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97 Prison J. 3 (2017)

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                                                          The Prison journal
                                                        2017, Vol. 97(1) 3-26
Understanding              Prison                     20 16 SAGE Publications
                                                     Reprints and permissions:
Management in               the               sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav
                                                DOI: 10.1177/0032885516679366
Philippines: A          Case      fortp.sagepub.com

Shared Governance                                            $GE

Raymund E. Narag' and Clarke R. Jones2

Current prison management models strictly prohibit inmates from assisting with
prison administration or governance. This is feasible in developed countries
where governments  can provide adequate resources, security, and personnel.
It is not, however, realistic in developing countries like the Philippines, which
is characterized by poverty, corruption, and underresourcing of correctional
facilities. In such circumstances, inmate leaders tend to share governance with
prison administrators. Despite occurring out of necessity, not by design, this
system normalizes social conditions within a prison. This article examines the
ramifications of such a shared governance model for correctional management
by means of ethnographic research.

Philippine corrections, prison society, prison order, shared governance,


Current prison management models discourage the use of custodial roles for
inmates. In the United States and in most developed countries, delegating

'Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
2Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Corresponding Author:
Raymund E. Narag, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Department of Criminology &
Criminal justice, 4224 Faner, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA.
Email: rnarag@siu.edu

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