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28 Bull. Bus. L. Sec. [i] (1991)

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                              OF THE   BUSINESS   LAW  SECTION
Vol. 28                                   March  1991                                     No. 1


The  Registered  Private Place-
ment  as an Alternative to Tradi-
tional Acquisition Financing: The
Knoll/Westinghouse Transaction
by Gary M. Lawrence, Dallas, ex-
amines the use of a registered pri-
vate placement of securities as a
solution to the current unavailabil-
ity of acquisition financing. Page 1.

Legal Opinion Letters: Liability
of Attorneys  to Non-Clients in
Texas  by  Steven B. Treu, San
Antonio, examines the liability of
Texas  attorneys to non-clients in
respect of opinion letters. Page 7.

Changes   in Officers and Direc-
tors  Reporting  Requirements
Under  the New  SEC   Rules by
Layne  A. Deutscher, Dallas, de-
scribes certain of the major changes
affecting the reporting of insider
securities transactions under the
new Securities and Exchange Com-
mission rules promulgated pursu-
ant to Section 16 of the Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934. Page 27.

Solicitation of Votes for Pre-
Packaged  Bankruptcy Plans - In
Re:  Southland Corporation  by
William L. Boeing, Dallas, exam-
ines certain rulings by the United
States Bankruptcy Court for the
Northern District of Texas with
respect to the solicitation and vot-
ing procedures utilized by South-

land  Corporation in its recently
concluded  bankruptcy  proceed-
ings. Page  34.

Synopsis  of Business Law Sec-
tion Standing and Ad Hoc Com-
mittees. The Council of the Busi-
ness  Law Section encourages the
involvement of Section members
in the activities of the various Sec-
tion Committees.  The  synopsis
describes each of the Committees
and their purposes. If you are inter-
ested  in serving, please contact
the Committee Chairperson desig-
nated in this synopsis. Page 36.

State Bar Convention. The State
Bar  of Texas will be holding its
Annual Meeting in Houston on June
19  - 22, 1991. Notice is hereby
given that the Annual Meeting of
the Business Law Section will be
held  on  June   20, 1991,  at
4:30 p.m. at the George R. Brown
Convention  Center in the same
room  where  the Business  Law
Section seminar on Environmental
Law  is scheduled to occur. The
meeting  will immediately follow
adjournment of the seminar. Five
Council members will be elected at
that time.

The following persons have been
nominated for election to a two-
year term on the Council of the
Business Law Section: R. Dennis
Anderson,   Dorothy  H. Bjorck,
J. Scott  Sheehan, Charles

C.  Szalkowski   and   Steven
A. Waters. Charles C. Szalkowski
has  been nominated  to become
Chairperson and R. Dennis Ander-
son  has been  nominated to be-
come   Vice Chairperson each to
serve until the close of the 1992
Annual  Meeting.

Each  of the Business Law Section
Committees   intends to hold a
meeting during the State Bar Con-
vention. All Section members are
invited to attend any of the Com-
mittee meetings. For information
on the date, time and place of a
Committee  meeting, please con-
tact the  respective Committee
Chairpersons. A  list of the Sec-
tion's Committees and Chairper-
sons can be found in this issue of
the Bulletin beginning on Page 36.

1991 State Bar Convention  Tri-
Section  Legal Education  Pro-
gram.   In conjunction with the
Annual Meeting of the State Bar of
Texas, a continuing legal educa-
tion program has been planned by
the Business Law Section, Corpo-
rate Counsel Section and  Real
Property, Probate and Trust Law
Section. The program is entitled
What  Every  Business  Lawyer
Needs to Know About -- Environ-
mental Law and is scheduled to
be held on June 20, 1991, at the
George   R. Brown  Convention
Center. Members  of the Section
may  register for this program

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