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7 Pump Court 1 (1888)

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Vot. VII.          LONDON, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1888.                   No. 79.

ije &ttmpIe Ptuwapap           ant i     bfcbt.
A fresh supply of Cases and Indexes for Vol. IV. now
ready, price 2s. 6d. The attention of the numerous
applicants whom we have been unable to supply is
invited to this announcement.
De Lege; de Omnibus Rebus ot Qulbusdam Allis.
THE present sittings of the Law Courts promise to pro.
duce one cause cW/bre for the entertainment of the public.
It will not be Sir James Hannen's division this time which
will have the cream of sensationalism. The Queen's Bench
will be the scene of the trial. Mr. Hugh O'Donnell's action
is entered for hearing, and from its position among the
special jury causes, probably a fortnight hence one of Her
Majesty's judges ought to be presiding over an investiga-
tion as to the accuracy of the Timcs articles concerning
 Parnellism and Crime. The talk among the Bar is as to
who will be the judge. In days gone by, all such litigation
was monopolised by Lord Chief Justice Cockburn, but the
present head of the Common L.aw Division rather shrinks
from such tasks, and the duty of trying the case will probably
rest between Baron Huddleston and Justices Manisty and
Hawkins. It is said that Mr. Parnell has promised to
attend on the plaintiff's behalf, even without a subpoena.
IT is now said that the new Chancery judgeship, which
Her Majesty is to be asked by address from Parliament to
create, will probably be offered to Mr. Seward Brice, Q.C.
The other most eligible candidates for the new appointment
are Mr. Compton Lawrance, the member for the Stamford
division of Lincolnshire, and Mr. Ince, Q.C.  Mr. Romer,
Q.C., was mentioned, but he has no desire to relinquish his
extensive practice.
THE Queen has approved of the appointment by the
Home Secretary of Mr. William Harry Nash, of the Oxford
circuit, to the recordership of Abingdon, vacant by the
recent appointment of Mr. Bros as a metropolitan police
magistrate. Mr. Nash was called to the bar at the Inner
Temple in 1873.

THE heated correspondence which has been appearing in
the Sheffield papers, re the  Fox assault case, has
resulted in a crowded town's meeting, convened and pre-
sided over by the Mayor, at which resolutions were passed
and ordered to be forwarded to the Lord Chancellor and
borough members, protesting against the inadequacy of
sentences recently passed by the recorder, Mr. Lockwood,
Q.C., upon the two betting men named Oxley and Lambert,
who were convicted of unlawful wounding. They com-
mitted a savage and unprovoked assault upon a tradesman
who was passing a public-house door. The recorder
sentenced one of them to two months', and the other to
one month's imprisonment.
THE discovery which was made in No. 4 Court of the
Queen's Bench, where Baron Huddleston and a special
jury were trying a libel action, that a beam partially sup-
porting the ceiling had given way, is thus amusingly de-
scribed by the Manchester Guardian:  The law's delay is
proverbial, but lawyers are not always tardy. For instance,
there was no delay whatever, in Baron Huddleston's court
yesterday, when the Superintendent of the Royal Courts of
Justice informed his lordship that a beam in the roof had
given way and might come down at any moment. The
court was cleared in the shortest time on record, and the
Superintendent and his men were left to enter a stet processus
with regard to the beam.
Sit: E. WA:TKIN has explained his position with regard to
Irish self-government in a letter to a contemporary. He
points out that the only pledge he gave to his consti-
tuents at the general election was to assist in preserving
the Union by adopting the just principle of equality of treat-
ment. The Government, he observes, appear to ignore the
existence of a great loyal minority-it may be a timid
majority-and to condemn all Ireland because of the action
of a portion only of the people of the sister isle. In placing
his notice on the paper, 'hat no measure of local govern-
ment will be just, complete, or satisfactory, which does not
provide for county and provincial local government in Ire-
land, of such scope and on such principles as may best serve
the true interests of the people of Ireland as an integral por-
tion of the United Kingdom, he did not intend to impede
the second reading of the Local Government Bill. His
proposal, he considers, is really a rider to the motion for
the second reading. At present no alternative is presented
between strict repression and complete repeal, and he
wishes to see established a half-way house of conciliation,
which might be accepted as a beginning of better things, by
very many, if not by all. In conclusion, he expresses the
opinion that it is the duty of the Government to show their
proposals for Ireland before the end of the session.
MR. CoMMISSIONER KERR will have his little joke, and
may be relied upon never to lose an opportunity of  tickling
the ears of the groundlings. In the City of London Court
on Thursday, the Commissioner heard an application to
have a case tried in the absence of one of the principal wit-
nesses. The defendant stated that the captain of a ship
was away, and he was kept waiting for nothing.. He did
not owe the money, and did not know what he was sum-

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