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1 Roman Legal Trad. 1 (2002)

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Protection of the Environment in Roman Law?
Andreas Wacke (Cologne)*
1. Today, we are increasingly sensitive to problems of the
environment. We know that our resources are limited and that
we have to be particularly sparing in the use of energy. Water
threatens to become scarce in some parts of the world. The fear
that wars may break out among peoples over water is not
unrealistic. Already today, at least a billion people are living
without clean drinking water.' Therefore the protection of the
*     Dr. iur., Dr. iur.h.c. (Szeged), LL.D. h.c. (University of South
Africa, Pretoria), Professor of Roman Law, Civil Law and Civil
Procedure, Director of the Institut ffir Rdmisches Recht der Universitdt
zu K6ln, D-50923 K6ln, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, E-mail:
This paper was intended to be read at the Roman Law Conference
organized by Michael Hoeflich in Kansas, August 2000, where I
unfortunately was unable to attend. From Europe I send my best
wishes to the new founded Roman Law Society, hoping that its new
journal will flourish. - The paper is a summary of my broader German
article: Umweltschutz im rdmischen Recht? to appear in the review
Orbis luris Romani [OJR], edited by Peter Blaho and others
(Brno/Trnava) vol. 7 (2001). I am grateful to my law-student Anne-
Marie L~we (Kdln/Karlsruhe and London) for her important help in
translating the main parts of my German text into English.
General Literature: Andrea Di Porto, La tutela delia saiubritasfra
editto e giurisprudenza I (Milano 1989), originally published as:
Bullettino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano (3,d ser. 30/31, 1988/89), more
or less critically reviewed by Alberto Burdese, Tutela privatistica
dell'ambiente e diritto romano, Rivista di Diritto Civile 35 II (Padova
1989) 505-511; Bertold Kupisch, Jura: Rivista Internazionale diDiritto
Romano 41 (1990, actually 1993) 138-139; Hans Wieling, Gnomon:
Kritisehe Zeitsehrift fOr die gesam te klassisehe Altertumswissensehaft
64 (Minchen 1992) 645-646; Francesco Musumeci, Tutela
dell'ambiente e diritto romano, Index: Quaderni camerti di studi
romanistiei20 (Napoli 1992) 564-574 (including an especially detailed
exegesis). Renate Fischer, Umweltsehiitzende Bestimmungen im
rnmisehen Recht (Aachen 1996, Shaker Verlag, originally Diss. iur.
Augsburg, directed by Wilhelm Simshiiuser), reviewed by Francesca
Lamberti, Principio responsabilith a Roma?, Labeo 45 (Napoli 1999)


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