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1991 NOVA Newsl. 1 (1991)

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* Newsletter

                                                Volume  15, Number  1 (of 12 Issues), 1991

U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child

    The States Parties to the present Con-
vention, Considering that, in accordance
with the principles proclaimed in the
Charter of the United Nations, recogni-
tion of the inherent dignity and of the
equal and inalienable rights of all mem-
bers of the human family is the foundation
of freedom, justice and peace  in the

    Bearing in mind that the peoples of
the United Nations have, in the Charter,
reaffirmed their faith in fundamental
human  rights and in the dignity and worth
of the human  person, and have  deter-
mined  to promote social progress and
better standards of life in larger freedom,
    Recognizing that the United Nations
has, in the  Universal Declaration of
Human   Rights, proclaimed and agreed
that everyone is entitled to all the rights
and freedoms set forth therein, without
distinction of any kind, such as race,
color, sex, language, religion, political or
other opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status,
    Recalling that, in the Universal Dec-
laration of Human  Rights, the United

Nations has proclaimed that childhood is
entitled to special care and assistance,
    Convincedthat the family, as the fun-
damental group of society and the natural
environment  for the growth and well-
being of all its members and particularly
children, should be afforded the neces-
sary protection and assistance so that it
can  fully assume  its responsibilities
within the community,
    Recognizing that the child, for the
full and harmonious development of his
or her personality, should grow up in a
family environment, in an atmosphere of
happiness, love and understanding,
    Considering that the child should be
fully prepared to live an individual life in
society, and brought up in the spirit of the
ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the
United Nations, and in particular in the
spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, free-
dom, equality and solidarity,
    Bearing in mind that the need to ex-
tend particular care to the child has been
stated in the Geneva Declaration on the
Rights of the Child of 1924 and in the
Declaration of the Rights of the Child
adopted by the General Assembly on 20
November   1959 and recognized in the

Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
in the International Covenant on Civil
And  Political Rights (in particular in ar-
ticles 23 and 24), in the International
Covenant on Economic,  Social and Cul-
tural Rights (in particular in article 10)
and in the statutes and relevant instru-
ments of specialized agencies and inter-
national organizations concerned with the
welfare of children,
    Bearing in mind that, as indicated in
the Declaration of the Rights of the Child,
the child, by reason of his physical and
mental immaturity, needs special safe-
guards and  care, including appropriate
legal protection, before as well as after
    Recalling the provisions of the Dec-
laration on Social and Legal Principles re-
lating to the Protection and Welfare of
Children, with Special Reference to Fos-
ter Placement and Adoption Nationally
and Internationally; the United Nations
Standard Minimum  Rules for the Admini-
stration of Juvenile Justice (The Beijing
Rules); and the Declaration on the Pro-
tection of Women and Children in Emer-
gency and Armed  Conflict,
    Recognizing that, in all countries in

A   New Publication Year-A New Newsletter Format

  Future issues of the NOVA Newsletter
will give NOVA  members longer, single
topic articles which victim advocates
have been asking us for.
  Odd-numbered   issues will typically
present more in-depth documents. This
inaugural  issue examines   a  special
concern of victim advocates-the need to
accordrightsto child victims-in alarger

context The Convention on the Rights of
the Child, adopted by the United Nations
in November,   1989, is more  than  a
statement of principles; it binds nations
(states parties, in the language of the
U.N.)  which ratify the convention to
abide by its provisions. It may therefore
prove to be an aid for child advocates
around the world.

  Even-numbered   issues  will reprint
some  of NOVA's carefully-tesearched
training outlines. These digests have won
praise from many of out trainees,
  Obviously, since we  will add hard
news  'items as needed, we are giving up
our rigid, 8-page format; some issues may
be shorter, but many, like this one, will be

The NOVA Newsletter is published twelve times a year as a service to the NOVA membership and the general public. Views expressed here are those of their authors
and do not necessarily reflect those of the Board ofDirectors ofNOVA. Q 1991 by the National Organization for Victim Assistance. Permission is granted to reproduce
copyrighted materials from the Newsletter provided the source and copyright are appropriately noted.

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