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1995 NOVA Newsl. 1 (1995)

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Volume  17 Number  3 (of 12 Issues), 1995

AmeiCorps and Victim Assistance:

    Getting Things Done For Victims of Crime

By EiJ  Seal
Chef  Executive Officer
Corporation for Nationa Service

Edtor's note as wIll he descibd in this
article, NOVA is developing an inoa-
ive  Restoative  lommunity  Justie
proect in the Red Hook neighborhood of
Brooklyn  New  Yrk    /f the plan wins
approv al, tr wil i/nvolve dozens  of
Amenripi Members perfomng victim
asmiance  and related servies for Red
Hlook resdents, Either way, NOVA and
its collaborators -romninr oups in
Red Hook, the F und for the Ci'ty of New
YorA  Yumrn'ice, theliok/ynDA.,
the N. Y. Public Housig  Authority the
cours, and others -intend to press ahead
w uth the new program, w hich will be fu/ly
desmrbed  in The Newsletter  oe   the
ne xt fw mon/hs.
    Like  their New  Yor  co<lleagues,
project adviors from Ariona, Ohio, Col/0
rado, :\hnnso a, Texas. and //linois all
thare  i Segal <enthusiastic belief that
Amnri(7ops  Membersi can help get some-
thi'ng un portant done oina mrian c ont-
mnunihies - the doing of viti lusticlue -
and seeral  adviors expect to applh to
their state conumisins   to apply for
AmenCorps   positins.
    Mrh Segal < aticle explans wi u-
ter less than a yea>r ia erince, the Am-
erifotps progratm/ nd vcti assistances
have pr ov en to be a natural allance. te
are pleased to have him expand on that
idea /br our members

:w H--ampshire last
in the national sern
Domestic  and Sex
ssistance Program,
>ration for National

onme, par
nsoncd by
ice, pro-

              HlI. Segal
vided assistance to 1,216 icetims -
* 942  vitms  of domestic violence
*  37 child victims of physical abuse
*  128 child witnesses ofdomestic and/
  or sexual violec
  * 11 child incest victinms
  * 22 adult survivos of incest
  * 6 sexual harassment victims
  * 39 sexual assaut i ctims, and
  * 31 vitis of stalking.
one project during the ummer of Safety
-the  first :ummer of thc n' tion' sIc
progr m ceated by President Clinton and
abiparti'an Congre : lonal majoritly. This
new n'itional serice movement engage.
thou:and: of Amerlean: of 01 ages and
backgrounds to get things done through-
out our nation , urb'un and rural commu-
nities in a progr m called Ame'ri( op '
    Inday, Anteri(omp:  en age: o er
201,000 Anericans nationwide to m1   the
critical needs ouonmunitics, Ameri( orps
Me0mbers come from difeent ecLonomic
backgrounds .1 ail and ethnic groups,
regions and religin. They include indi
vidualso all ageus and people with dis-
abilie.    mnl  orps bilngs them to-
gether to serie America
    In exchange for one or two years of
results-drien serile, Amno(rps Menm-

bers earn a small living allowance and an
education award upon successful comple-
tion of their service to help finance a col-
lege education, vocational training, or to
pay back student loans.
    Ameri( orp  i, administered by the
Corporation for National Service and its
Members  serve in four national priority
areas: Public Safety, Education, the En-
vironment, and luman Needs. In the pub-
lic :afety arca, the Corporation works in
close partnership with victim assistance
organizations, law enforcement, and com-
munities to help reduce crime, violence,
and fear. For Fiscal Year 1995, the Corpo-
ration has designated Victim Assistance
as a funding priority.
    While national service won't solve
this country's crime problem, here is much
that Am riCorps Members can do, and are
doin,  within the public safety priority
area to help communities control crime
and violence. In addition to victim assis-
tanec. AmeriCorps Members for example,
are walking the beat with police officers
in New  York City, supportig neighbor-
hood policing centers in Austin, target-
ing drug houses for closure in Kansas City,
conducting saety escorts for seniors in
St. Loui targ  hard'ning in high- rim
areas of Bridgeport, creating safe corri-
dors as well as making schools safer in
Los Angeles and Harlem, and expanding

           (See AmeniCops,  page  2)

    In   This Issue:
    I polhton  OVC  Directr .    3
    NOVA   s3-Year Plan ...      7
          Publcatins &Traiings. 1

II   ~'



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