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93 Univ. Colorado L. Rev. F. 1 (2022)

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COLORAIDO LAW REVIEW                                 2/17/20228:11 PM

                      UNIVERISTY OF


  Forum                                                  2022


                        ANUJ   C. DESAI*

    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is commonly referred
to as an anti-discrimination statute. At its core, we are told, it
prohibits  something   called  discrimination.  But   does  it?
Startlingly, the answer   is no-not   really. Instead, Title VII
prohibits certain acts done for certain reasons. True, the reasons
are precisely what  everyone  has long understood  them  to be-
because of ... race, color, religion, sex, or national origin ... .1
But  the law's prohibited  acts do not require discrimination,
and  in those cases where the term  discrimination is relevant,
discrimination  does  not connote  any  wrongfulness   on  the
employer's  part  and therefore  does not  mean  what   it might
colloquially be thought to mean, i.e. the act of making an unjust
distinction.2 In short, Title VII is not an  anti-discrimination

   * William Voss-Bascom Professor of Law, University of Wisconsin Law School.
Thanks to Eric Berger, Andy Coan, Katie Eyer, Jamie Macleod, Nina Mendelson,
Caleb Nelson, James Cleith Phillips, Robert Post, David Schwartz, Brian Soucek,
Kevin Tobia, and Nina Varsava for comments on earlier drafts. Thanks too
especially to Pam Karlan for a great conversation that helped assure me that I'm
not completely off base.
    1. 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(a)(1).
    2. See    discriminate,   OXFORD      ENGLISH     DICTIONARY,
https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/54058?rskey-pTkSKX&result=2#eid (last visited
Feb. 6, 2022) (To treat a person or group in an unjust or prejudicial manner. . . .);
see  also discrimination, MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM, https://www.merriam-

r%20group,prohibits%20discrimination%20against%20the%20disabled  (last
visited Feb. 6, 2022) ([T]he practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people
differently from other people or groups of people.). [https://perma.cc/YW88-JJEC]


2/17/2022 8:11 PM

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