.

www.icl-ournal.cor                                Vol 3

1/2009, 2

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