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30 Prob. J. 1 (1983)

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Over  the hilt
  Prof Nigel  Walker's incisive contribu-
tion  to  the, 1982  NAPO    Conference
(reproduced& in  this  issue) caused  a
frisson - of- discomfort  among    some
listeners. He  sought  to  alert us  to
possible shoals ahead for the Probation
Service, particularly a backlash of scep-
ticism about ourvalue-and a correspond-
ing momentum   of 'just deserts' penology.
  Prof  Walker's concern is whether  we
will be  able  to hang  on  to  business
unless we  can demonstrate  effectiveness
with our customers, while the percentage-
of -responsive clients shrinks. For others,
the way  forward  is obvious -  to offer
credible alternatives to custody, based on
the principles of community containment
and   regulation, which  also  hope  to
engage   a  reluctant clientele in pro-
grammes  which  promise personal aware-
ness and  change: Those  of us who  are
unconvinced  are often accused of unwar-



Published by the National Association
of Probation Offiders
Hon  Editor: Nigel Stone
Etditorial Advisory Board: Laurence V.
Coates, Jenny Kirkpatrick (ex officio),
Tim  Powell, Sue Priestley, David Reaich,
Peter Simpson, Andy  Stelman
Price E1 (free to members)

ranted  scruples, feeble-heartedness, an
idiosyncratic refusal to see the writing on
the wall, and I recall being castigated at
a   conference   by   Nicholas   Stacey,
Director of Social Services for Kent, for
opposing  self-evidently worthwhile diver-
sion schemes at Medway.  Certainly some
Social Services Departments.  have been
enthusiastic  to   embrace   remarkable
extensions of supervision and intermedi-
ate  treatment  to include  junior com-
munity  service, curfews, etc, well ahead
of  the Criminal  Justice Act, especially
when   they are attempting their own in-
house   decarceration moves.  It is sug-
gested  that  those  who   oppose  such
proposals are in fact setting up a straw
man   to attack, failing to appreciate and
trust the integrity and positive intent of
those  designing these measures.
   But in terms of  Prof Walker's warn-
 ing that the Probation  Service bubble
 may well be pricked, there is certainly a
 real risk that in creating schemes which
 promise the  containment of individuals
 in the community  and  the reduction of
 the prison population, we will be even
 more  likely to  fail in delivering the
 goods. Antony Vass, in a recent critique
 of diversion,' old and new, has specul-
 ated that increased zeal in policing com-
 munity  containment  programmes,   con-
 trary to the probation tradition of flex-
 ibility and discretion, could well push
 defaulting offenders into  prison, and
 would transform how  the Service is per-

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