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21 Pitt. J. Tech. L. & Pol'y 1 (2020-2021)

handle is hein.journals/pittjtlp21 and id is 1 raw text is: The Convolution Addressing the Conundrum of Liability
and Privacy in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles
Aarushi Kapoor and Khushi Sharma*
This planet, we have been bestowed with, is well-accustomed to witnessing the
greatest breakthroughs since the year of 1913 coining the debut of assembly line by
Henry Ford. Some ideas end up offering an experience which then gets adopted by
the technology giants as a viable business model to offer their customers an advanced
future delivery. Innovation or simply change has become an inherent part of each
passing day. One such innovation is that of artificial intelligence (hereinafter referred
as Al) which assures to be both disruptive and revolutionary, in terms of human
autonomy and structuring the world of tomorrow. The machines imitate human
intelligence and the related traits. Be it the use of drone called Parrot AR quadcopter
which recently was used to transmit a video footage over internet to spot violent
behavior in crowds1 or Sunflower Lab's move of developing such a system of digital
surveillance for homes which could monitor all the activities from measuring
footsteps on the grass to the working of a coffee maker,2 artificial intelligence grasps
our attention everywhere.
What has withheld the grip of the world is the astonishing development of
driving support and cruise control systems in the automotive industry. The balls were
set rolling through a grand disclosure of automated vehicles (hereinafter referred to
* Aarushi Kapoor and Khushi Shama are third year students pursuing B. A. LL.B. (Hons.) at
Hidayatullah National Law University, India. Their main area of interests include corporate law,
international law, technology laws and privacy laws.
'James Vincent, Drones Taught to Spot Violent Behavior in Crowds UsingAI, THE VERGE (June 6,
2018, 10:07 AM), https://www.theverge.com/2018/6/6/17433482/ai-automated-surveillance-drones-spot
2 Nick Statt, Sunflower Labs is Building a Drone Surveillance System for High-End Homes, THE
VERGE (Dec. 7, 2018, 9:00 AM), https://www.theverge.com/2018/12/7/18129308/sunflower-labs-system
Journal of Technology                Law    &   Policy
Volume XXI - 2020-2021 . ISSN 2164-80OX (online)
DOI 10.5195/tlp.2021.239 * http://tlpjaw.vpitt.edu


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